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Document Release Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP60-00346R000100350007-6.pdf60.01 KB
Approved For Rase 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP60-0 3(6R000100350007-6 "CHECKLIST" LIST" FCP REVIEWING VITAL MATERIALS ' r+a matertsi considered Vital to yoiir Office on deposit? A-e the V TrL i AT RTA.W c x*?rent' =xitN o zlet materlel lwet withdrawn? '.? `d -tits Vt *A1 Meteria s on deposit be put into two groups s Th material -a needed for immediate use. a '^ hose me ter i e is tt)tA . wou'. d not be needed "maned late use >Fut would be used to reconstitute the Agency? n far, event it to necessary to evacuate from present reloeattota at record& would be considered indispensable and voul.d require m.raving? Consider svuiiabie, to accomplish this move, only persr)nnel end vehicles assigned to your office at relocation.. ATMs- the punched curd depoasita presently on file in repository !a r?rn d In the most read i 1.1 y available form to proNrf le the re quirrc! listings? Ar there on file in repository current punch card machine operating rroeeduree and boards arired for reedy use? Is It feasible to replace certain present punched card depoe i to with 1 tinge? Are t':tre Ltetinge that shoo?d be replaced with punched eardts to :r&vfde more flexibility? the reels of microfilm Include adequate index?ng"r Row many frames of microfilm would require prints In the initial emergency perio4? Hov many frames of micr-,fl an would require prints for s tonatrue- tiouT 3 Are the current Vital .4a4?r tatie deposit ayc dulees compte't ? Are you depositing any of the following: a s., Official Personnel Rez~;-rdh-? b. Official Fiscal, Finance ruT~i"ag`et Records? c. Official Security Records? d. Official Training Rleccsr40""...-.s_ e. Official Medical Records? It is not necessary for you to deposit the above as they are placed in the Repository by the r ?s ctive office creating the document. Approved For a R000100350007-6