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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220015-1 45654 CONG9SSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX June 29 numbers, but we believe that sufficiently broad representation would still exist in such a situation that there could be no serious objection to the continued functioning of the House under its existing interpretation of the constitutional requirement for a quorum pending elections to fill the vacancies. Respectfully submitted. Richard W. Hogue, Jr., Chairman; M. Bernard Aidinoff, Stuart K. Barnes, Al- fred Berman, William G. F. Botzow, Victor Brudney, Edward Q. Carr, Mar- vin E. Frankel, Edwin L. Gasperini, Cecelia H. Goetz, Daniel H. Greenberg, Claude E. Hamilton, Jr., Peter L. Keane, Robert A. Kirtland, Herbert Prashker, William J. Rennert, William L Riegelmsn, Leonard B. Sand, William J. Schrenk, Jr., Hayden N. Smith, L. Harrison Thayer II, Herbert A. Wolff, Jr. Government Needs Understanding EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. EUGENE J. KEOGH OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 29, 1960 Mr. KEOGH. Mr, Speaker, under the leave to extend my remarks in the REC- ORD, I include the following editorial from the Reporter Dispatch, of White Plains, N.Y., June 4, 1960: GOVERNMENT NEEDS UNDERSTANDING Management in politics? There was a time when the leaders of the Democratic Party would have condemned such a practice as something bordering on subversion. But times have changed?and theahnew outlook has been described quite aptly 15y William F. Luddy, the Democratic county chairman. In an address before a graduating class of the Action Course on Practical Politics, Luddy rapped what he called a drifting away from political life of a large segment of Americans. And, principally, he pointed out the drift of a so-called management class. "For a great many years," he said, "there has been building up a management class which has taken itself out of politics. They are greatly missed, and I hope that they can be brought back. They must realize that if they want good government they have to take part in practical politics." At that point, Mr. Luddy said, business- men can't participate civicly merely by joining luncheon clubs. He suggested that they become active in politics?"politicians must work out problems in the best interest of all the people." It is a stand, that should be endorsed by management personnel of industry and commerce. We have watched the Nation's artists, writers, actors and actresses, the' unions?almost every segment of American life?become actively engaged in politics. Yet at the same time, business and industry, vital to the economy and well-being of the Nation, have gone unrepresented. Thus the initiative, intelligence, and imagination of industrial and commercial leadership is lost to the country. It consti- tutes an abstention from citizenship respon- sibility in a field that can advance the cause of our democratic society, the field of prac- tical politics. Hmm. Could it be that a lot of the bosses of Westchester industry are not enrolled for Tuesday's primary? Project Hope Accepts South Bend Nurse for Voyage to Indonesia and Vietnam EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JOHN BRADEMAS OF INDIANA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 28, 1960 Mr. BRADEMAS. Mr. Speaker, Proj- ect Hope, a Navy hospital ship soon to head for Asian ports on a mission of medical care and the teaching of health, has impressed many Americans as a symbol of a positive and imaginative approach to building world peace. I am pleased indeed that on the initial voyage of the SS Hope, one of the nurses - aboard will be Miss Ann Roden, of South Bend, Ind. I should like to include in the RECORD a column by Edward P. Morgan from the June 4, 1960, issue of the AFL?CIO news describing Project Hope and an article from the South Bend Tribune of June 12, 1960, concerning Miss Re- den's participation in this fine project: [From the AFL-CIO News, June 4, 1960] MORGAN SAYS: PROJECT HOPE TAKES HEARTS, Too, OUT THE MOTHBALL FLEET On a day of homage to the war dead it seems not untimely to pay respects to those occasional humanitarian ideas to keep peo- ple living?ideas which, if brought to full flower, could conceivably obviate the need of New Memorial Days in the future. About Christmastime a year and a half ago in Washington, a doctor, a lawyer, and a businessman formally incorporated an idea. They called it the People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc., or, for short, Proj- ect Hope?health opportunity for people everywhere. The idea was simple: Take a Navy hospital ship out of mothballs, load it with medical supplies, a trained civilian staff of doctors, nurses and technicians and sail it off to Asian ports as a floating storehouse and schoolroom for health with a mission of mercy as an added assignment in case of disaster, like the recent quakes in C.hile, the tidal waves in the far Pacific. Attorney Eugent Zuckert, a former Atomic Energy Commissioner; industrialist Joseph T. Geuting, Jr., and Dr. William B. Walsh, medical officer on a destroyer during the war, were all three driven by this philosophy: Poor health and illiteracy are the two heavy horsemen riding down the hopes of the underdeveloped countries. The unwell can- not learn properly. Poor health leads to poverty, poverty to hunger and hunger to despair. This chain reaction, unchecked, makes the illusory paternalism of commu- nism attractive. As an antidote, Walsh took the idea to President Eisenhower who was struck by its potential in real people-to- people diplomacy. He promised to put a hospital ship in operating condition if Project Hope could raise enough money to run it as a citizens' venture, not a Govern- ment project. Redtape being what it is, even in good will, the U.S.S. Consolation?rechristened Hope?is still being readied in the Bremer- ton, Wash., Navy Yard, but by mid-Septem- ber it will be off to Indonesia with a staff of 60 doctors, nurses and assistants aboard, all volunteers. Already Walsh is oozing opti- mism: School children's dimes, pledge's from industry and labor have subscribed a third of the $3.5 million budget. So impressed was AFL-CIO President George Meany with the idea that he sent a special letter to all unions urging contribu- tions equivalent to 10 cents a member?this alone could net more than a million dollars. A Detroit milk container company will spend $250,000 to film a documentary of the proj- ect. The petroleum industry has pledged $300,000 worth of fuel, enough to run the hospital ship for a year and the American President Lines, in cooperation with mari- time unions, will operate the vessel. Indonesia was the first of half a dozen Asian countries to invite Hope in. And no wonder. The country has 1,500 trained doc- tors for a population of more than 85 mil- lion. Admittedly this is a tiny drop in the great bucket of need. There are bigger plans. Minnesota's Senator HUBERT H. HUMPHREY has been working for some 2 -years with other Members of Congress of both parties on a grandiose project to demothball a num- ber of excess naval ships and embark them as a permanent Great White Fleet of peace- ful missions for_public health training, other technical assistance programs and to supply food and first aid in catastrophes. A resolu- tion calling on the President to establish such a disarmed and disarming armada is grounded somewhere in committee and with the last fortnight's headlines of disaster as added impetus. HUMPHREY is trying to re- float it. Walsh is sympathetic toward such moves but with pardonable pride in his own proj- ect he hopes to get Hope afloat first. He has an old-fashioned idea that people will respond if they have a sense of participa- tion?something that can easily get crushed in the wheels of bureaucracy. The job, though, is plainly so vast that to have more than a feature-story meaning, however inspiring, it will need all the com- bined support of Government and public and all the imagination that the bureau- crats and the private citizens can give it. At any rate the idea strikes me as more fitting to the occasion of Memorial Day than the prospect of nuclear carnage or the carnage of combat on the highways with which we currently celebrate it. [From the South Bend Tribune, June 12, 1960] SOUTH BEND NURSE ACCEPTED ABOARD U.S. MEDICAL SHIP When the SS Hope leaves San Francisco to give medical aid to Indonesia and Viet- nam, a 25-year-old nurse from South Bend will be aboard. Ann Roden is one of the 22 nurses, 15 doctors, and 2 dentists selected out of thousands of applicants to make this first voyage for Project Hope?health opportuni- ties for people everywhere?which promotes world peace by providing medical aid and training for needy countries. Miss Roden, who was head nurse in pedi- atrics at Memorial Hospital from 1956-59, became interested in the privately sponsored Hope project through a magazine article. Now working in a children's hospital in San Francisco, she flew to Chicago for an inter- view with the project's chief nurse. She was accepted, and came to South Bend to tell her parents before returning to her job in San Prancisco. , A 1956 graduate of the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan, Miss Roden has "lived and breathed" nursing since she was 7. She says she has always wanted to do foreign service in nursing, and has closely followed the deeds of Dr. Thomas Dooley, University of Notre Dame graduate and med- ical missionary in Laos. The first 6 months of the year tour will be spent in Indonesia, and the last 6 months in Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20 : CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220015-1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220015-1. 1960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX A5655 Tiptnam, she says. These countries were ked out of a great number that asked to Ii ye the SS Hope and its crew visit their country. Project Hope is the prime function of the People-to-People Health Foundation, a corporate entity of the committee on medi- cine and the health professions. Initiated at the suggestion of President Eisenhower, the people-to-people program strives to promote world peace through in- creased understanding between the Ameri- can people and the people of other nations. Its basis is the recognition that health is essential to the attainment of national dignity. Project Hope is essentially a teaching op- eration, rather than an attempt at wide- spread treatment. The SS Hope was for- merly the naval hospital ship Consolation. The 1,500-ton vessel, donated to the project by the U.S. Government, is equipped with 800 hospital beds and a surgical section. The ship will serve as a training and treat- ment clinic; a base for wide-ranging med- ical, nursing, and sanitation teams; a medical schoor, and the logistic center for medical aid and health and exchange program. SHIP CARRIES HELICOPTER Miss Roden says that the ship will carry a helicopter, which will be used to transport the medical team inland. The team will live in the ship except when they take trips further inland. To better understand the people, during the crossing the team will be oriented toward the religious and historical backgrounds of these countries. Miss Roden left South Bend Friday to re- turn to her job in San Francisco. The SS Hope plans to set sail from San Francisco about September 15. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roden, 51585 Myrtle Avenue, will be there to see her off. Dr. Arthur M. Gates, Popular Keystone State Dentist and Civic Leader, Is Observing His 53d Year in the Practice of His Profession in Coalport, Pa. EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. JAMES E. VAN ZANDT OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 29, 1960 Mr. VAN ZANDT. Mr. Speaker, there are few men in public or professional life who, at the age of 78 years, can boast of more varied interests than the popular and genial Dr. Arthur M. Gates, who for the past 53 years has practiced his profession as a dentist in Coalport, Clearfield County, Pa., in my congres- sional district. Dr. Gates throughout his entire life has maintained a deep interest in pub- lic education, having taught school for 2 years after his graduation from Mil- lersville Normal School. For a period of 46 years Dr. Gates served as a member and treasurer of the Coalport School District and for the past 11 years he has been treasurer of the Beccaria-Coalport- Irvona Joint School's board of educa- tion. In addition, during the period 1908-12 Dr. Gates served a 4-year term as borough councilman. It has been my great pleasure to value Dr. Gates as a personal friend for many years, and I join with the community of Coalport and his many friends through- out the Keystone State in congratulating him on the twin anniversary of his birth and completion of the 53d year of dental practice in Coalport. The following tribute to Dr. Gates ap- peared in the June 23, 1960 issue of the Clearfield (Pa.) Progress. It reveals his fine achievements and the pardonable pride Dr. and Mrs. Gates have in the success of their four children together with the upspeakable joy provided by the love and devotion of their grand- children: COALPORT DENTIST, 78 TODAY, STILL IS BUSY AT HIS WORK CoALpoirr.?Marking his 78th birthday to- day, Dr. Arthur M. Gates of Coalport can lock back at a combined career of dentistry and public service that few men can boast. In his 53d year as a practicing dentist here, Dr. Gates has served for 46 of the last 48 years as a member and treasurer of the Coal- port School District Board of Education. He also served a 4-year term as a borough coun- cilman in 1908-12 and for the past 11 years has been treasurer of the Beccaria-Coalport- Irvona Joint Schools Board of Education. Dr. Gates' interest in education, however, can be dated even before he became a school board member in 1912, for after his gradua- tion from Millersville Normal School he taught school for 2 years. One year was at Beaver Valley, -Cambria County, where he was an instructor in the upper four grades and the second was at Blain City, where he taught seventh and eighth grades and served as school principal. In 1904, Dr. Gates began the study of den- tistry at the University of Pennsylvania Dental College and on graduation in 1907 opened his office here. While studying den- tistry, he longed to become a surgeon, but because of financial circumstances had to forego that career. Because of his interest in education, this year has special significance for Dr. Gates. Three of his granddaughters were graduated from high school this year and he was able to attend the graduation exercises of all three. The granddaughters are Nancy Lynn Fisher, who was graduated from B-C-I High School May 31; Mary Elizabeth Conners, of Wynnewood, near Philadelphia, who re- ceived her diploma June 4; and Karen Marie Gates, of Shamokin, who was graduated June 7. All three.girls received special awards at their graduation and Mary Elizabeth was valedictorian of her class at Sacred Heart Convent. All three girls are registered for - college in the fall?Nancy Lynn Fisher, at Carnegie Institute of Technology where she will Major In art; Mary Elizabeth Conners at Trinity College for Girls at Washington, D.C., where she will major in languages; and Karen Marie Gates at Misericordia College, Dallas, Pa. Dr. Gates was born June 23, 1882, the son of the late P. C. and Sematha Jane Hoy Gates, longtime residents of Coalport. His father was one of the incorporators of Coal- port Borough and secretary of the board of education .and borough council for many years. Mrs. Gates is the former Frances DeSales Buck, daughter of the late Frank J. and Lucinda Rose Weakland Buck. Mr. Buck operated a grocery and general-merchandise store in Coalport for many years. Dr. and Mrs. Gates are the parents of four children: Frances Gates Fisher, a teacher in the Coalport elementary school; Mary Gates Conners, a teacher in the Lower Merion Township Schools near Philadelphia; Dr. Lionel Perry Gates, chief surgeon of the Shamokin State Hospital; and Dr. Robert Paul Gates, a heart specialist on the staff of the East Pittsburgh plant of Westing- house Electrical Manufacturing Co. Dr. Gates still observes regular daily office hours from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., although he and Mrs. Gates in recent years have taken a month to 6 weeks' vacation, generally in Florida. Federal Bureau of Investigation?HI EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. SAMUEL L. DEVINE OF OHIO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, June 29, 1960 Mr. DEVINE. Mr. Speaker, the fol- lowing article is the third of a series appearing in the Columbus (Ohio) Dis- patch relative to the wonderful record of the world's greatest law enforcement agency: ARTICLE 3 WASHINGTON.?The FBI freely makes Available to local agencies information in- volving violations of criminal laws within their jurisdiction. Hence, the FBI expects, in accordance with Presidential directives, that local agencies will immediately refer to the FBI any in- formation relating to subservise activities or possible overthrow of the U.S. Government. And they do. Attempts at espionage or sabotage have been brought to the FBI's attention by local agencies since a Presidential directive in 1939. Unified law enforcement in the United States during World War II, coordinated by the FBI, made it possible to avoid a single successful act of foreign-directed sabotage. Enemy espionage was nullified at the outset. During World War II, countries at war with the United States were driven to des- perate lengths in an effort to reestablish espionage and sabotage networks * * * to no avail. Soviet espionage operations in the United States continue to suffer tremendous set- backs at the hands of the FBI. During 1951, for example, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted as atomic spies for the Soviet Union. In 1953, Otto Verber and Kurt Ponger, naturalized American citizens who performed Russian espionage in Austria, were sentenced to prison. Another Soviet espionage apparatus was smashed early in 1957 with the arrest of Jack Soble, Myra Soble and Jacob Albam by FBI agents. In the summer of 1957, Col. Rudolph Ivanovich Abel was arrested and the equip- ment he used to transmit information to Russia was seized. Abel was a carefully concealed espionage agent living an innocuous life in the United States, but he was a dynamic and active arm of Soviet espionage here. He made use of virtually all of the tech- niques of professional espionage agents, in- cluding secret drops, special codes, radio transmissions and the use of hollowed-out coins for the transmitting of espionage data. These are only some of the highlights of FBI accomplishments in combating Soviet espionage operations. In addition, a number of persons have been indicted as a result of Soviet intelli- gence activities directed against the United States. Some of these persons have been convicted while other fled the country to avoid prose- cution. Information gathered and dissemi- nated by the FBI has resulted in a number of Soviet and satellite diplomats being de- clared persona non grata. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220015-1