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July 22, 1959
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220027-8 12786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE and representative nature of national support for District of Columbia self - government. I understand that Mayor Carlin of my neighboring city of Newark, N.J., had a 'leading part in this decision. I believe the overwhelming majority of the peo- ple of my State, and of the country, share these sentiments. I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm my whole- hearted support of efforts to restore home rule to Washington. I am confident that this House, recog- nizing that the overwhelming sentiment of the country supports the restoration of democracy to the Nation's Capital, will assert its long-denied right to legis- late on this issue, and act in this session to end the long minority blockade of home rule. The resolution follows: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA HOME RULE?HESOLU- TION APPROVED BY THE 1959 ANNUAL CON- FERENCE OF THE U.S. CONFERENCE . OF MAYORS, ILOS ANGELES, CALIF., JULY 15, 1959 Whereas local self-government is the bed- rock of free government; Whereas the rights and benefits of local self-government should be available to all American citizens; Whereas the residents of the District of Columbia- are denied the rights and benefits of local self-government; Whereas the Congress of the United States has the authority to assure local self-gov- ernment by granting home rule to the Dis- trict of Columbia; Whereas the principle of home rule has been endorsed by a substantial majority of the residents of the District of Columbia; and Whereas the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia have unanimously endorsed proposals for granting home rule to their city: Now, therefore; be it Resolved by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, That the Congress be, and it is hereby urged, to approve home rule legislation to assure local self-government to the residents of the District of Columbia. (Mrs. DWYER asked and was given permission to revise and extend her re- marks and include extraneous matter.) CORRECTION OF VOTE , Mr. BYE NE of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 113 I am re- corded as not voting. I was present and voted "aye." I ask unanimous consent that the RECORD and Journal be cor- rected accordingly. The SPEAKER pro ternpore. Is there objection to the request of the gentle- man from Pennsylvania? There was ho objection. , Mr. DONOHUE. Mr. Speaker, on roll- call No. 113 I am recorded as not voting. I was present and voted "aye." I ask unanimous consent that the RECORD and Journal be corrected accordingly. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentle- ? man from Massachusetts? ' There was no objection. CORRECTION OF ROLLCALL Mr. SMITH of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 52, on May 25, 1959, a -/quorum call, I am recorded as absent. I was present and answered to my, name. I ask unanimous consent that the REC- ORD and Journal be corrected accord- ingly. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there objection to the request of the gentle- man from Iowa? There was no objection. WHITt. FLEET RESOLUTIONS UNDERWAY (Mr. EDMONDSON (at the request of Mr. ALBERT) was given permission to ex- tend his remarks at this point in the RECORD.) Mr. EDMONDSON. Mr. Speaker, yes- terday 22 Members of this body intro- duced resolutions calling upon the Presi- dent to establish from our mothballed Navy a new White Fleet of mercy -ahips, to-carry American surplus foods, medical aid and supplies to disaster and distress areas all over the world. This idea, initiated by Cmdr. Frank Manson, of Oklahoma, is appropriately described in this week's issue of Life magazine as a "bold proposal for peace." It also represents an imaginative new approach to American foreign policy ad- vancement, an approach which I hope will win the overwhelming support of this House. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a 30-minute discussion of the proposal for a modern-day great White Fleet, under a special order granted to me by the House yesterday. The terms of House Concurrent Reso- lution 323?and the 21 similar 'resolu- tions for a new White Fleet?will be dis- cussed in tomorrow's 30-minute period, And the 22 resolution sponsors will ap- preciate the participation of all int r ed colleagues. 1 HE GREAT WHITE FL (Mr. BOLAND asked and was given ? ermission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD.) Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Speaker, I want to join my House colleagues, Congress- man Eamomisox, of Oklahoma, and Congressman BATES, of Massachusetts, and Senators HUMPHREY, of Minnesota, and AIKEN, of Vermont, in urging Presi- dent Eisenhower to revive the Great White Fleet of the Theodore Roosevelt era and put the modern Great White Fleet upon the seven seas for the pur- poses of peace and in the cause of humanity. As the Springfield (Mass.) Daily News editorially stated on Monday of this week: The grim might of the (Great White) fleet was thinly covered with a peaceful white coating, but there was no mistaking the message carried by the fighting admiral and 16 battleships. The Great White Fleet impressed the world. - Gunboat diplomacy has undergone exten- sive modification. Yes, indeed, gunboat diplomacy has undergone extensive modification in the 52 years since President Theodore Roosevelt dispatched these 16 .battle- ships off on the historic cruise around the world in a demonstration of new- found United States might, after victory in the Spanish-American War estab- lished this country as a world power. July 22 I want to commend my colleagues who Introduced the resolution Yesterday and the man who thought up the challenging idea of a new White Fleet diplomacy, Navy Commander Frank Manson. Also, Life magazine is to be commended for the excellent presentation of this idea and a review of the accomplishments of the Theodore Roosevelt Great White Fleet, appearing in the July 2'7 issue. Mr. Andrew Heiskell, publisher of Life magazine, has aptly stated the purpose of the new White Fleet in these words: The new White Fleet would be equipped to stand not only as a symbol of U.S. leadership in the ideals of peaceful world brotherhood, but as a practical demonstration of U.S. medical and scientific progress. The White Fleet could roam anywhere in the world and be in a state of readi- ness to give assistance where disaster might strike. The fleet could consist of hospital ships, cargo ships with relief supplies of food and clothing, and air- craft carriers and cargo ships designed to provide power supplies or dispense tech- nical information. The U.S. Navy has many such ships in its mothball fleet which could be pressed into service for the White Fleet idea to demonstrate America's goodwill and implement the peaceful purposes of our foreign aid program and foreign policy. Mr. Speaker, I am certain that Presi- dent Eisenhower will give this proposal - ympathetic consideration. *"?-.J A NEW "SAVANNAH" FOR A NEW JOB (Mr. BOLAND asked and was given permission to extend his remarks at this point in the RECORD.) Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Speaker, the United States demonstrated yesterday that once again it has the earnest de- sire and the know-how to put the gi- gantic power of the atom to work for peaceful purposes when the President's wife, Mrs. Dwight D. Eisenhower, chris- tened the first nuclear powered mer- chant ship, the NS Savannah. The launching of the NS Savannah at Camden, N.J., is another milestone in the harnessing and development of atomic fission for the benefit of man- kind. Under leave to extend my remarks, I include the following editorial from the Springfield (Mass.) Daily News of Mon- day, July 20, 1959, entitled "A New Sa- vannah for a New Job": A NEW "SAVANNAH" FOR A NEW JOB Great Britain has Often demonstrated the value of "showing the flag" when its rights are endangered in any part of the world, and the United States has used the same device which became known in some quarters as "gunboat diplomacy." However, during the lifetime of Adm. Robert D. "Fighting Bob" Evans, the use of gunboats in diplomacy underwent a notable change. One of his first "show of force" as- signments took him to Chile as the com- mander of the steel gunboat Yorktown in 1891 to caution those who were threatening what the United States considered as its legitimate interests there. The next year, he took a flotilla to the Bering Sea to stop abuses in seal fisheries. After the Spanish-American War, how- ever, the admiral went on perhaps his most Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/08/20: CIA-RDP61-00357R000100220027-8