Ch/G Staff Meeting

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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
December 3, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3.pdf182.51 KB
Sanitized - Approved CIA-RDP0-00346R000100330002-3 WWO l 6 Ch/G Staff Meeting 3 December 1957 ACTION REQUIRED Item No. Action Required of Chief/G Action Required of Divisions 25X1A9a 1' to meet with 25X1A9a 5 December. 25X1A9a 3- 4. 5. 6. 7. 25X1A9a to brief OP Placement officers on 13 December. to arrange meeting witti P requestor. NONE REQUIRED NONE REQUIRED Division Chiefs to pass on suggestions to Ch/G. Inform personnel that copies are not to be made. Divisions to channel any 25X1A9a complaints to will partici- pate in the Task Force. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 11. Ch/G to discuss problem with AD/RR. Division Chiefs to watch use of john within their divisions. ME to review and comment on the regulation. D/GG and D/GC to set up Requirements Meetings. Sanitized - Approved For Rel ' - DP60-00346R000100330002-3 Sanitized pproved For 2900060 d : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3 Page 2 25X1A9a Item No. Action Required of Chief/G *13 *14 will obtain job descriptions and meet with within 2 or 3 weeks. 25X1A9a Action Required of Divisions Inform personnel who have occasion to travel to NSA. Sanitized -Approved se : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3 Sanitized -Approved F ee : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3 MINUTES OF THE GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AREA. STAFF MEETING, 3 December 1957 25X1A9a 25X1X7 1. Informal 25X1X7 a 25X1A6a Chief/G read a memorandum from the ORR Team relative to an informal re CIA utilization for our 25X1 X7 Cit Plans. was eci e at would meet with Messrs. 25X1A9a to discuss this matter in detail on Thursday at 0900, and to work up a draft on this subject for the AD's signature for transmittal It was suggested that 25X1A9a 25X1A9a - meet with the DD P requestor of city plans to work up a new list of priorities sometime in the near future. 25X1 C8a 2. Briefing of Office of Personnel Placement Officers Chief/G announced that he is scheduled to brief several Placement Officers from the Office of Personnel on the recruitment needs of the Area on Thursday, c~ (Note: This has since been re-scheduled for 13 December). suggested that direct their attention to D/GL's urgent need for some GS-5 catalogers. 25X1A9a 25X1A9a 3. Requirement on "Collection of Soviet Bloc Maps and Mapping Information" Chief/G announced he has prepared a memorandum to AD/CR (for AD/RR's signature) on the proposal from Army concerning a Geography Division requirement on "Collection of Soviet Bloc Maps and Mapping Information". The memorandum was fully coordinated with FI. 1+. Revision of ORR Promotion Policy and Procedures Chief/G read a, paper he had written for consideration of the ORR Career Service Board at their next meeting, suggesting simplifi- cation of the ORR Regulation on Promotions along the lines discussed in recent Ch/G Staff Meetings. 25X1 C4c 5. Problem of for Area Familiarization Trips Chief/G discussed the problem with the group. He asked that they each give a little thought to this problem and pass any suggestions back to him. 25X1 C4c Sanitized - Approv ease : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3 1JLUnLT Sanitized -Approved Ffime : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3 National Security Papers Chief/G announced that copies are not to be made of any National Security Council papers received by the divisions. 7. Customer Service in OCR 25X1A9a We have been advised that any complaints we might have re OCR services to its customers are to be referred to Staff Project Officer, Liaison Division, OCR. 8. Library Consultants Report Chief/G reported that the Library Consultants report was being used by OCR as a basis for a study of their operations. In connection with this, "task force" groups are being set up on a dozen or more 25X1A9a individual proposals made by the consultants. has been named to participate in one of the groups which concerns Map Library Division operations; this group is being headed by of the DD/I's office. 25X1A9a 9. Use of Area Courier 25X1A9a Chief/G asked the Division Chiefs to be aware of the use made by their personnel of services. There is to be no personal chauffeuring and John is not to be used for transportation to points which are on the regular shuttle route, except in cases of emergency. 10. Agency Publications Board Chief/G asked D/GG and D/GP for comments on a draft CIA regulation regarding the establishment of an Agency Publications Board. The draft regulation was given to for review and comment. 25X1A9a 11. Annual Supplement to Chapter I of the NIS 25X1A9a Chief, D/GG brought up the problem posed b the requirement for annual supplements to Chapter I of the NIS. indicated this problem will be discussed in detail with AD RR. 25X1 A9a12. Rec, uirements Meetings reported he and some of D/GP's branch chiefs had been briefed on the workings of the Requirements Staff. Another meeting is 25X1A9a set up for Thursday, 5 December, in which D/GP will explain its work to the Requirements Staff. asked that D/GG and D/GC set up Requirements Meetings as soon as this is possible. Sanitized - Approved : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3 Sanitized - A proved PURse: : CIA-RDPPfi0-00346R000100330002-3 *13. Special Assistant - Deputy Chief Question Chief/G reported that he had checked into the matter and finds there is precedence in ORR for having both a Deputy Chief and a Special Assistant in a Division Office. will obtain 25X1A9a job descriptions and discuss this in detail with within the next 2 or 3 weeks. 25X1A9a *14. Trips to National Security Agency Anyone planning to visit NSA is to check first with (Chief, St/C) re transportation and contacts to be made. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved'T[se : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330002-3