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ApprovecVFor Release 2001 1 ' l ;c{A-RDP57-00384R000400150047-3 25X1A 4EMOE,tAtWUM TO: FROM : ActioC Personnel Director SUBJECT : Revised T/O Format 1. The new T/O for GENIAL COUNSEL will be published in a somewhat different form from that used -in the past. This new format will provide additional information which should be of value to your Office as well as to the Personnel Office in facilitating the keeping of accurate personnel records and processing of personnel actions. 2. At such time as T/0's for all CIA offices have been converted to the new system, revised procedures for the use of T/0 data for initiat- ing personnel actions will be published on an Agency-wide basis. In the interim, the following instructions will apply specifically to your Office: a. Organizational Structure: No change of form or use. b. Position Titles: The position title appearing on the T/O will be the icia Cjassi.ficsti.on title to Le used on all personnel records and documents. Abbreviations are used for the longer titles in order that space requirements on various personnel records and forms may be met. Use the abbreviated titles as listed on the T/O when preparing Personnel Action Requests, Form 37-3; and Confidential Funds Personnel Action, Form 37-1. Substitute parentheses for the dash wherever the latter appears in a T/O title; for example: use. Secretary (Steno), not Secretary-Steno. The use of parentheses in such cases is required by the Oivi. ervice Commission; however, ' this symbol cannot be printed by available tabulating equipment. c. Grade: the Grade column has been expanded to include the nunerical-Givil Service series code applicable to the type of work performed by incumbent of each position. For example, the position of Educational Specialist will be coded to the CS-1710 series (Educa- tion andTrain.ine Series). The series code will precede the numerical grade of each position on the T/0-and, in the future, on all personnel action requests, s.g., CS-1710 114. d. Position ' umber: (1) Form: (a) A single series of numbers beginning, with one will be assigned by the Personnel Office for each organiza- tional component equivalent to or higher than the office level; (b) `lithin this series, numbers will be assigned in consecutive order to individual positions authorized on the new T/O without CONFIDE VIAL Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150047-3 Approved For ge ease 2000/08121 : CIA-RDP57-0024R000400150047-3 CONFIDE:dTIAL, Security Information regard as to whether the positions are departmental or field, domestic or foreign, vouchered or unvouchered; (c) A code letter has been assigned to each office to identify the posi- tion numbers with that office. This code letter will prefix the position number as follows: If the letter "Z" is assigned as code letter for a particular office, the first position on the T/0 will have the position number Z1, the second position Z2, the twenty-third position Z23. (2) Method: The position number (formally referred to as "slot" niuner) will henceforth serve a variety of purposes: (a) It will continue to serve as "slot" number for budget purposes. (b) It will identify each position as to office or staff location by meant of the following alphabetical code: 25X1A POSITION NUMBERING CODE (c) It will be used as the classification "bureau" number or job description number for the position. Position numbers listed on the new T/O will be assigned to appropriate approved and valid position descriptions now in use and to new descriptions prepared. (d) It will identify "additional identical" positions on the new T/Ov This means that all positions in the same organizational unit which are substantially identical in Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150047-3 Approved For1elease 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150047-3, UNFIDENTIAL Security lrSornmat.ion terns of duties performed and qualifications required will Le keyed together on the T/0. This is accomplished by assigning a regular position number to the first such position on the T/0 and assigning; this same number plus decinals beginning; with .01, .02, etc., to following addi- tional identical positions. For example: 2 )1e T/0 Z125 are identical to each other. Position Z126 is not identical to 2125 or decimals thereto and is, therefore, assigned a separate nLmiber. When preparing personnel docu- ments, indicate position numbers of "A,I.l' positions by using a decimal point in lieu of the space appearing on the machine run; (i.e., use 2125.01 instead of Z125 01). (e) The position number will be used in the following manner to identify "block" jobs (jobs at lower grade than T/0 authorization used temporarily for training purposes, for hiring new employees on a trial basis, or for assignment of present employees when their qualifications or performance are not sufficient for official assignment to the T/0 Srade): (1) The T/0 will indicate only the full grade authorized for each position as, for example: Title Grade Code 2 Pos. No. Intel. Officer GS-132 13 . 37 If recruitment'or transfer action to this position is effected at GS-12, the position number applicable for personnel documentation is Z37-12. Note that the basic position number is followed by a dash and the GS or CPC grade which the incumbent will hold. When the in- cumbent qualifies for anu is perfor:nint, the full job, he may be promoted to GS-13 to position number Z37,, Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150047-3 Approved For1release 2000/08/2?'1: CIA-RDP57-0 4R000400150047-3 CON}?'11)F14TIAl wecurity Information (2) Similarly, if the forekoiy),g position is filled at G;;-11, the position number Z37-11 is used.' (3) If position to be blocked is listed on the T/O as an additional identical position, for example: Title Grade Intel. Officer GS-132 lip 3E.01 The proper positicn number to be used for occupancy at GS-13 is Z38-01-13(4) A block -ob normally is in the same classi- fication series as the basic job. (A list of certain exceptions for lowe.?-graded clerical positions will be provided. See Attac1unent 1). If a.lower- ade block job is required in a different series., the basic job should be changed on the T/t. to correspond. (f) It will be used an numbering positions approved on the T/O at multiple grads, for example: T/O Title Gie Puss No. Intel. Officer G.S-132 : /1~ 123 This situation is compara;le to the block job problem just discussed and will be handed in the same manner. The highest grade level recognized n the T/O will be considered to be identified by the positio:. number assigned. Arty lower- grade levels utilized within the range provided will be identified on personnel document: by the basic job number followed by the grade used, for 4xample: Intel. Officer GS-X132 7 USE Pos. No. 2123-7 T/O designation for this position will require no ci,ange from GS-132 5/14 listed above. (g) The position number wil, be used at a later date also as the recruitment request mmnber to identify anti control personnel action requests involvii., direct recruitment. However, no change will be made it existing procedures for preparing and processing, r ecruitmt It requests at this time. Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150047-3 Approved For 9ele-t`~cInA-RDP57-0 48000400150047-3 3. To effect proper assignment and slotting of personnel now on duty, a position listing will be prepared by each Office. Meetings will be arranged by the Personnel Office with each of the Operating Offices to discuss this procedure in detail. A sample copy of the form (Attachment 2) to be used is submitted for advanced review, !to In preparing personnel action requests subsequent to initial slotting of personnel as in paragraph- 3 above, follow format set forth in Attachment 2, Sample Copy of Form 37-3 as attached 5,, A representative of tais Office will be available to assist your Administrative Office in installing the interim procedures and in converting existing position description files and other personnel records to the new numbering system. Any problems occurring in the. "sl c '.tinge of personnel on duty against the new T/O can be discussed and proper course. of action determined. Encls Att.#l Position Blocking Procedure Att.#2 1 Sample Listing #1 1 Sample Copy #2 CONFIDENTIAL Security Information Approved For Release 2000/08/21 : CIA-RDP57-00384R000400150047-3