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Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100160004-8 ONOKIC AREA Ct3"11TS ON PRE` "?',IT SYSMRM OF 7'!x: ')I$TRIi it 'If 1 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100160004-8 Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100160004-8 l~ ECIVOMIC AREA CO MUTS ON PRE.?L^':oT SYfTEM IF TIME )I"TRI, UTiM (1) In reEriewing the many comments made ty Economic Area division and tranch chiefs on the present reporting system of time distribution, a few cogent cc tents were noted and the thoughts, ideals, and sug- gestions contained therein have been utilized where feasible in the proposed type of system, "ome of these pertinent comments have teen quoted and are informally discussed as follows: (a) Question "What is the usefulness and value of time reporting in terms of o''fice mana ?entent?" (t?) Answer "Time reporting can be useful to branch and division chiefs as a device for studying the distribution of responsibilities among personnel of their staffs. It also can to useful to persons responsll.le for program planning as a measure cf unit capability for undertaking new activities and to individual analysts as a measure to manage that time mDr-e effectively. To be useful for these purposes, such time reporting must be detailed and accurate. Some ORR analysts will record their time daily. Ot:iere will bring their reports up to date on a weekly basis; therefore, the time reporting form must be such as to encourage maximum possible recall." (c) Discussion The question poses reoretments the basic qualifications of any reporting system. In any system there is always a definite coat factor to maintain it; hence, it should more than nay for itself in terms of being useful and having value to msnai:errant. It is felt that the recommended proposed type of project control system will be useful to manazement as well as the analyst and that its value will be reflected in more effective control, planning, and production. The suggestions tendered as to the need for accurate and detailed time reporting have teen adopted in the proposed system with modification a? to detail, it is felt that too much detail detracts from the value of reporting on a production basis against reporting Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100160004-8 6. Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100160004-8 on a job 'iasiso Only that datail which is loth desired and Justified should 2:a maintained, Proposed reporting forms have teen designed to reflect minimum justified and required detail in a handy, reference-type, easily understood format, permitting maximum possible recalls with a mimirmam of reporting effort regaired. b., Interpretation of Degree of Completion of a Project (1) Comment r (a) "' h 'e, records ar -: kept1en specific projects, it J a sugges?,pd that the mechanical ;.n .erpretation of i egret of completion of a project indicated by time spent-divided by tune total time allo- cated for the argject be used wi:-.h caution. No project is completed until 1tw is submitted by the rec? onsible ar 11yf!'t. An order to pro- duce three-fourths of a project nt the point in time at which the' fourths of the time allocated ha:: been used will usually result in the production of a limited series of notes, reflections, ' and work- ing drafts of a few Isolated sec-">ions of the report. The producint analyst, branch, or division, hoever, should ordinarily be atle to indicate the status of a riven project in such terms as; (1) outline completed, (2) data collection underway, (3) data collection completed, (11) data being procest~ed, (5) first draft being prepared, etc At this point, it is suggested that the branches give serious considerati'bn to the accumulation of experience factors on time re- quired for the various phases in project production. In addition, data such as length of time for typing of various drafts, branch review, and division review should he consciously accumulated and used with other information in planning the hours required and clue dates of projects. It is recogn zed, however,, that the phases of production may overlap, and various irregularities may appear in uracticeo Therefore, the problerv of time accounting should to a',nroac~ied on the branch level It. an experimental manner," (2) niscussion (a) The p acticality of thy: suggestions contained in this comment has been retviewed carefully, lay having project progress reporting 1n terms of subjective degrees of completion rather than on percentage of estimated time for ecmpletion, a more realistic portrayal of actual statue will be obtained? This reporting concept has been incorporated in the proposed type of reporting system e (b) Provision for,accounting.for other than research time, such at typing of drafts,, review, etc., is desirable in order that complete time costs be ottajned. The maintenance of factual time cost statistics will result in sound, proven statistics for future planning, scheduling. etc ignificant in its application to any reporting,, system, Accuracy, however, is only one requirement for succereful reporting. Reporting should to factual, complete, in accordance with a standard procedure, as well as accurate. (b) It is interesting to note here that no definite time cycle of reporting I,; orovosed L -a the recorn :ended type of system. It is felt that the t.urdea of rs orting should le held to the barest minimum neceFary to maintain currency of the control 1nforms tion. (c) Precise, clear definiti on as to procaciure, activi ties, etc. would be developed in the final Fyctem procedural package prior to operational i ntroductior: , Approved For Release : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100160004-8