Staff Study of Control and Records and File Procedures for Branch 1, IO.

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Document Creation Date: 
November 11, 2016
Document Release Date: 
September 24, 1997
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Publication Date: 
February 1, 1954
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100110001-2 25X1A9a Date. 2 3') By. Sb CT t Staff Study of Control and Records and File roetedures for Branch 1, Ito. To stue' the existing techniques and procedures used for the control and filing of administrative and operational materials. 2. ACT : BEARING ON T : ?R3BLs . a. An examination of the currently maintained f1la a indicated that certain materials were considered to be of a seer zurre t nature and as such? were a consuming within the presently occupied inadequate quarters. b. Accordingly, provision was made for the storage of selected materials in an area raved from the immoliate office but available when =ob materials are required. The files for the greater part were associated with individual responsi- bility in preference to being considered as branch materials and as such, were kept in the manner determined mast suitable by the individ l conceernesd. No specific assignments were made to individuals for the responsibility of mainteenancr, of files and the pulling and replacing thereof. 3. tiSCUS I?i` . a. It was expressed by the Chief and reiterated by branch personnel that certain of the techniques employed made the matter of location and selection of -At -rials extremely difficult. it is the desire Of the nndoraigned to make a matter of rawrd the cooperative spirit and effort ended by branch personnel in the screening, identifying and relocating materials 'uring the course of the etudye be The add sabi].ity of the maintenance within file folders of routing al buck slips, and unnecessary extra caps r4s was agreed to to superfluous to the need* o. The continuation of riling documents of all publications received from outside sources will t 'td to increase the nu wr of safes and Sanitized - Approved Fo'f RtIease*CIA-RDP60-00538A000100110001-2 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100110001-2 corresponding office area in the future. With the current survey bet. undertaken tv the branch to ascertain what publications need to be dissemei.nated through normal Agency facilities,, it is anticipated that these publications may be retained in the future in single copy only. 4. >'g "TIcgw. a. That specific individuals be mated a. responsible for the fill and retiling of all branch material awl that requests for branch material be directed to such individualso b. That the material screened and filed within the actin stoe e subject to a periodic es lees to ascertain whether or not some of it can be removed to permifteent storage or be iestroyed entireely. a. That the branch sates be numbered in u rical sequence and prepared to indicate their contents in a manner sia lUw to ?a'a A attached. It is reeoo ndsd that as tine.: permits, each individual file folder be reviewed to make certain that its contents are valid and eeseseential. 25X1A9a Management ftsminer 25X1A9a lasure 6 Tab A Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP60-00538A000100110001-2