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August 6, 2000
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Approved For Release.2000/08/25 CIA-RDP57-00384F1000030006-4 The National Security Act of l9A7 (Public Law 25,3 -- 80th Congress) , the so-called "Ibolfication Act-", took several steps forward in connection with the national securi organization. It set up a new organization known as the National Military Eatablient under a Secretary of Defense. The old War and Navy Departments were re- aced three Executive Departments Imown as the is of the Army the Navy and the Air Force; all d.ed by Secretaries of Cabinet rank. Within the framework of the National Military Establishment several groups which had existed as joint boards were given legal status together with certain additional groups which had not previously existed. These new statutory organizations were the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the War Council, the Munitions Board,, and the Research & Development Board. Under the Joint Chiefs of Staff which consisted of the Chiefs of Staff of the Ars r, t to and the Air Force and the Chief of Staff to the in Chief if there is one (Admiral I eahy has Chief of Staff to the Winder in Chief),, Wished a joint staff of 100 officers, to roximately equally from the three Services. of Defens to be assisted by three to the Searetary, and these were set a division, of labor rough 3s of legislative anti administrative, budget and iscal; and politico- itary duties, respectively. in addition to the National Military Establish- ment the Act set up a National Security Council to advise the `resident on the integration of domestic, forei and military policy. Under the direction of the National Security Council, a Central Intelligence Agency was, 'e to coordinate the foreign intelligence activities of those departments and a ncies of the Government concerned with the national security. The Act also established a National Security Resources Board to advise the President as to the coordina- tion of military, industrial, and civilian mobilization. Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP57-00384R001000030006-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP57-00384R001000030006-4 -2 - After a year's operation, the first Secretary Mr. Porrestai and also the Hoover Comm iasics tion of the Oovernmmt, came to note ,cieneies in the wow of this organization, required drastic reawdy. The primary problem position of the Secretary of Defense itself due of clear-cut statutory authority in o reach f irm decisions binding upon the three Secondly, the problem of budgetary control three Services was lacking to such a degree impossible to ascertain exactly how much spent on specific prr . Security Act were therefore propos eas, and were passed by the Sew _ces Cc ittee in the House original reused ? accept these ndmcnts, the need for which been high-154ghted by the unfortunate death of Secretary Forrestal.. The House Armed Services Conmd.ttee however reported out, and the House passed those ame~ts con- ernin budget and fiscal procedures which subsequently became Title 4 of Public Law 216 of the 81st Cargress, the National Security Act Amendments of 1949. At the t conference between the conferees of the Senate use of Representatives, the re in.I g nc~ta passed by the mate were restored to the epted by the House, and the full measure changes are worthy of note. The fi t;t change in the composition of the Naticnal Council. There had been some complaint that the too heavily weighted by the military so the ice Bocretaries were removed from the Council, tm nt of Defense is represented only of Defense. The Vice President has also o the membership. An acecutive Dopartt at the f rtm tit of 3e, was established under a Secretary of Defense Departments of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Po bwever,, were reduced from Executive Departments and Cabinet rank to so-ca3.led military departments without Cabinet r . The position. of Deputy Secretary of Defense s also on bl.i along with Assistant Secretaries of of y It bpi been found in the National Militargr tabl.iallumt, particularly In relations with the Congress sod other Depots, that the title of dial Assistant the 8retary of Defense was not accorded the prestige Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP57-00384R001000030006-4 Approved For Release.2000/08/25: CIA-RDP57-00384RQQ1000030006-4 The position of t air . of the Joint Chiefs established, and the Joint Staff was In- '10 officers. The re3ati r ips between the of Defense and the *mitionz Board and the ear i and Development Board received certain statutory Is. The acct anying chart of the o Department of Defense dated 12 September l9' 9, substantially correct. The only changeis the elm tion of the sist?nt to the Secretary { :a1 Activities) . Most of the work of this section comes w the Office of Foreign Military Affairs which in turn comes under the direction of the Species Consultant to the Secretary of Defense on Politico- litary Affairs. Approved For Release 2000/08/25: CIA-RDP57-00384R001000030006-4