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Approved For Release 2004/10/27 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000100040064-9 To provide for the conferring of an agarrd to be known as the United States Medal of merit o Be it enacted by the Senate and f"ou.e or Representatives of the United States of America in eonirt-Ass assembled, JJECLJ.RL TiUN OF PUU `VOSE $ECTIOPN le It is the purpose of the wongress, by providing public recognition for outstanding acoompiishments in public affairs social betterments science, tiealtn and medicine, education, letters, arts, law, engineurirgt &j. 'icuitufe, labor, industry, and related fields, to foster those cu..tura. qualities and innovations essential to the development of a itt&n civilization and conducive to the maintenance of peace, nhikri are of paramount importance to humanity at all times. UNITS) STATES M. " ?+A , Ur MWIT See. 2 e There is hereby establa.shed the United States Medal of Merit, with accompanying appuw-Leiianrea and devices, for award as hereinafter provided to pera* nis who have distinguished themselves by outstanding ac omg~aa n,er xt; s in the fields listed in section l_ 1m!IT1) STAZ r:i MEIM, L PPFB1T HOARD Seca , ;) There is hereby o. anti*;hed a United States Medal of Merit Board (hereinafter referred to as the "Board'") to be composed of five members to he appointaa oy the President from Approved For Release 2004/10/27 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000100040064-9 Approved For Release 2004/10/27 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000100040064-9 among persons of recognixfzxl cotaypeLraicv, iii the fields listed in section l.~ Each member stall no-id uf1'.ce for a term of five years, except that (1) any member appoim ed -Lo .:iLl a vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of '.e -.m CO- w .ch his predecessor was appointed shall, be appoint std `o ,he remainder of such term, and (2) the terms of the members Z~. tit taking office shall expire as follows: one s as l expire wa. a tits t::.ose of the first calendar year which begu:~s ate.: et .:totment of this Act? one with the close of the second cei i et"ii' ae year, one with the close of the third such caienda years cue with the close of the fourth such calendar year; ar;n s :=i 4 ?.-he close of the fifth such calendar year,, as es . uw,r u to !'resident at the time of appointments The xxresitiet t =aiiai. f."ruir't time to time designate a member of the Board :o serve :a;, -mss : aa:ir.mav. (h) The wembt r'e of thtr boa?=u, vwile attending meetings of the Board, shai.L rece yr a ut;q+ ia::aat,.ort at he rate of X50 per dh.em, and shall be pair.. trap el zyc..k by >ie Chairman with .he approval of the Boares c The eca e t;a vy .)hall perform such duties as may be directed by the I.:soas . -..iE soaa-UU :La .au-thoriZe to appoint such t ec hnics.i , c .,5.s kica.i_ , uxR.. -f. a? ass' .stante and to make such expenditures, Tr ,r:ta: a - ice ..taxa is j.'. appropriations available therefor p as Tray be ne+, etj' c~:^~' i ?:+?Y.CiLt31..;.Y1 ; it flu>i le S9 r (b) There u,re autraw-tzeu op pF,.: ug:~a' laa: ed such sums as may be necessary to carry 'mat tiu:: t i tc Or W: NC`1 S Sec. 6. 'n January 1 of y~ ax'g 'ar its soon th eraefter as ray be convenient., the tresi er t ;h lli;, in a suitable ceremony, confer personally upon those per'sc;rs re-uu:runianded to him by the Board the United. States 14c as of ! ier it arri shall at the same time present to each persca 7o11il'x?"u a4.i t4 ,Browsed parchmei t testimonial .records n g the conker?r L :).f' th =5 -% and aaxYl Vas accom,l.is:hraerats or corrtrib+ut.x o e: x fi is i the award is madee, In the case o_C a posthuenc, s a.w is -Lae me %a.i and. testimon` a': shall presented to a r, ,pres. J`1L. iL!- k: as 1,h6 deceased person being honor&da to be deli natec. 07 .he boardh Approved For Release 2004/10/27 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000100040064-9