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Approved For Retire 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP60-00WR000200100022-5 019111?0111Ple MONTHLY REPORT FOR THE CARTOGRAPHY DIVISION Month of November 1957 A. Summary of Cartograpalle_andhmeksALEE 1. During November the Cartography Division accepted requests for 123 maps and charts, 114 for CIA, 6 for the Department of State, avid 3 for the Air home. Of the total for the Agency, 50 mere reinested by ORE, 50 by OS/, 1 by XI, 5 for the CIA contribution to NIS, 2 by ONE and 6 for DD/P. During the same period the Division completed 54 maps and charts, of which 1 vas for State/NIS, 1 for USAF, and 52 for the Agency. During the month, 61% of the completions represented work on the USSR and Satellites, 28% on the Far East and Western Hemisphere and 11% on Europe-Africa and the Near East. At the close of the reporting period, 74 items remained in reproduction. It is noteworthy that produc- tion of 6 items for ONE represented a relatively high percentage for this component./ 2. The NIS Map Coordinator received 1 color proofing job ant 23 final NIS maps from reproduction during November. One hundred anC seven (107) final NIS maps and 11 color proofing jobs remain in reproduction at the close of the month. 3. The Special Support Branch eeeepted requests for 28 new iii and charts plus 1 revision and completed 18 new jobs and 1 revision during the month. In addition 4 re-runs were requested and completed. B. Administrative Problems and Other Activities 1. During the month of Noveeber, orientation tours were contacted for personnel of fl/OP. In return several groups of 1)/OC personnel visited components of D/GP. 2. Several of the Division personnel attended two D/GG Area briefings. 3. As a result of the recent reorganization the fol&owing personnel assignments were =dee Deputy Chief, Cartography Division Chief, Development & Construction Br. Deputy Chief, Development & Construction Printing & Pub. Assistant Clerk-Typist (Front Office) 25X1A9a 25X1A9c entered on duty in D/GC and will replace as Property & Supply Clerk. Approved For Release CiJ-ur-o0-00346R0002001 tNi tNi a a a a a tNi a a a a Total CIA. 314 9c 2 9 c) State State/NIS 0_ C) USAF o ck B. 6 MONTHS SUMMARY 0 SUMMARY FOR NOVEMBER 1957 % et Total clone, Entered Bt 'd0 CIAt DDI/ORR 50 ho% OSI 50 Lo% ?a 1 1% NIS 5 4% ONE 2 2% No, Com. leted % of Total Co ted ? Number % of Total International & General 0 0% 29 55% o Q% Europe & Near East 11% 2 h% 12 22% USSR & Satellites 33 61% 7 13% Par East & W, Hemisphere 15 20% 3 3% 3. 1 u) New Maps and New Maps and Number of Reruns No, of CN1 Months Charts ent.d. Charts Completed Prints Completed Prints co a a November 123 c) c) cv October 78 w September 53 it0 w ce August 86 8 u_ July 65 -c: a) . June ...12... _ ) -2 54 29,832 63 24,319 34 6,654 97 25,474 55 18,040 la nom _ 46 36,928 8 6,235 32 42,367 19 20,025 37 36,064 ...42... 54.624 cp_ 1462 345 115,727 191 196,243 cp_ .ct? Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000200100022-5 Approved For Ree 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP60-000R000200100022-5 C - MAPS AND GRAPHS ENTERED IN NOVEMBER 1957 - Listed by Requesting Agency 114 for C/A CIA/ORR 13295 (1st Rev.) - USSR: international Broadcast Effort 13296 (lit Rev.) - USSR: Domestic Broadcast Effort 13297 (1st Rev.) - USSR: Domestic Low Freq. Transmitters 13298 (1st Rev.) - USSR: Domestic Medium Freq, Transmitters 13341 (1st Rev.) - USSR: Domestic High Freq. Transmitters 26355 Hungary - Import, Export Chart ' 26356 - Hungary - Import, Export Chart 26357 - Hungary Import, Export Chart 26358 - Hungary - Import, Export Chart 26359 - Comm, China Shipping Chart 26360 Soviet Bloc Shipping Chart 26361 - Comm. China Shipping Chart 26362 - Comm, China Shipping Chart 26363 26364 - Comm. China Shipping Chart - COmm, China Shipping Chart 26365 Comm Chins Shipping Chart 26366 - Comm, China Shipping Chart 26367 Hungary Transport Facilities Chart 26368 - Hungary Transport Facilities Chart 26369 Hungary Transport Facilities Chart 26376 Italy Petroleum Production Chart 26377 - Italy Petroleum Production Chart 26377 , Italy Petroleum Production Chart 26381 - USSR: Electric Battery Industry Chart 26382 ? Sino-Sov. Bloc Production of Batteries Chart 26383 ? Sino-Sov? Bloc Production of Batteries Chart 26384 ? Sino-Sov, Bloc Production of Batteries Chart 26385 - Sino-Sov. Bloc Production of Batteries Chart 26390 - Czech: Index to 1:100,000 Coverage (AMS) 26391 - USSR: Wiralines Telecommunications 26392 USSR: Radio Telegraph,Domestic 26393 - USSR: Radio Telegraph, International 26394 . USSR: Radio Relay Network 26395 USSR: Radio Broadcasting Stations 26396 - USSR: Televisiop Network 26397 . Moscow: Radio Stations 26398 - Moscow: Radio Stations within 100 km, 26401 - USSR: Bison Aircraft Production Chart 26402 -, USSR; Bison Aircraft Production Chart 26403 - USSR: Bison Aircraft Production Chart 26405 - USSR: Bison Aircraft Production Chart 26406 - !mat Bison Aircraft Production Chart - 3 - Approved For Release 20001141126a&MAIDP60-00346R000200100022-5 Approved For Relose 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP60-0041R000200100022-5 C . MAPS AND GRAPHS ENTERED IN NOVEMBER 1957 - (Continued) 26407 26408 USSR: USSR: Synthetic Fibers Chart Synthetic Fibers Chart 26409 COMA. China: Electric Power Investments Chart 26410 COMM. China: Electric Power Investments Chart 26411 COMM. China: Eleotric Power Investments Chart 26412 C=10 China: Electric Power 'Investment Mart 26413 COM. China: Eleetric Power Investments Chart 26414 COMM. China: Electric Power Investments Chart 25X6A 26349 26350 26351 26352 26353 26354 26371 26420 thru 26461 cmiter - Sino-Sov. Bloc - Sino-Sov, Bloc Sino-Sov. Bloc ? Sino-Sov. Bloc - Sino-Sov. Bloc - Sino-Sov. Bloc - Guided Missile - USSR: Missi/e Transmission Freq. Chart Transmission Freq. Chart Transmission Freq. Chart Transmission Freq. Chart Transmission Freq, Chart Transmission Freq. Chart Ranges, Europe, Africa & Asia Charts (h2 pages) CIAATIS 20372 c. Laos (Stnndard Base) 26374. - Ghana.(Standard?Base) 26375 ,. Ghana (Page size) 26386 - Czech: Coal, Petrol. & Gas Resources 26389 - Poland: Import, Export Charts 26:373 26387 CIA/ONE - Chant . Bolivia CIA/OCI 26388 - Chile CIA/BD/P - International Air Routes 26399 26416 26417 26418 26419 26420 - Caucasus: ? Caucasus: - Caucasus: - Caucasus: - Caucasus:- Climate Ethnic & Religious Security & Labor Capps Selected Cities WAC Chart Overlays - 4 - Approved For Release 200001141111.00~DP60-00346R000200100022-5 Approved For Reese 2000proi ?-rilt-IIDP60-0040R000200100022-5 C - MAPS AND GRAPHS ENTERED IN NOVEMBER 1957 - (Continued) 6 for the Dept. of State 26400 - Africa: Consular Districts 26415 " ,6 Persian Gulf Seabed 26462 - Libya 26463 - Morocco 26464 Maeda 26465 - North Africa 3 for the Air Force 26370 - Algeria - Tunisia 26379 - Algeria - Tunisia Physical Regions 26380 - Algeria Mean AnnualRainfall D r. MAPS AND GRAPHS COMPLETED IN NOVEMBER 1957 - Listed by Requesting Agency 52 for CIA CIA/ORR 12795 (1st Rev.) - Moscow: Areas Closed to Foreigners 12962 (lat Rev.) - USSR: Areas Closed to Foreigners 13702 & .1 (lot Rev.) - USSR: Administrative Divisions 25323.1 - European Satellites: Principal RR Routes 25962 USSR: Inland Fleet. Charts 25963 - USSR: Inland Fleet - Charts 25964 USSR: Inland. Fleet - Charts 25965 USSR: inland Fleet . Charts 25966 USSR: Inland Fleet Charts 26014 - European Satellites: Transportation Systems - Chart 26073 - USSR: Copper Deposits and Smelters 26086 - USSR: Time Zones 26090 - USSR: Franz Joseph Land 26100 - European Satellites: Freight Traffic Charts 26101 ' - European Satellites: Freight Traffic Charts 26102 - European Satellites: Freight Traffic Charts 26103 - Europe .n Satellites: Freight Traffic Charts 26104 - European Satellites; Freight Traffic Charts 26110 - USSR: Copper Charts 26111 USSR: Copper Charts 26137 - USSR: Voronezh Airframe Plant 26181 -.Comm, China: Consumer Goods. Chart 26182 - Comm, China: Consumer Goods Chart 26183 - Comm. China: Consumer Goods Chart 26244 - Cambodia - Vietnam Border 26275 Sov, Airframe Plant #22 (Kazan) - 5 - Approved For Release 2000104110114PeaDP60-00346R000200100022-5 Approved ForRelease2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP60-00346R000200100022-5 %.110 tft, D MAPS AND GRAPHS COMPLETED IN NOVEMBER 1957 - (Continued) 26283 - USSR Vs. US: Production of Mil. Aircraft - Charts 26284 - USSR:Vs. US: Production of Mil. Aircraft - Charts 26326 - Turkey: Terrain CIA/OCI 26293 - Kenya and Zanzibar 26294 - Nigeria and British Cameroon CIA/NIS 11481 (1st Rev.) - Rumania: (Standard Base) 11483 (1st Rev.) . Rumania: (Page size) 11510 (1st Rev.) . A ibania (Standard Base) 11512 (1st Rev.) - Albania (Page size) 26081 - Laos: MedicalCare Facilities 26082 Laos: Malaria Areas 26123 Cambodia: Medical Facilities 26124 - Cambodia: Malaria Areas 25839 - N. Korea; Rice Distribution 2584Q - N. Korea: Millet Distribution 25845 - -Nr. Korea: Soybean Distribution 25846 - N. Korea: Rice Growing Regions CIA/ONE 26258 - Egypt, Terrain 26329 - US & USSR: Output of Sel. Commodities 26330 - USSR: Output or Sel. Products Chart 26331 - USSR Vs