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Document Creation Date: 
November 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 9, 1998
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Publication Date: 
July 3, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP61-00391R000100060005-9.pdf54.6 KB
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00391 R00 0J0005-9 3 July 1958 This strikes me as being another try at making a beauty out of a withered hag by putting a new gown on her. I'm not surprised that initial response has been complementary. These collection guides, however, can get lost in the file drawer by two year's hence just as easily as the present compendia. Even so, we should have interest if the scheme fitted our program/. It does not mainly because we deal in mortar, not bricks. It is possible that a country guide of this sort could be prepared for Mapping and Unconventional Warfare. However, we are already embarked in a small way in producing Requirements Directives for U/W and could use the same scheme to cover Mapping on a country basis. I suggest that our response to _ include the following: 25X1A9a 1. We appreciate the value of the scheme for the aims of ERA, but cannot arrive at a reasonable selection from the myriad subjects of GRA interest. Whatever selection we made would misrepresent the actual scope of interest and needs of geographic intelligence. 2. Preparation would be a terrible burden (much of it necessitated solely by the set format) even if limited to the Bloc countries. We also can forsee a heavy maintenance load, much of it non-productive (ie.,only maintains accuracy of guide contents). Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00391 R000100060005-9 Sanitized'- Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00391 R0001 00060005-9 3. The orderly approach represented by the country guides is of great interest to us. We are now giving thought to programming Requirement Directives in the fields of U/W and Mapping for each Bloc and sensitive non-Bloc country. I have checked this out with 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00391 R000100060005-9