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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 4, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 6, 1949
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Approved For ReIease 2000/09/11 : C1ta57-00384EW0130016 6 Apri I 1941D 3ub jeo sub by oft; that cc t to So neonne in the i gencys or is still. waiting to send then* the last Instance, said he will ',steep an oyo out for such a re renoe w ile you are a nar*-Oheal.-P and are xri;ht core up J! 1 are inform the subject trt th use for his waiting in Washinp.ton. and that t f 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A 25X1A on a friond-to-frjond basis, I shall also ~tell }rin that if he does not hear after a While one way or the others, he 11 be rrolco od to nak-M at personal inquiry to .o. 3. If you can't do anything, possibly 25X1A mould have an interest. But if nothirt can c on? in 4.a,-4. ti!- 25X1A to do 25X1 C OR: Chief, AttI 25X1A ohed is the biographical r ono, which the d to no for your information. As I stated oro, checked and found no mention n any of his files., I could only assume or possibly sent the ti in a personal msasa e oul.ct you solid the whole thine up to for nor al. proonasin . I sell do not izi loss there is anything you would like ro C?' fl. rICu: 'od t ral Counsel 7 April 1,949 1* After dictating the above, I spoke to the subject on the telephone and ho stated that he would return to New Fork and await possible word there, No SECRET Approved For Release 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP57-00384R001300160022-9 Approved For Release-2000/09/11 : C -00384RQ1300160022-9 25X1 C said tlht he Is planing a trip to till's auror to viait his family, but that if there is any keen or urgent interest, tae would 01,11 the trip off? I told hi he might as well keep on with his pleads as it would be Bona tine before any decia1run could be de* 2# Ito aaod if he could be given some indication of the situation in about a font 's tii;ie and I pro isod that if lie had heard nothing, I would check and see i tyre wox any newo at the end of one :: on x, I will therefor chock with your office about the 9th or 10t ; of May to see t has occurred* 25X1A could 3upp17 a oonsidex ,.ble number, both socsial' end bt stew s at so I can get t;eao for you oaaily LRII/M . ET 11C N, ITOLTSTOIll' Gsel Approved For Release 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP57-00384R001300160022-9