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May 29, 1952
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HA ntfl Y PAY FOR MMIBERS 'Or T AF%lvTh or R se 2001/07/25: CIA-RDP57-00384R0QD500080044-3 ' Mr, .i}S. Mn Speaker, I hay introduee a TiIll, LL'I3. Jr 'Ig73, which vd 1 provi a for the ' payine`it under certan~ - specified conditions of extra pay to cer- tart rid combat personnel in Korea wb dit Xbjected to enemy ground fire fora rnfrnlmum period of 6 days in any 1 month. What 1 have proposed here is in the Anal analysis, not a new cZncept but only a recognition of the clear duty of the Congress and the American peo- ple to extend the accepted principle of extra pay for extra hazardous duty into that area which constitutes the most hazardous of all duties-the daily life of the ground combat man. 'data long. recognized In this corn-, trv. both .ln the civilian economy and in the miiitary, the ectuitY. a.n.d ustice of _ P Wi fay, or ose ho engage in activities more hazardous than thom re UAL In the civil anoeconomy we g veviextra pay to the topper in the lumber camp, the sandhog, the mucker, and the explo- sive expert. In the military we have long provided additional pay for fliers, submariners, divers, parachutists, dem- olition men and others. -What we have failed to recognize is that in adapting the pattern of additional pay from the civil- ian economy to the military, we have failed miserably to make comparable provisions for those men whose occupa- tion has no counterpart in the civilian economy, yet whose daily life is the Most hazardous, the most uncomfortable, and the least desirable of any known to man There are many controversies and, many disagreements in our daily lives but I feel that if there, is one point. on which you could, obtain universal agree-.---. ment within this country of ours,_itis that the man who meets the enemy on the ground, in the mud, heat, snow, and cold and who daily wrests from hills, a small piece of ground at the point of _a gun or bayonet, is the man who really bears the brunt of the dangers, tortures, and discomforts of war. Ernie Pyle who knew. and loved these men, gave a clear picture when he said: The line moved on, seemingly endless. All, afternoon men kept coming round the hilt and vanishing eventually over the horizon. It was one long tired line of antlike men. There was agony in your heart and you almost felt ashamed to look at them. They were just guys from Broadway and Main Street but you wouldn't remember them. They were too far away now. They were too tired. Their world can never be known to you, but if you could have seen them just once, just for an instant, you would know that no matter how hard people are working back home they never kept pace with these infantrymen. The term "infantrymen" which Mr. Pyle used could well be extended to in- clude men of all the uniformed services who perform their mission side by side with and under the same terrible con- ditions as the traditional dogface, It is not a question of branch, rank, in- signia, or service-it is rather the propo- sition that all men who fight under the conditions which are the normal lot of the doughboy should be recognized and treated the same as he. 1952 CONGRESSIONAL. RECORD -- HOUSE desirability of my measure. It seeks, to, ords_by administrative personnel already remedy an inequity which has existed provided for such purposes. I am in- for many years in our military-pay sys- formed that as early as November 1950, tem and which exists today even after when combat in Korea was at its most the passage of the Career Compensation intense level, the commander in chief, Act of 1949; to recognize our obligation Far East Command, in support of his ,to provide additional compensation for request for recognition of the man in those soldiers, sailors, marines, and air- combat, notified the Department of the men who play the most dengerous game . Army that the administrative problem of all-combat on the ground. It is to be encountered in the administration highly significant and pleasing to me to of a bill such as I have submitted would examine the record and find that over be relatively minor and that he was con 30 Members of this Congress have spon- fident that administration could be ef- sored legislation which in varying forms fectively and equitably accomplished. would provide aditional compensation In summary, I am convinced that my for these mein--the unsung heroes who bill, H. R. 7973, is designed so as to. cor- have exposed their lives in actual battle. rect existing inequities, with fairness to Regarding the feasibility of my bill, I the Government, the respective services, feel confident that it will work. Too and the individuals within each service. many of our Members have dismissed it That such a law can and will be admin- in the past with the subjective feeling istered properly, and at a cost which is -that such a thing would be administra- not at all prohibitive. I feel that the tively impossible. Having had such feel- utter justice of such legislation is most jugs myself, I took the liberty of doing evident, and that our duty to take im- a little digging to find out just how the mediate action is both clear and im- bill would be administered. Although I pelling. Let this present Congress show do not think it appropriate or necessary to these brave men-over 70 percent of tit go into any great amount of detail- whom are not volunteers-that our at this time, let me repeat that I am hearts are with them as they march confident that the military services can away, and that the gratitude of this and- will administer properly the provi- great Nation follows them to the very sions of this bill. The greatest objection front lines, where, with unfaltering cour- has come in regard to the administration age, they stem the tide which, unchecked, of the retroactive feature of the bill. The would overwhelm us all. May our action question has been asked, "How can any- be as forthright and timely as theirs. one possibly determine the eligibility for combat pay of the many thousands of individuals who have served in Korea since the outbreak of hostilities there on June 27, 1950?" I have. personally examined actual samples of the several kinds of service records which will be used to determine this eligibility. I am frankly amazed at the completeness and accuracy of the records maintained by the military even under the most heated conditions of combat. Briefly, the system which is planned for use by the Army-which will, of course, be the major participant under the terms of this bill-is this: The Far East Command will determine from its daily combat records those units which qualify under the terms of the bill as specified by Congress; that is, those units which were in actual contact with the enemy. Once the qualified units are de- termined, it then becomes a matter of determining the eligibility of individual members of those units, past and present. This will be done on the basis of indi- vidual applications from those members which applications will be verified by the Adjutant General, Department of the Army, prior to payment. Verification will be based upon a check of the appli- cations against the retained records of the individual soldier. As I said before, I am confident that the records on file in the Department of the Army will be adequate for this purpose, and that"this procedure can be accomplished in com- paratively short time, and at relatively small cost. E c 11 tq Q I am aware that in past discussions on Once the retroactive payments have bills similar to mine there hav r iseu been completed, the Bail d ini t ~ in the minds of our 1 fp fd xeleasetj2fl(b9/L~,1d2fii:viML or?1R ,8000500080044-3 ability of such a bill I feel that there no additional cost. It will involve mere- can be no question. whatsoever as to the ly an -additional entry on existing i ec-