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16curity MEMORANDUM FOR: DEPUTY DIRECTOR (ADMINISTRATION) ATTENTION : Chief. Organization and Methods Service THROUGH : Assistant Deputy Director, Administration SUBJECT Request for Creation of a Scientific and Technical Pool in the Technical Services Staff 1. A program for recruitment of twenty (20) mechanical, chemical, electrical and other engineers graduating from accredited 25X1 A schools, as proposed by has been approved by the DD/A, the Assistant Director (Personnel), and the Assistant Deputy Director (Administration) for Security. Twenty (20) vacant positions of the lowest priority under the present ceiling of Allllllllllllllllll 25X9 25X9 will be "frozen" to provide for recruitment o t ,ese eng neers. 2. The concept of this program is that these engineers will be employed at grades GS.7, GS-9 and GS-II to participate in funda- mental research on problems which are not presently within the scope of TSS capabilities. 3. Approval is requested at the earliest possible date for the creation of a Scientific and Technical Pool under the Office of the Chief, to be comprised of the twenty (20) engineers during their first year of service with the Agency. The year in the Scientific and Technical Pool would consist of an all-round training period in the various TSS divisions in accordance with their specialties. At the end of one year of satisfactory service, these personnel will be transferred from the Pool into positions in appropriate TSS divisions. Attached is proposed organization chart. 25X1A CONCURRENCES: Acting Chief, TSS/DD/P Document No, -~. NO CHANGE in Class. D C L ASSIFTED S Zdagg Cj Class. CrA - ;J TO: TS S Appro:~re. rilie 2* 21AcL~3R 4 A td, fMf~ 4002 Approved For Release ?RD iG7-00042AQ,0010029000 -2 formation . Approved For Release 29fl0/Og12'[E RDP57-00042AOQQ100290006-2 ecurtt nForrnation :sz ethods Service '25X1 A /s/ e. , Clasa. & Wage 5/22/52 /s/ E. H. Saunders Comptroller 23 May 1952 SE ET Securi In rmation Approved For Release 2000/8 1 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100290006-2 .2. Approved For Release 2iVO0/08/2 Jk%DP57-00042A0p9100290006-2 _Ix- pity Information 20 May 1952 S MORi DEPt4TT DI TOR (ADMn isTRATXOJ) ATTENTION r Chief, Organization and Nethods Service TMROUGB i Assistant Deputy Director (Administration) (Spacial) SUBJECT t Request for creation of a Scientific and Technical Pool in the Teahalaal Services Staff A program for recruitment of 20 mechanical, chemical, electrical and 25X1A and the Assistant Deputy Director (Administration) for Security. Twenty (20) engineers graduating from accredited schools, as proposed by - 25X1A has been approved by the DD,/A, the Assistant Director (Personnel), positions of the lowest priority under the present ceiling of will be 25X9 efrosen." to provide for recruitment of these engineers. 2, The concept of this program is that these engineers will be employed at grades 08-7, 08-9 and OS-Il to participate in fundamental research on problems which are not presently within the scope of T88 capabilities. 3, Approval is requested at the earliest possible date for the creation of a Scientific and Tsohnical Pool under the Office of the Chief, to be comprised of the twenty (20) engineers. m during their first year of service. The year in the Scientific and Technical Pool would consist of an all-round training period in the various T88 divisions in accordance with their specialties. At the end of one year of satisfactory service, these personnel would be transferred from the Pool into positions in appropriate T8S divisions. Attached is proposed organization chart. Attachment COSCESa Acting Chief, TSS ~/P 25X1A Assistant Deputy Director (Administration) (Special) A roved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00042AM 1'QO29.0006-2 Approved For Release 20O9/Q8/?1 25X1A 0042AOO j1 6-2 INNINUJt FM s D$ D t*mrity ormation ZIPTWIOX) L b? As as a1teraatiws,te assist S is to ll its owes 21 odgeica,0 it appears feaedbls to reersit sa iseers Mind from SOWMAitCetd schools acrd train the is asootrds,aos with their speotalties, Well lifi wohtdoal, eleetrioil, ch*ioal sad other eadisoers ocmld be r$erutted within the r* of grades DD-70 -9 sad a1?11, Chief, Or aisati eta sad Xothoda Service tt D' Director (Puns) I *equest fox Chs~ sot ?able of Orisntsatiet, ease is Cet l , ad Creation of a $sisatifie sad ?eshntroal Peel wditar^ the affieo or the Chief -w -- f Owwm+wi In ae lk vata perf.r Vital researob on problem which we its O&Pabiltiess go ABBUMZM#- as it is fly dtffisuit to at t established WA exper2suo" staters into gov*numt serfis, at the grades whiob asst be otforod o a. ON ' HL ts-- rsatiwed approval &*a the nD/A, the Assistant Diroetar (pers+tsael), sad the Iissistant Dspatty^ Dirsetor (M.'4 st attoa) for Ott mdmmft 094114~4 W&I"W"J4 from s.eredtted seirsh on problas which are presently MUM* the seep of Tat sativitios, sebools to fern the seems of a research V"P which will eadsot ttadaastal 25X1 A b, During the week of 15 April 1952,v together with rsprssestetttws of l trsoal prGOWGMU't a" the Offlss of Seoatritp, sirs seed istervriem at Vol*?* and aide a 1o t otters to sixteo (16) otmustat, ?hoe* otters Of eslopsstat ranged lyre 08-7 to ti-li, Chearazoss ar r ezpss tod by 1 IM sad easdidates are axpset to eater on dQIW iapprosdai toly 10 " 1Off#ed For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA15[ P57-00042A00010029Q006-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA ER00042A000100290006-2 4. swroat sttvdgtk MA ` Q t by'Kviaieaw to as MUM # 25X9 25X9 #uerisad ymber *AAW - _. $t' _ an Doty Is P! ' Ysa"aios a dsi!a-tifio and Tso atieal ft el at 95 aatgiaos+r pool tis w Id r air. as taaaroawos in Ua psrs asl o*iliag tsar nasal T e&awwI*& mior the parsasat t are net ad -bl. to the vooralt- a at the Present ea: iss sold be *&saw sat Meal Year l DnemszDx.--T above pr+aw&rua to based em he best bs i uw tills4 t3a'vaagh rowariait at of VvAustia ougimers for a pair 4t first 7oa of scrods, to an all-roved +di?i5ICaautg in aaaaord s with tbstr ap+raialtl a? a itim in the apparopriats 4iri*ici. OC? L IOO.-xA wdm to UVISM"* the albev. progra o Us. poasiblo u3 p to recruit 25 malwors aitbin a f 1radb s Approved For Release 2000/08/2' ~GJA P 7-00042A000100290006-2 Approved For Release Q00/08/21: CIA-RDF 7 2A0 100290006-2 should ht -70 W-9# a" 09-11 fw Security formation line MA T a eal 1' tray receive their spsoltt4ti+as+ ACTION UUC01MIMs ,. iaa :ariou dttist"s Is a.oosarda neo siih a? Cb%MV is !/b ,+rra"" to Prom 95 "for (, at5?al)' P001 1114" 25X9 rsoat l Nil early is ,tom of eandidaios In pars sad fsrrar rise s? Ott at s ?si+saitbitia foss sal Pool *ad*r the Offie* of the C to as Iadisatod is proposed tb* ar lsatiat shert aid at #ot sr Chtot, MMMUTO/P ACTION in 25X1A Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00042AO00100290006-2