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May 27, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330013-1.pdf75.99 KB
Sanitized - Approved Fo e : CIA-RDP660-00346R000100330013-1 MIftt7TLS OF THE GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AREA STAFF MEETING, 27 MAY 1957 PRESENT: 1. Bit The group briefly discussed the FY 1958-59 budget for the Geographic Research Area. An initial review by St/A indicates that it adheres fairly well to the limitations on expenditure laid down by the DCI. 2. Semi-Annual DD/I Report on Intelligence Activities The DD/I must make a report to the President's Board of Con- sultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities covering the period 1 November 1956 - 1 May 1957. The GRA portion of the ORR contribution will be due sometime this week. 3. Area Picnic The group discussed the question of an Area Picnic and concluded that it should be held, but on a bring-your-own-food basis and without formally planned activities. Each division will be polled as to its thoughts on this proposal. Suggested dates: Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday of the third or fourth week in June, or a similar day in the first two weeks of September. ' P, Cou" 5X1 Aga reported that a session on ground intelligence photog- raphy will be added to the other new material in the PI course. In addition, an attempt is being made to secure an aircraft for a practice flight over prominent topographical features. Sanitized - Approved P ase : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330013-1 Sanitized - Approved Fo1Ul CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330013-1 25X1 C4a 25X1 C4a MINUTES OF THE GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AREA STAFF MEETING, 13 MAY 1957 25X1A9a 1. Budget The annual budget submission is due in St/A by COB, 20 May. The format is the same as last year's except that equipment pur- chases must be listed. "Equipment" is used in a broad sense, including such items as renewals of external research contracts. 4. Photo Interpretation Course A new enlarged course will be offered beginning 5 June. The number of sessions has been increased from 11 to 18, permitting the inclusion of material on physiography and geology, vegetation and land use, urbanization, weapons, barracks and warehouses, and electronic installations. The group agreed that the GRA should request St/A to reserve 4-6 slots for D/GG and D/GC personnel; also, that a repeat of the new material for people who attended the course previously should be scheduled following the end of the course on 2 August. Sanitized - Approved For____ CIA-RDP60-00346R000100330013-1