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Publication Date: 
October 16, 1952
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Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 TAB Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7 ACCOMH, I `OBJECT Fiscal year 1952 was the first full year of operation of the Office of Training (General). The major accom plishments of the Office of Training (General) during this year were: (1) the organization, establishment, conduct and administration of training courses and programs which were planned and developed during the last six months of fiscal year 1951; (2) the designing of a Career Service Program for the Agency and the subsequent development of this program through the Agency Career Service Committee; (3) the relating of required training courses and programs to the stated requirements of the Offices of the Agency and to the Career Service Program; and (4) the planning and development of additional training courses and programs in furtherance of meeting the total training requirements of the Agency. The training courses and programs established and developed in fiscal year 1952 were designed to meet the following objectives: (1) the indoctrination and orientation of Agency personnel in the mission, functions, and organization of the Central Intelligence Agency, the language of intelligence, the intelligence process, and the na- tional intelligence structure; (2) the training of professional personnel at basic and advanced levels in intelligence principles and'in intelligence methods and techniques, in language, in military sciences on a civilian or active-duty status, and in administrative, managerial, and supervisory skills; (3) the programming of training for professional personnel in language and area and in specialized func- tional fields, in the United States and overseas; and (4) the instruction of clerical personnel in the office procedures and practices of the Agency. The specific training courses and programs established or administered by the Office of Training (General) in fiscal year 1952 were: (1) Indoctrination: A three-hour course to acquaint all incoming personnel with the language of intelli- gence, the mission, functions, and objectives of CIA, and the internal or anization, mission and func- tions of the various components of CIA. The workload in fiscal 1952 waspersor_nel per month. Be- cause of the necessity of understanding ones own job in the perspective of the total job of the Agency, Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7 Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 !ct)rDy Inforntafr'ot* this course has been made a part of the entrance-on-duty procedure for all incoming personnel. It is estimated that the workload in fiscal 1953 will remain constant. (2) Orientation: A twelve-hour course to broaden the scope and comprehensiveness of information relati to the intelligence process, together with reorientation t ng ma erial ccnsidered essential. This cours is now required for all CIA personnel GS-5 and above within tw CIA T e , . o years of their entrance on dut he workload in fiscal 1952 was r w ith y pe sonnel per course offered that the w t kl , quar or erly. It is estimated oad in fiscal 1953 will increase somewhat because of the time limit requirement for at tendance. (3) B i - 25X1 as c Intelligence Course: A twelve-week course to provide basic training in the or and techniques of intelligence for selected new and on-duty personnel id ff, er the Junior Officer Trainin e P 9 s, s g o rogram, The workload in fiscal 1 da er 52 was El per course, offered The language requirement of the course ha a b s only afterasic intelligence trainin een discontinued and language training will be undertake a d th y . n g, n e specific request ofhevarious Offices of the A The course is now an intensive intelli enc en t apply their knowledge and skill as r g g ce raining course to assist selected personnel better to ofessional intelli y. load in fiscal 1953 will approach gence officers. It is estimated that the wor er th k will includ l p mon because the course will b ff - e a l new professional per e o ered more frequentl son an el i d y n n selected categories, and also on-duty personnel at th request of the various Offices of the Agency. (~) R e 25X1 eading Improvement Course: A thirty-hour course to increase the remdin s sion of selected Agency personnel. The workload in fiscal 1952 was 0g onnd and rmonth. cIt is es timated that the workload in fiscal 1953 personnel per month, It is es th - - e Basic Intelligence Course, which includes the Reading uImproveme Improvement landethed enrollment in c number of on-duty personnel taking the course at the request the increase of the various Offices of the Agenc genc 25X1 y y. y. (5) CIA Language Training Center: The CIA to provide basic nning advanced fTn Language Training Center was established in March of fiscal 19 l s 52 sonnel, who for security or other reasons, for e-r- should not be or who 3egs sentnoutiof the Agency fresher or maintenance self-stud T , y. i r he workload in fi l sca ing 1952 was ersonnel per with provided in some 11 languages n th ag t t i , . ra udent practice hours per month laborator It i n- e y. spent in the s estimated that t e workload in fiscal 1953 about were spent in of language use of the Center for language training and the increase in number of languages offered, now 30eased (6) External Language Traini : The CIA Lan a T vide basic and advanced ~a a e training the where a e Center or wh li a bl e n 25X1 a e outside. At ere a ng more convenie t s chedu scheduling is s av avai1- training in 18 languages is offered. Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 (9) 25X1 'sbteirity Information Agency personnel may be sent, as advisable, to other external facilities, such as Approved For Release 2009/03/27 CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7 -_'L ~ 1.rv. u Wd11261 per month were detailed to external facilities for language training. It is estimated that this fig- ure will remain constant in fiscal 1953 because of increased Office requests for language training, Department of Defense Schools and Colleges., A program of training for selected civilian personnel 25X1 at the various Departmen of Defense schools and colleges to improve their understanding of the in- telligence, command, and staff functions of the services and to promote close coordination between the services and CIA. The Agency quota has been established at in courses presented quar- terly and annually. In fiscal 1952, personnel attended these schools. It is estimated that in 25X1 1953, the quota for attendance at these schools will be fully subscribed on a continuing basis. (10) At tendance at Lectures of Department of Def s S h l en e c oo s and Colleges: A program o f lecture attendanc e 4. r a arzous Department of Defense sch ools and ll f l 1 Agency personnel attended one or mor co eges or se ected Agency personne e lectures. l. In fiscal 1951, (11) Basic Cleric al Training: A two-week cou rse for all new clerical personnel to im r ove th i l i l skills and t o acquaint them with off ice p procedures and practices of the Agency. T e r c er ca he workload in fis- cal 1952 was s l 25X1 per onne per month. It is estimated that in fiscal 1953, the wor kload will be con- siderably less, about ^ personnel p er m onth, because of lessened recruitment requ irements for cleri- 25X1 cal personnel. (12) Clerical Refresher Course: A three- week course to provide r efre sher trainin in v ari s b t f on-duty clerical personnel. The wor kloa d in fiscal 1952 was g personnel per mont ou su jec s or h. It is estimated 5ecu-Rty Inf~rmati'n Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7 Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 t,u' Iuu i 1 Ill rk,y W_ that the workload in fiscal 1953 will increase somewhat because of increased office requests for fur- ther designated training for clerical personnel. (13) Unclassified Training Group A (General):. A six-week course to provide unclassified training in in- telligence, international relations and general administration for new professional personnel en- tered on duty on a provisionally cleared basis. The workload for fiscal 1952 was ^ personnel per 25X1 month. This course will be combined with the Interim Training Branch during the fiscal year 1953. The objectives of the Office of Training (General) for the fiscal ear 1953 t y con emplate refinement continued improvement, , and expansion of already established training programs, and the development of certain new areas of ansion of existing facilities for the traini of new -6-L '.' will i-ey,uire airec-D ng professional personnel and th t , e es ablishing of new pro- grams for old-hands in language, area, and specialized functional training. Two additional stimuli for an in- creased training effort as a .result of the Career Service Program will be the activity of the Office level Career Service Boards with respect to rotation from duty assignments to training assignments, and by supervisors in act- ing upon the Personnel Evaluation Report recommendations of the individual regarding his own needs for further training. The training courses and programs to be established and administered by the Office of Training (General) in )fiscal year 1951 are: (1) 25X1 Intra-Agency Summer Area Program: An eighty-hour seminar program, to be offered in three areas, to im- prove and bring up to date area knowledge acquired by Agency personnel and to introduce Agency personnel to an area with which they are not familiar. The three areas will be Southeast Asia, the Soviet Union, and Eastern Europe; and each seminar program will be conducted by university professors brought into the Agency as cleared consultants and area specialists. It is estimated that =Agency personnel will attend. Security Information Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080016-7 (1) Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7 (5) Technological, Industrial, and Other Substant' T e a raining: Such training to meet the requirements of 16 the Offices of the J~gency will be programmed at seas, on es individual and small ppropriate facilities, in the United States and over- group basis, to provide specialized training for selected Agency per- sonnel in various functional fields. It is not possible to estimate precisely the workload for this kind of training, but it is believed that the number of Agency personnel for whom training is requested will increase. (6) Human Resources Program: A program for management and supervisory best and fullest use of personnel under their supervision, by astinngosuch personnel to appraise e the their own work methods, to comprehend the human resources under their supervision and to apply the concepts of effective human relations within the frame work of a systematically organized program. It is expected that this program will be instituted on a small group meeting basis, office by office, division by di- vision, until the necessary coverage has been achieved. (7) Administrative Training Program: A program for executive and administrative capacity to perform under the accelerated operational program of the Agency. Itsis planned toeconductir p a series of conferences to include senior administrative personnel of all the Offices of the Agency to identify administrative problems to be resolved either by procedural adjustment or by training. It will not be known what the training workload will be until after the necessary conferences have been conducted. (8) Personnel Evaluation Report Trainin Program: A program to provide training for supervisors in the use of the personnel evaluation report established-der th r4 (9) rsECRE7"- Y informa-idh Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7 e areer Program. It is lanned to a series of training meetings with selected supervisors thro ughout the Agency who in turn will trainonduct other supervisors in their respective Offices so that the necessary coverage will be achieved, and so that the use of these forms will be uniform in the A enc g y Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7 C O oNFR F N T I ? I (10) (11) CIA Presentations Program: A program of lectures for high level personnel in the Agency to provide an opportunity for top men in the various Offices to present, discuss and solve problems of interest in the Agency. It is expected that the presentations will be conducted bi-weekly, with an estimated attendance of some n personnel per meeting. 25X1 (12) Portable audio-visual training aid units,) are being developed to provide lan- 25X1 guage, tradecraft, and technical intelligence training in the field. These units will be used pri- marily on support of the specific training requirements of the covert Offices of the Agency. (13) The Office of Training (General) besides conducting and administering its various programs, will re- view those programs on a continuing basis to improve them and to relate them to the changing require- ments of the Offices of the Agency. It will continue to plan other programs as the need arises-* CONFII~IUTIAL Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080016-7