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Publication Date: 
September 24, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330007-8.pdf156.45 KB
Sanitized - Approved For -RDP60-00346R000100330007-8 MINUTES OF THE GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AREA STAFF MEETING, 24 SEPTEMBER 1957 25X1A9a 1. Possible Slot for Geographer in CBS Chief/G announced there may be a possibility of placing a Geographer on the Current Support Staff as a regular full-time member of the Staff. The group reviewed GRA relations with CSS and discussed the advantages of having someone on the Staff who is thoroughly familiar with the Area's interests and responsibilities. No definite decision was made. Chief, D/GG, will discuss this further with Chief/G within the next day or two. 2. Requirements Briefing, 8 October 1957 Chief/G announced that the AD/RR has set up a requirements briefing to be given by the Requirements Branch, St/I, to the Area Chiefs, DAD/RR, and SA/RR on 8 October 1957. It is expected that the entire require- ments set-up will be reviewed, and problems associated with their 25X1A9a handling discussed. In preparation for this briefing, indicated he would like to get together with representatives from each of the Divisions within the next week to re-examine the handling and status of requirements in each Division. 3. Disbanding of Info Control Section, O/Ch/G 25X1A9a Chief G reported on the status of the disbanding of the Info Control Section. is being transferred to the ORE Reading Panel as the senior reader for the Geographic Area. As is the case with the other members of the Reading Panel, will read across the board and 25X1A9a will route material to the remainder of ORR as well as to GRA. He will be 25X1 Aga the one responsible for making the members of the Panel aware of GRA requirements. asked that each of the Divisions arrange to 25X1A9a meet with and go over its reading requirements with him in detail, so that he will be fully prepared to service our needs. The remaining members of Info Control will be transferred directly to the Map Library Division and will continue to handle the reading and routing of materials 25X1A9a 25X1A9a D/GL receives directly from State. In this connection,- asked that inform D/GL of D/GP requirements for State Department materials. The group expressed an interest in being thoroughly briefed on just how the ORR Reading Panel operates, and indicated he would invite to our next staff meeting to discuss this . 25X1 A9a 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved F : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330007-8 Sanitized - Approved F61 : CIA-RDP60 00346R000100330007-8 advantage of th s opportunity to counsel their people re their preferences and plans. Career Preference Outlines 25X1A9a The group discussed the handling of Career Preference Outlines within the Divisions and concluded that present procedures seemed satisfactory. pointed out that supervisors should take 4. 5. 4eg 1 Reports a 25X1A9a announced he had gone over the Division Monthly Reports very carefully, with a view toward simplification where possible, and found. the D/GC and D GL reports in good form. plans to 25X1 Ag a work further with on D/GG' s report and with on 25X1 A9a D/GP's; he suggested that D GP prepare a separate report for their other operation each month, so that they might have a systematic record of achievement. 25X1A9a 6. Memorandum on Mapping Photography Project for Burma 25X1A9a Chief/G asked - to check with re a memorandum 25X1A9a on a Mapping Photography Project for Burma, which was passed to for review and comment some weeks ago. 7. Study Time for "after-hours" students The question was raised as to whether personnel taking "after-hours" study courses should be allowed a certain number of hours off during regular work hours as study time. This was brought up particularly in reference to the language classes offered before and after working hours, which require that the student go to the Language Laboratory (Quarters I or Eye Building) to listen to tapes. The feeling was that this might be allowed in those cases where the course being taken was one which would be 25X1A9a 25X1A6a helpful to the individual in carrying out assigned job responsibilities. indicated he would try to get a reading on Office policy on 25X1C4a this from the Career Service Board. 10. GRA Orientation The first go-around in the GRA Orientation ieProgram is to commence next week as planned. D/GG will conduct th~ AK[EF'gbti 6 h~ rat-0-1, -8 Sanitized - Approved For Release M IA-RDP60-0~0346R000100330007-8 Sanitized - Approved Ford ' . 25X1A9a D/GC the second, D/GL the third, and D/GP the fourth. asked that each Division inform him of the number of people they want to have briefed at this time, so that he may set up the number of briefings necessary to accommodate them. 11. County Fair 25X1A9a reported that D/GP was running into a little difficulty in developing graphics for the County Fair. He indicated D/GP hoped to have some of these graphics ready in time for the next County Fair, but did not expect to have.as many as they would like. 12. China Photography 25X1A9a reported that D/GP has made arrangement to receive the negatives work with these negatives and order prints of needed material. 25X1X7^ Sanitized - Approved Fore: CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330007-8