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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
March 27, 2009
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Publication Date: 
August 9, 1951
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PDF icon CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080034-7.pdf75.4 KB
Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080034-7 9 August 1951 N1W F(: Assistant Director of Training In response to your request of this date. a. Basic Mission: Initiate, examine, formulate and xecommen .to the Director of Training plans and policies and changes thereto required in the fulfillment of the Director of Training mission. b. Major Functions: 1. Assist in planning for and establishment of CIA Intelligence School. 2. Assist in planning for a National Intelligence College. Assist in planning for and establishment of UTG/A Group. 4. Assist in planning for selection criteria for CIA trainees and for their training. Current Ma or Tasks: Student a or three months ending about l eptern er. Yam za on with Near East. geography, people, governmental factors, educational facilities and strategic problems. d. Personnel Supports 1. Secretary part time 2. F--]part time - major portion of time while attached to Ions and Policy Staff Other members of O/TR - part time, in tasks of special interest to the respective individuals. Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012A000100080034-7 Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080034-7 SAL Major Tasks Completed: 1. Proposed curriculum for the CIA Intelligence School. 2. Recomnended list of lecturers for course of instruction of CIA Intelligence School., Contributed to establishment of CI Intelligence School, tJTO/A and Career Corps Program. 4. Miscellaneous administration and support to Office of Training. ?utur Tom. d 1. Lectures to CIA Intelligor. , School. and UTG/A. 2. Tasks as directed in connection with reorganization of Office of Training. (Q FIDEtT%AI Approved For Release 2009/03/27: CIA-RDP57-00012AO00100080034-7