a. Revision of CSI 210-4 by Reports Control/RQM/FI should include the
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100100009-5
a* Revision of CS/ 2
the 25X1A8 a
Chapter rrio Paragraph 4o, dated 23 Jam 195 (C button Indioatnt ),
LU Reports Control Memerand $ and other fore of polio, guidanee
relating to diatribution policy's and Unit Symbols and Copy Indioatora to
b? used in distribution ladders of CS Information Report ltilith
masters, should be oonsolidated and simplified eo that thor is provi
a single explioit instruction on the prop r use of Unit Synbols and Copy
Agreement Should be Obtained bet
IMP Report Officers, and Platt No. 2, personnel col: $ in
working out stand disation of Unit Symbols abbreviating all el nts of
the Clandestine Servic s (ffeadqearter and Field) ehieh eill eppear as
internal distribution addressees in the internal dietribution laddex's.
The two CS publioations (Limited Distribution) ehich prev4e auoh gyme
bole to the CS organisation should be either used or referred to in
accomplishing this.
The use of ax" as a Copy Indicator should be disoontinued. Inate
appropriate numerals should be used exclusively to indio te the exact
number of copies to b distributed to the addremsoee in both diatribe on
ladders of multilith masters as is pr oltly done in the CSAI seri
An Ordinary Distribution Copy indicator Ch t of
(Annex I, Tab 0)? showing the standard external,
exceptional copy distribution
Reports Should be provided by
quarters Aeports Officers.
of Copy Indicators into the distribution ladders
the type proposed
automatic internal, and
to all 1.1 ad
curate marking
f masters by JD /P
Reperts personnel, and would facilitate rapid computation of the number
of copies to be printed in plant No. 2/f)/LO,
(These improvements should establish a simplified and more easily under-
stood common language of Distribution Indic tars 1-setre DDP neporte
Officers and the 71ant Wo. 2 (DVS) pereonnel responsible for computation
of copies and distribution of reports. To obtain compliance from divie
pions, nesters containing symbols deviating from those approved by
Reports Control should be returned by Plant 2 for correction before
b. The Assistant Supervisor of Plant No, 2 P51)A0 Should be responsible
for totaling the nueber of copies to be nrinted of CS Information
Report masters.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100100009-5
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100100009-5
c. Closer coordination between the Chief,
and the supervisor of Plant No. 2 Printing Services Division (LO should
bring about a oonsultation at least one day each week (for the purpose
of comparing the backlog position of CS Reports in Plant No. 2 with the
backlog in Reports Offices so as to enable Plant No. 2 to anticipate
sta:fing requirements for the next week).
d. Considering the increases in the average month17 workload of routine
type CS Information Reports since 1953, it would appear that consideration
should be given to adding a =diem of two additional personnel in Plant
No. 2/FLWOL, if possible, within the present ?ailing. (PSD is current17
studying the personnel eituation in Plant No. 2 with a view to determining
whether an increase is necessary in arder to keep OS report production
111* An auxiliary or eUhstitute courier should be provided by DV? to supple-i
ment the regular -courier whenever necessary and on the days when the
regularly assigned courier is absent from duty.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100100009-5
25X1 A8a