Comments received on the Railroad Maps of Latin America

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Document Release Date: 
July 6, 1998
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Publication Date: 
November 1, 1957
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PDF icon CIA-RDP60-00346R000100390003-6.pdf78.33 KB
Sanitized ~~ 87ANDARD FORM NO.~anltlZed - ApproveCIA-RDP60-00346R000100~'~ ~T-- Office .Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 25X1A9a TO Ch/G DATE: 1 November 1957 25X FROM . D/GG SUBJECT: Comments received on the Railroad Maps of Latin America 1. The three-sheet map, Railroads of Latin America, was published in July, 1957, and 400 sets were distributed by the U.S. Delegation to the Ninth Pan American Railway Congress, held in Buenos Aires from 30 August through 13 September, 1957. 2, Research for these maps extended over a two-year period in the Western Hemisphere Branch of the Geography Division, and included requirements being sent to each Embassy in Latin America, both for nodded basic data and for a final check on preliminary printings before the final printing. 3. Since the meetings, I have had occasion to talk with the following persons about the maps, and I am glad to report their comments. a, Dr. Herbert Ashton, Director of the Transportation and Utilities Division, Department of Commerce, and the Executive Secretary of the U.S. National Commission of the Pan American Railway Congress Association, was extremely pleased with the maps. He made the following points: the data were well presented, and except for a few very minor points, appeared to be up-to-date and accurate; no such map featuring railroads in Latin America had previously been available; there is sufficient need for the map so that timely revisions would be extremely desirable; the format made an attractive packet (each sheet was folded with the title printed on the outside); the maps were the most popular "handout item" at the meetings at which every Latin American country, the U.S., and certain European countries were represented; the U.S. Delegation (because of unfortuitous circumstances) had no other handouts to present and theiTfore was doubly grateful for this very popular one; they are still receiving requests for additional copies. b. Mr._ Kenneth N. Hynes, American Republics Division, Department 9-,4 /9 ?t of Commerce, and a U.S. Adviser to the Congress, also commented on the popularity of the maps and on the fact that they filled a long-felt need. c. Mr. Gallanto, International Conferences Division, State Department, told me that he had had reports that the maps were very well received and that more copies would have been most welcome. We had thought, prior to the meetings, that 100 sets were ample for any demand! Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00346R000100390003-6