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The attached mernor
the bill for ree4mputation
annuities will probably not
session. It further states the
adv/ses that
gn Service
ed on this
resident has
merely indicated general apprioval of some
increase for military retirees! but a favorable
report on approximately 75 bills to this effect
is bogged down in the Bureau of the Budget and
no action is expected this session.
islative Counsel
21 August 1959
( DATE )
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Executive Registry
21 August 1959
Director of Central
Status of S. 1502
1. This memorandum is for informatio only.
Z. Subject bill which was introduced by Senator Sparkman
directs recomputation on an automatic basis when salaries of Foreign
Service officers are increased, the annuities payable to retired
Foreign Service officers or their dependents so that all officers of
the same class, grade and years of service would receive the same
annuity. Hearings were held on this bill in July but it has not yet
been reported out of the Subcommittee. It is unlikely that any action
will be taken this year. Also, the Administration opposes the bill
as such although it would not object to a flat percentage increase in
annuities in view of salary increases in the meantime.
3. The statements in THE DACOR BULLETIN, which is
returned herewith, are far too optimistic both as to timing and eventual
passage of the bill in its present form based on the information we
have been able to secure.
4. It is true that the President has indicated general concurrence
in an adjustment paid to military retirees. The facts are that approxi-
mately 75 bilis have been introduced to permit recomputation of annuities
to retired military officers based on the Cordiner Pay Increase of 1958.
In that law for the first time retirees did not have their annuities
recomputed on the basis of the new active duty pay, thus breaking with
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the precedent of the past. To say that passage of these bills would
constitute precedent for the Foreign Service, as THE DACOR
BULLETIN states, seems to strain the matter a bit. While the
President may have looked with favor on an increase in retired pay,
nevertheless the Bureau of the Budget has yet to clear a favorable
report by Department of Defense on these bills. It would be just as
logical to argue that Civil Service retirement annuities should be
recomputed when legislative increases occur based on the precedent
previously established in the military service. Foreign Service and
Civil Service have never had such recomputations. The adjustments
in the past have been based on flat percentage figures with modest
5. Attached for possible interest are the hearings on S.
1502 beginning on page 167.
Attachments - 3
S. 1502
Hearings on S. 1502
Legislative Counsel
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Published by Diplomatic and Consular Officers, Retired, Dacor? Inc.
non-profit association of former and active personnel of the Ameni
Foreign Service, Dacor House, 1718 H Street, NX., Washington 6, D. C.
nual dues, including Bulletin: Active $10; Associate, $5; Sustaining, $
Life membership, $100. Mail communications to Acting Executive Directo
John Hamlin 1718 H Street N. W. Washington 6, D. C.
Legislative Committee
The hearing on 5-1502 - Senator Sparkman's bill to alter the base of annuities - took
place on July 15, 1959: before the Sub-committee of the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee. Senator Green was in the Chair and the other Senators present were Senator
Srarkman and Senator Mansfield, who is Chairman of the Sub-committee. Those who
testified were: Loy W. Henderson, Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administra-
tion; Richard Fyfe Boyce; Mrs. Ruth B. Shipley; Robert L. Buell; and Mrs. Charles C.
Broy. Senator Sparkman read a strong statement in support of his bill as well as a
statement by Mrs. Carol H. Foster.
Mr.-Peyton Ford, our Legal Counsel, stated after the hearing concluded, that he was
pleased with the hearing and that he will press for as rapid action as possible on
the bill.
The Washington press recently reported that the President has agreed to an adjust-
ment in annuities paid to Army and Navy retirees which, if correct, would establish
a precedent that it would be difficult not to accord to retired Foreign Service
Officers and their widows. Senator Sparkman concurs in this view and is hopeful
that we should get much of what we seek before the adjournment of the present ses-
slon of Congress.
The cooperation of Dacorians has been helpful and is much appreciated.
Placement Committee Chairman Re sorts on Activities
The committee during the past nine months was able directly to assist 64 members, in
most cases by referring prospective employers to biographic material or by calling
specific job opportunities to the attention of individual members.
Direct assistance was not possible in 18 other instances, usually because: 1) Reg-
istration forms were filed recently; 2) job objectives were not clearly defined;
and 3) registered members in a few cases were not available for employment.
Biographies of most of the 82 listed members were referred to two or more prospective
employers in each case. Each of 13 members had his biography referred to five or
more prospective employers.
Direct contact with employers produced better results than other placement activities.
Details follow:
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Ordinary placement t activities:
Number of
referrals a/
Direct contact
Educational (teaching; lectures)
Public relations
General assistance (group research;
educational; travel; economic
studies; UN and ICA; industries;
speaking) 147
Total 193
Special activities: Number
Mail advertising campaign .
Letters sent 200
Replies received 39
Action taken (biographies or summaries sent) 12
Canvass of research organizations
Letters sent 10
Replies (none called for action) 4
a/ Referrals were effected by sending rosters and biographic material to prospective
employers, or by communicating directly with members believed qualified for specific
jobs. Dacor members also were reached through publication of appropriate notices of
job opportunities in the Dacor Bulletin.
Ellis M. Goodwin
Chairman, Placement Committee
Dacorians Form Consultative Organization
The Placement Committee has been in close contact with a new organization founded by
Dacorians to be known as International Development Research Services. The new com-
pany at an early date expects to canvass Retired Foreign Service Officers to ascer-
tain possible interest on the part of individuals in becoming associated with the new
The Committee assumes that a number of the 80 Dacorians now registered for placement
will wish to explore possibilities of association with International Development
Research Services, and that some members not already registered for placement may
be prepared to join the new organization. The new company hopes that it may be
able, as it expands, to provide useful employment for Dacorians on a salaryor fee
Dacorians interested in association with International Development Research Services
are invited to address inquiries to the company at 1005 - 13th Street, Washington 5,
International Development Research Services will endeavor to bring into existence a
consultative organization, and other activities, staffed largely by retired Foreign
Service specialists, and designed along the lines of the organization described in
a letter by the late Philip H. Bagby which was published in the Foreign Service Jour-
nal for August, 1953.
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While the new enterprise is entirely separate' from Dacor, it is being organized by
Dacorians, and it awes its origin to Mr. Bagby and to other Dacorians who since 1953
have worked on the project. The new organization promises to supply an outlet for
useful employment of the unique talents of our Foreign Service specialists.
Television Committee Chairman Reappointed
President Tittmann reappointed Mrs. Katherine R. Boyce as Chairman of the Television
Dacor House Rooms Are In Demand
Members and guests staying at Decor House during July included Ambassador and Mrs.
Francis H. Russell, and daughter, Miss Alice Russell, Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Packer,
Mrs. George E. Miller and sons, George and Henry Miller, Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Carter, Ridgeway B. Knight, Donald N. Wilber, Mr. and Mrs. Harris R. Hungerford,
Charles F. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph.E. Hirsch, Ambassador Harold B. Minor, W. J.
Jones, and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barron and sons, Russell, Jr., George, and David
Dacor House Preparing For Autumn Activities
The House Committee is busy in improving Decor House in time for the opening of a
full program this autumn.
In addition to the renovation of the dining room announced last month, the main hall
and stairways are being carpeted and a large refrigerator installed to take care of
increased demands on the dining room.
The program will center around the Sunday evening buffet suppers, the lecture
series, and Thursday night bridge.
Contributions Continue
Contributions in addition to those listed in the July Bulletin are acknowledged with
appreciation from A. Bland Calder, Carmel, California, Henry S. Waterman, San
Francisco, California, for Dacor, Inc.; Dr. A. Rex Johnson, Washington, D.C., for
Dacor House; and Robert D. McMillen, Washington, D.C. for Dacor, Inc. and Dacor
yinent of Delinquent Dues
One hundred thirteen members of Dacor, Inc. are in arrears in their dues for the
calendar year 1959 and previous periods.
It is understandable that some of these members may have been traveling or changed
their addresses and may not have received statements mailed in January. Others may
not have realized that dues are based on a calendar year, payable January 1. A
few could have confused Dacor House dues with those of Dacor, Inc. Most probably
just overlooked it.
In any case, as the officers and various committees are making every effort to im-
prove the organization and services, it would be appreciated if the members in arrears
would give their support by forwarding the dues indicated on statements recently
mailed to them.
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? AUGUST 1959
Thirty-four of the members in arrears have policies under Dacor's Cooperative In-
surance Plan. They should give this matter special attention, for claims against
these policies are paid only to Dacor members in good standing.
WILLIAM E. DUNN has resigned as Director of the Inter-American School Service due
primarily to health reasons. He became Director in 1953, writh:a background of
more than 40 years educational, diplomatic, and business activity in Latin America.
Dr. Dunn is a member of the Board of Governors of Dacor and until recently was
Chairman of the Placement Committee.
JOHN BRAYTON REDECKER AND MISS INGRID COMM were married at Greenwich, Connecticut
on June 29. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Horst Corinth, of Berlin, Germany, and
the late Dr. Corinth. The bridegroom is the son of former Consul General and Mrs.
Sydney Brayton Redecker and great grandson of the late Chief Justice and Mrs. George
Arnold Brayton of Rhode Island. He graduated from Williams College, class of 1955,
and subsequently from the United States Navy Officers Candidate School in Newport,
and will shortly resume his duties as Lieutenant, j.g. with the American Mission in
RICHARD FYFE BOYCE recently returned from a four months' business trip in South '
America for the Philco Corporation and has taken up his duties as Secretary of
FRANK A.SCHULER, JR., Chicago, has been appointed Director of Palle Relations of
the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad.
MPS. PAUL S. GUINN, Executive Secretary of Dacor, is back from two months' vacation
in Europe. Mr. Guinn, a member of the Decor Placement Committee,. having passed the
Virginia Real Estate examination: has joined a firm specializing in properties in
the northern Virginia area adjacent to Washington.
AMBASSADOR AND MRS. ANDS J. PEASLEE had a reunion of all members of his staff and
their families who had served with him in Australia and are now in the area. The
reunion took place at the Peaslees' summer place at Mantoloking, New Jersey over
the week-end of July 17. Among those present were Dacorians Arthur B. Emmons III
and Robert G. Cleveland, with wives and children; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Winship; Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Warner; Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Propps; Mr. and Mrs. Givon Parsons
and Mr. and Mrs. Douglass K. Ballentine. There were seventeen Foreign Service chil-
dren in the party.
JOHN CORRIGAN passed away on July 6th, at the age of 80, at Durban, South Africa,
where he has resided since his retirement as Consul in 1943. He was born at
Atlanta, Georgia, in 1878, and was with the U. S. Army, 1917-1919, serving as
Captain overseas. Prior to his military service Mr. Corrigan was Washington cor-
respondent for the Atlanta Constitution for many years and later was manager for
the paper's Washington Bureau. He was one of the founders of the Washington Press
Club. His consular posts included Havre, Cherbourg, Dublin: Smyrna, Venice and
Durban. Mx. Corrigan has been ill for several years, spending the last two in
King George V Hospital, Dormer P. O., Natal, South Africa. Friends in DACOR have
kept in touch with him through letters: cards, and occasional books, and he, in
turn, has written or sent messages through Mrs. Corrigan to let his former colleagues
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know of his deep interest in his countryts affairs and in the news from DACOR con-
cerning his former associates. He never lost the light Irish air he inherited from
his forebears which made his writings so enjoyable, and which combined with his
Georgia birthright made him a fine, true representative of America, cast in the
gracious mold of the old South. He is survived by his widow, residing in Durban,
and by his sister, Miss Regina Corrigan, of Atlanta, Georgia.
(Ruth B. Shipley)
HENRY PRAT FLETCHER died July 10 at the age of 86 at his summer home at Newport,
Rhode Island. A native of Greencastle, Pennsylvania, he volunteered early in his
legal career as a private in the Spanish-American War in the First Cavalry Volun-
teers -- the Roosevelt Rough Riders. Later he was commissioned a First Lieutenant
and served two years in the Philippines. Be entered the Diplomatic Service in
1902 and served with high distinction for nearly thirty years under six presidents
in many important posts, including Minister to Chile, 19090 Ambassador to Chile,
1914; Ambassador to Mexico 1916, Under Secretary of State, 1921, Ambassador to
Belgium, 1922, and to Italy. 1924, from which he resigned in 1929. He was later
Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission until he entered private life to
be Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Mr. Fletcher bad a reputation
for humor and quick wit that served him well in diplomacy and politics, and von
for him many friends over the world. He is survived by a brother, J. Gilmore
Fletcher, Manor, Pennsylvania, and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Fletcher Martin and Mrs.
Florence Fletcher Bitner, both of Greencastle, Pennsylvania. Mr. Fletcher's wife,
the former Beatrice Bend died in 1941.
Mr. Fletcher belonged to "The Family", the original group at 1718 H Street, which
in 1950 became Dacor House.
(Ruth B. Shipley)
ADMIRAL WILLIAM D. LEAHY, former Chief of Naval Operations, Governor of Puerto Rico,
Ambassador to the Vichy Government in France, and Chief of Staff to Presidents
Roosevelt and Truman during World War II, died July 20 at Bethesda Naval Hospital.
He was 34 years of age.
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Seventh Anniversary Announcement
AuotET 1959
Many Dacorians need more health insurance because the cost of sickness and accidents
is rising faster than other items in the cost of living indices. When most of us
retired, hospital room and board cost $12 a day in Washington but now ranges from
$21 to $28. In other states it has risen to $40 and is expected soon to reach $50
a day.
In response to many questions from members, new insurance plans were announced, in
the April and July Bulletins. An additional plan is now submitted to supplement
Plan 1 - Hospitalization and Surgery.
Benefits - $5 daily for hospital room and board.
$50 additional miscellaneous for hospital expenses.
Eligibles - Those insured under Plan 1 and new applicants for Plan 1.
ADVANTAGES: 1. Members accepted regardless of physical condition.
2. Premiums cannot be increased because of age and Protection
cannot be cancelled or ridered by insuring Company as long
as you remain a member of DACOR and this Coop Group is con-
3. Benefits payable for up to 90 days for each illness or injury,
in addition to any amounts collected under other policies. ,
4. No Enrollment Fee.
Male Female Male Female
Before 66th Birthday $4.8o $6.30 $19.20 $25.20
Age 66 to 75 Inc. 7.20 9.30 28.80 .87.20
One child under 18 2.70 2.70 10.80 10.80
Two or more children (under 18) 5.40 5.40 21.60 21.60
This special offer is open to September 1, 1959 only. If less than 75 apply,
premiums will be refunded.
Original Group Insurance Available To All Members During August
It includes Hospitalization and Surgery, and Disability-Medical. Members who did
not take advantage of this protection when they joined Dacor can obtain the same
protection as those already insured and for the same premiums. Those who have
only one policy can now obtain the other for themselves if they apply before
September 1, 1959, and for their wives, children and members of their families
as well.
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