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Publication Date: 
October 20, 1954
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Approved For Release 20 CIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 1. proceedurest tats to Career Council With o Agency Welfare Activities c-: nail decided that the controls, to the hand Ling of welfare funds abould h that no regulatory type issuance should be utilised and eetab- ity, and preparation of a brief notice an financial assistance available to was directed, such notice to level. The Council agreed that the Credit Union .ms t' source of funds for employees needing small loan It is re nod that tt on 26 October 1953, establishing the CIA Welfare ', provide that the Assistant Director for Personnel be established as Treasurer, vice the Inspector General. The ammOnsA should that the Inspector General remain on the Board an a member. The Assistant Director for Persortnel snuld: then take over the records and funds which have been available to the lfsre Board up to this time, of the Comm assistane available to them. If yxm cone, we Approved For Release 20 : CIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 Approved For Release 200'ttlCIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 3. the f-mds available and the poodble e la n probheses that alternatives for aalution of these p .eaes catia of cafeterias in by the CIA At the present eowm. Wirer, these fte s f aSX, although in the past F: (2) a ' at a = 01 Sr*V which is not primarily concerned with ,anal welfare of such welfare associations Approved For Release 2001/03/0;' I4-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 "4 a u Approved For Release 2001/011/ k4-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 it is seen that although no objection has been tby0 Dosrd6 ehouxt a questi Afie-Y eMloyess this activities, corporation well be 3?n the absence of the abut' to dedwt grant* to the I1 tattye des to the cam' of the rwAx of the caaalion Ap yrdblan which given rise t be ab2o to at the general tn)fe 0 so he position whare, he held e+e tad his credit Approved For Release 200' V0. CIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/01 : CIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 aces of case, the ez oyee im'u2d ts" no mod of is g to his svi:iar, the Impla"s Di izi ii haft I am y ns hat have cons in no" Of assistan" ONPIW"'t he is a Perim who has ,may entity far u ve look clo+a ; a at 1ewst a p the a=mt of tranuing that the Agemy has provided to fit ham for career j ? posse this as dw nitivs of the situation; how, matter for oo sIder tion? Who. we look at the variations the t7pem of pees that ply an wplcVee though we might we do find an a moo, tor the present amA in the toresses a futurr, is limited to a greater or to seamy out his dw job. In Co presently wmilable or anticipated fps nothing we than delay the day of j udgit in situation. I might note, In pasaing? Approved For Release 2001/03/01 41A-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/Q1 :.CIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 ae ' the &M tistration of a welfare type properly available only to or t.i such that Or g aniza- and particularly t Bwmu of the Budget ciramtars with respect to e nora.l working hours for the .ivities which appear to the Interest of ity. ~. aber< '-' ~/- Prm COMC/,~ (flat the for.g4ng, I can only Concur the fut" . sho d be turd over to the P.R.A. tion in a rorml fashion, As for the fray available f'rn the Corpara?- t established by the friends of the gsz y, th - fmn& are ? at the present time? with little more than a hope for any that it wow appear at this t that very little help N*y be expect fon that source. As for the iraa ividual iho gets into the type of s,ttua- ticrn requiring assistance that night be grated by the carp tion eetab- have available uuffitient fun" to be of help, Agency has a responsibility Approved For Release 2001/03/011,; CIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6 Approved'For Release 2001/03/01 : CRDP59-00882R000300030025-6 hould be c going to mod. a ?6- Approved For Release 2001/03/01 : CIA-RDP59-00882R000300030025-6