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December 12, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 7, 1998
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PDF icon CIA-RDP59-00882R000100210056-4.pdf74.19 KB
Approved For Release 2 111- . - 0882R000100210056-4 SECURITY INFORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY OATH OF SECRECY Realizing that the field of foreign communications is a most sensitive source of intelligence, in which the security of our operations is of utmost importance to the United States, and having read Public Law 513, 81st Congress, on the subject of Communications Intelligence, the significance of which and its relationship.to my duties in the Central Intelligence Agency were explained to me, I DO HEREBY DECLARE AND SOLEMNLY SWEAR AS FOLLOWS: ,r I will not discuss with or disclose to any person, regardless of his official position or status, any information relating directly or indirectly to Communications Intelligence, any in- formation derived therefrom, or the nature of the sources of such intelligence, unless such person has been authorized to discuss and handle Communications Intelligence, and his au- thorization has not been revoked. I clearly understand that the responsibility for affirmatively as- certaining whether a person is currently authorized and cleared for Communications Intelligence rests upon me. I am informed that a change in my assignment or office,'or other re- moval of my name from the list of authorized persons, automatically bars me from further handling of or access to Communications Intel ligence or entry to restricted areas where such material is located. I am aware that no change in my assignment or employment or other re- moval of my name from the list of authorized persons will in any way whatsoever relieve me of my obligations under the above oath, and that its provisions remain as fully binding in time of peace as in time of ware I have taken the above oath freely,. without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; with complete understanding of its importance to the security of my country; and with full realization of the criminal penalties which may be imposed for violation of pertinent laws. Signature: Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19, Approved For Release -00882R000100210056-4