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Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RD b8' -00453R000100100033-8 *OGC Has Reviewed* 25X1A6a Senior 1 s .rosentative, Chief, W 25X1A2g 25X1A2g Referencesss M-4444; 25X1A2g 25X1A b ld 25X1A9a 1. Attached for y:lur information (and axtusement, w trust) 25X1A2g ate two cosies of a mort,"ad prepared foils>win his cors;vaY`st fives oYk !`.i3Ct16t' 19214 Vi t11 imm"ath Mczss h, S, =i y ;U. 25X1A2g :4111 note, si ad tbo r.l sse (a coy of whiol;. ie at c-- red) he wr S obT 555Us y an earc stica1.ly not at all satisfi$adl with r i{ amount 25X1A2ry riven hi:=+. U the oth r lt; .nd it is also s:?bviou5 that wek gravely ii - 25X1A9a 25X1A2 the circttmst .ces his chiles wv.ss not a vftlid one. We hope that. tii a g :eii1 h-1 ?a a _ -M+1- s e h sxrticularl since he will doc~ a touch with upon 25X1A2g 9 25X1A6a his arriys.l in _.next fall. (Or, as slwgeeted., will probably want to get iii touch with m - 711aZe introductions to high cxsson..liti=x in tip Uovir jnt. As ar. matter of fait ha .: '- 25X1A9a ae toe far wro , since, if -;-.gr~aoss ii: s;aa.y be ; good idtn to 25X1A9a .we---t y dove>:iror, howae;;r, the srerte co-,y : -;ve crs. ~nge so we xce t it one wren -W',% oo 160 it.) 25X1A2g 25X1A9a . will also be interested in le:-=rtaiii,. that is apparently not in the dire financini str?itss ,4 ; si a.ssswaed. visa apartment. s r?or?1ing to is ant 4he to of 25X1A9a an a=-;~= rtment building in .~a1t lr ise, d overlooks the a ttr,s city. .here was no ir~dteuti n th=,t :pub, e,ct was ?poverty stricken ?.nd?. a.s u rst3 %ne In the att~!.chaecd. ;:;o.,orantium. he stands ?~ ~~ ood. eh nee of re- cu ornzirsg his frozen }_,: f.rl xra assets. - ty erAil=11W ive r= ?.rdine lvaa s .tt.-Ir, 25X1A9a 3 f " believe ;ti;-t, for the ;wo nt *L ltssLaL this s.s?itter is c1os- c . We are hov,in ; t'.4ra will b no future evelox z nt, or r,~?excussiu.ss. 25X1A9a 25X1A is3t: i wairi .an: 25X1A9a -00934 (xand others) .. ..sue ..~ ..~.-u 2 - WE (1 att) 1-.?la) 25X1A 111; .j 25X1A9a! 25X1 A9a 25X1A Approved For Release 2001/08/27 : CIA-RDP58-00453R000100100033-8