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Document Creation Date: 
December 20, 2016
Document Release Date: 
August 25, 2000
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Publication Date: 
November 18, 1997
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Approved For Release 2007/10/26: CIA-RDP58-00453R000100070003-4 ceensor, with the .k sh delet or raphra seasAa mess am, it shall. be retyped by the fir on an operating amp W - fe which WentAma with the torn used by the opee oti **mew pan ors of the memmuo to Ckmsorship, and returned to the eec aeer for fission or 4*U1t , (h) Action Not to be +r.tlods AU gating companies , their "Mutt v" or aWloyyaes, are ro"irod not to ru ra 1. the a tiozn taken, by enttten permission afe and to tAe extent preecrib d bya the Director of -ambip. (S 2010 ,) the a tion to this role is tact WINIMON of a message for as rein carries with It the requirement that the operating aompmW nom the sender and omwider a reefed. ees Wig I =UV that this ems. _'"" Cow d -._r+ veal a'' uet ea tir of the **Mora such as ds On* es*, indication of a differmoo b Ween the - of words *barged for and the Umber of wads delivered SmawAss 'eiorrt of robber atevet .to, 1 aparating C ets furnish a ,patron, upon r"pent7e a o of previously, d&Uvwed eiaersage, provided it was pa axed by the e3 and is in the eft geed form and does n reveal w 4r Wt ion of or dump by the censor, MOD&M in .vet. code from the soru control of the censor, Approved For Release 2007/10/26: CIA-RDP58-00453R000100070003-4 Approved For Release 2007/10/26: CIA-RDP58-00453R000100070003-4 20. OF .;IMPIMUS C=W-3TAN ES on of sus us cir tares in eo ct n with the AIUV This maq be a rare occurre c! but if it a ov ors only one enea r effort it will be *rr rt t while, Agents of the crating coi- panwics ELy oo cste such circumstances by on the message. T should be pointed out to said agents that they should not consi(3er themselves as car rcisirg the furmotions of Ceiaorship, and should not alter or day a mess!a a without the 3 rioled. a of the patron. Their action wwald be In the nature of that of any citizen rendering patriotic assistance to his government, which is the natural obligation of all tine a. Approved For Release 2007/10/26: CIA-RDP58-00453R000100070003-4