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For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000200100099-3 UNCLASS 7Y i'F>: DGL 1VU OLI: i:3 0111 OTC IC A C TA O:;D USIA i9,,; Tr3.re1 Of Senator Bourke B. Nickenlooper (B,, Zs.) end Mr,; Pat Bo o Consultant, Seam Relatiot Cocni.ttee, BARRANQ.JANEIRUEI& BErJ)t, BOG * a BUENOS AIRES, WA% LIMA, PAR, Too RIO DE O, SANTIAGO (Chile), JOIRT STATE-10A, Saaator Bourke B. ftickenlooper (R,, Iowa), member of the Bats Committee on Foreign Relations, expects to depart the United Statew on Jnly 28 for a trip to Latin America' where he will st%* the teals- nical assistance program, The Senator is the ranking minority asmbw of the Committees s Suboiommi Use on American Republic Affairs +md the Subcomaittee on Technical Assistance Programs,- Mr, Pat Beltj;Caa- sultant, Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, will dilpsrb tote United States on July Vie visit Colaabiag them join the Senator An Panama for the major part of the latterea trip, Senator Hickenlooper request.. that the informatiM cam td In the attached "Outline for Post Suamtarf be prepared in advance of his and Mr. Holt'sarrivals, He also requests that, where practicable, field trips biiarranged to technical assistant projects, tid.atarsi, multilateral or private. In Bolivia, the party has sehrila3,ed a trip to Santa Cruz, If possible, they would like to proceed trop Santa crux to Cochabamba by automobile, In flail., fir, Mutt Is pertiaular'* anxious to see the Chilean area. In Brasilg OslWE.asad the 100W should plan a tour making the most effective use of time, w th a minimum amount of time in Rio, and should twowd the propmel to BU MM Aires, in accordance with the itinmsity' *d f61200a Besides bobasayfUSOli bri.efinp, appo:Uftw s should bs sn ten practicable, with U.B, bunineeasatn? now aaosreepamdsstsr (At arse local officials and businessmen, end other end v3,dnals the seen N 0 cantributiaaa to the objective of the trip, At least 25 per cent ,of the. tims Should be left flees pest arrivals. M-We Pml . $prol" W The above instructions apply prrtioularly to CelsMMAO Pest Saal"i Chile and Brazil, Panama is panwly and Berme Airs lxqp~r a Lassa eft stop. However., in Buenos Aires the psrty would tike to yarn Ad"Otdo of time for briefing on polittcsi onodjc situation. IN* psrV ra ises the handicaps order which the Rlabassy will be apeatltag during the visit to Peru, If, notwithstanding theta ho disaps, s"ese arrangemasatas, including at least the gvestiamaire Aafaematigaa. DRAFTED BY: H:MEdaT"f.3i~e: Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP58-00597A000200100099-3 State Dept. review completed Aagroved For4112ase 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP5.,Rggp97Aoab2b0100099-3 D1a.: ' curity Classifration)----~. r can be made as described above, tht party will be grateful. Sonatas Hickenleopasr end Yr. Holt have been authorised by their Committee Chairman to utilise local curraaies in the Congressional Travel Scoot (Acct. No, i FT$61) to defray their official expenses. This account was estab- lished sty the American FSsbasetes in Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Para last year, and the Department is attempting to obtain allotments from the Doran of the Budget to establish an account in several other countries is Wbish Pnhlia Law 480, the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 195k9 is in effect. It is9 however, very doubtful that these allotments Will be made before the arrival of this Congressional party in Bcliviag it is likely, however, that the awcount will be established in Brasil in suffiaisnt time for this party's Provisions of the Handbook for Congressional ForaL Travel apply, Meet on all arrivals, expedite ensToat cleararoes9 arrange ho reservations and local transportation, and assist as required. Please appoint a Control Officer at each post. Mr. Holt a of daparture July 24 1 v ow ork 25 0800 Lv Barranquilla 28 0810 Lv Bogota senator Hiokenloopera July 28 1530 Lr Chicago 28 2230 Lv Miami Avianca #669 #746 E.L #105 PA #701 Senator Hickenlooper & Mr. Bolts July 29 0315 Dr Psm1aaa PA #701 30 0930 Lv Lima PO #725 (Santa Cruz to Cochabamba by care, Ang. 3 .0930 2+v Cochabamba PO #724 fir. Volta 7 15520 Lv Santiago PG #701 BesSor Hiekenloope?s Aug. 7 1:35 Lv LAPas Fa #733 peoater Hiokealeopsr do Mr.. t it a Aug... 8 1645 Lv hums Aires PA #202 16 1000 Lv Rio BuP #980 t1a rug. 16 0530 Lv Dales PA #274 Arrival Hour Ar Barranquilla iBJU Ar Bogota 0956 Ar Panama llfto Ar Miami 2025 Ar Panama, July 299 0225 Ar Lima 0810 Ar SantaCria 1745 if possible) Ar La Pas 1055 Ar Santiago 1755 Ar Buenos Ai.ras 1850 Ar Rio do Janeiro 2125 Ar Washington, Aug.17, 3215 Ar Isw York 2230 J CA-585 No.: PAGE - _ Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP58-00597A--3 ICA Mission Directors are requested to provide 1C11//t with the following types of information concerning the trip ef Senator Hickenlooper and Mr, Holts (1) the general reaction of the visitors to tht operations of the Mission and the effectiv =ess of the program in meeting the mutual interests of the U0S, and the participating country; (2) the specific problems or projects in which the greatest interest was sham (3) any projects considered by the Senator of doubtful value in accomplishing the purposes of the Mutual Security Act, (4) copies of materials which the Mission furnishes the Congressional visitors (including that pre- pared in response to the attached Post Su ary)1 (5) anything else that in your judgment will be of assistance to ICA/W in assessing Congressional views on the Mutual Security Program, Senator Hickenlooper is a member of the Foreign Relations Committee recently authorized by the Senate to investigate "the extent to which foreign assistance by the United States Government serves, can be made to eerves or does not serve, the national interests to the end that such studies and reeomm mendations based thereon may be available to the Senate in considering foreign aid policies for the future,' Approved For Release 2004/05/12: CIA-RDP e6'0 tJ7A{9 606'ft'Fd099-3 NApproved srRelease 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP68 00597A000200100099-3 U14C; S$IFI D (Security Classification) OUTLINE FOR POST SUMIURT (Please endeavor to limit comments to 10 single-spaced pages, s xiwam.) I. Brief statement of country9s problems of economic development. II. Brief history of all U. S. aid programs (ezcspt military aid) in country mime 1940. Estimate total dollar expenditures for such aid over that period, including if practicable cost of administration. Include year of beginning of T/A program and year-by-yew estimates of U. S. expenditures for that purpose and year-by-year estimate level of personnel, broken dawn by U. S. and local employees. Turnover of U. S. personnel. III. Current U. S. aid program (fiscal 857 if avilabla, otherwise fiscal ?56). Outline program as follow a Tec)tmioal Assistant Amount of U.S. dollar expenditures; Counterpart expenditures (in U.S. dollar equivalents); Other economic aid programs (list defense support, development assistance and show amount for each program broken down by grants and loans; $icport-Import Bank loans (Show total loans made, repayments, defaults (if any), and amount now outstanding. Describe briefly projects for which loans were made.) 18&D loans (show same data as for Export- Import Bank). IV. Types of projects to which U. S. is currently contributing T/A or development aid (i.e., Health and Sanitation, mining, educaP lion, etc.) with indication of relative imports=* of each. T. List of major developmental or T/A projects (no more than 10) in country with brief description of each. TI. Trainee and other technical exchange of persons cinder aid pros grams. For most recent year available, give following informations lumber and principal types of exchanges, showing locals going out of countryt U. Si nationals coming in. Estimatd coat of progray, dollar and counterpart expenditures (in U.S. dollar equivalents). Evidence of contributions of exohangees on return to development J of i aantry. UNCLASSIF Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : ~I t~PtL34998WDU 9~ U~0200100099-3 Q-585 NO: PAGE Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP58-000099-3 List all contracts with private U. S. fires for carrying out T/A and other U. 3o aid programs. Include the name of contractor,, amount of contract, estimate of number of Americans and locals employed under contract and the general purpose of the contract. Summarize contractual arrangements with non-U.S. contractors, if any. A short summary showing organization within Embassy for handling aid programs,, relationship of Embassy and Washington on planning program and clearing projects and relationu'.rip with local goverment for same purpose. Il. Efforts of local government in economic development. Extent of annual expenditures (in dollar equivalents) for development purposes, organization within local government for receiving U. S. aid and in carrying out projects. Indicate nature of official plans for development,, if any. X, Other aid programs in the country. Summarize briefly T/A activities of U. N. and related agencies,, OAS,, and of private foundations or similar organizations. Major U. S. business interests. Other foreign business interests. Recent rate of foreign investment. Principal problems of foreign, especially U. S., business, and principal obstacles to new invest nt. YII. Soviet or satellite economic sctivity. tIn. Miscellaneous cbservatioae and remarks. Approved For Release 2004/05/12 EFA-R6~9 sAAnnOO993