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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 12, 1953
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PDF icon CIA-RDP57-00042A000100010007-1.pdf86.51 KB
25X1A9a - ~j 'tized - Approved Fes' Release : CIA-RDP5 -0bO41A000100010007-1 une- 39 3 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SUBJECT: Administrative Support for Cable Secretariat 1. PURPWL This memorandum of understanding sets forth agreements made for the purpose of providing administrative support to the CIA Cable Secretariat. 2. CAh ER MANAGEMENT. The Office of the DD/A will provide all per- sonnel and career management support for the Cable Secretariat not normally provided by the CIA Personnel Office, The career management of all Cable Secretariat personnel will be adminis- tered by the Career Service Board of the Office of the DD/A, 3 1 - '. irh .there wifl-be"G?AbI Z;681 a?t"reprCt3'Er ation When Cab s Seeretariat p 1' Oifl t ? -cc s4 & All personnel actions on Cable Secretariat personnel will require joint approval from appropriate representatives of the Office of the DD/A and the Cable Secretariat. 3. SECURITY. All security matters involving the Cable Secretariat will be handled in their behalf by the Security Division, Office of Communications in coordination with the Security Office. I, GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT. The Cable Secretariat will deal directly with the appropriate elements of the Office of the DD/A on all other administrative support including the following: a. The Personnel Office on personnel matters. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042A0001;00010007-1 Sanitized - Approved F ?r Release : CIA-RDP57-00042APS9100010007-1 b. The General Services Office on matters pertaining to office space, parking space, printing, telephone service, machine records, forms, etc., c. The Comptroller for budget and fiscal matters. d. The Organization and Methods Service for organizational and procedural matters, e. The Logistics office for procurement and supply matters. f. Such other components of the Office of the DAWA as may be necessary. 5. RESCISSION. Memorandum of Understanding dated 13, November 1952 is hereby rescinded. 6. 'ECTIVE DATA. The provisions of this memoranda become 1. 9Y 1. U P F~ V' Y C L. uslrL.vr i D0154 C!, 25X1A9a 'r- fey) T < i C4" t V/'t ss't, Dlyrtlo- ITE CC: Secrc,,arI,a1 ~4D~ron~`iiwr tCkigym; ADD/A NO- fillY!C ;~11 Ct at- Ch-fj Ch(es- ?f--n5isit~ Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042A000100010007-1