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Approved For Release 2001/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-00017AO00100070021-2 25X1A9a 2 December 1953 Chief, Language Training and Programs Divisions SAM Term Papers on USSR Z. I am sending herewith copies of the term papers listed below and prepared by students during the suwnmer session on the USSR at the School for Advanced International Studies. We have obtained these on loan from the Esternal Research Staff of the Department of State, which collected these at our suggestion. I shall appreciate having them returned to me when you have finished with them. A small additional batch will be available to you later. Eleanor S. Lowman, "Brains Versus Politics; A Study of Soviet Policy Toward Its Postgraduate Students" Henry W. Jarvinen, ''"The Relation and Compatibility of Marx's Theory of Knowledge and Theory of Historical Materialism" David W. (Tesler, "Does Marx Consistently Apply the Analysis of Historical Development as Set Down in the Preface of the Critique of Political Economy?" Karl R. Nilsson, "An Analysis of Swedish Criticisms of Marxist Theory" George J. Staller, The Soviet Justification of the Material Conditions of Labor in Russia" Elizabeth Thompscri "Lenin, Pannekoek, and Kautsky; Three Marxist Views of the State and Revolution George Marling, "Communist Theory on the Colonial Problem in Africa" W. Be Henry, "The Theoretical Status of People's Democracies" J. Stephens, "The Danger of War in Communist Theoryt' Mary L. Coffee, "Principles of Communist Strategy and. Tactics to Revolution in Backward Countries" Joseph F. Condon, "A Criticism of Dialectical Materialism" Richard C. Long, "An Analysis and Criticism of the Communist Ethic" Edward Crowley, "The People's Democracies; Plan or Accident?" 2. The Fxternal Research Staff is prepared to consider publishing any of these papers deemed of value to government research people,, and distributing them to State, CIA and Defense, as part of Its regular program to make private research available to government analysts. With this view in mind, I shall appreciate any comments and evaluations you can give me on these papers. 25X1A9a Document PYe. Oi No CHkj? ,vL in Class. ~-' 0 IED C .. "',..~ T : TS S 77 Auth: ..I.l 8 3 ..-~~~l=a~.-r+..'..? Date: By : Approved For Release 2001/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-00017AO00100070021-2 Approved For Release 2001/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-00017AO00100070021-2 TRANSMITTAL SLIP ( a e) `5.3 TO: BUILDING 01 R urvi Nu. REMARKS: F B I EXTENSION FORM NO. 36-8 SEP 1946 Approved For Release 2001/08/17 : CIA-RDP61-00017A000100070021-2