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April 2, 1959
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511%FNDARD FORM NO. 64 1"% By R ET
Approved For Release 209&08/17: CIA-RDP61-00442A000100059G08-7
TO Director of Training
VIA : Chief, Operations School
DATE: 2 April 1959
FROM : Chief, Headquarters Training
SUBJECT: Weekly Activities Report No. 13
25 - 31 March 1959
Nothing to report
A. Syllabi: I found the second draft of the SM syllabus
completely unacceptable and, as a result, have undertaken the
rewriting of the syllabus myself, calling upon Stan and Clark, as
necessary, for clarification of what is truly intended as an objec-
tive, in terms of lecture, practical work, trip, etc., for each
scheduled item. I expect to have this finished and in the production
mill by Friday, 3 April. Two other syllabi have been received, one
each for the IRRR and the Cable Refresher courses. These, too, fall
far short in' my opinion as to what we are doing, why we are doing,
and how we hope to accomplish these objectives. It is perfectly
obvious now that IRRR has been too heavy on the side of journalism
as opposed to the collection, evaluation and dissemination of Intel-
ligence information obtained through clandestine mechanisms. I find
that the inauguration of the compulsory syllabus is proving to be
most useful.
B. Faculty Seminars: We have gone through three drafts of a
proposed seminar in CI operations and have finally, I believe, hit
the proper formula. It may be necessary to extend the time somewhat
beyond the initial and arbitrary setting of 40 hours as a package,
but this does not concern me. I am confident that we will find that
in addition to the obvious effectiveness (in terms of increasing the
proficiency and capability of staff personnel) of the seminars that
they will be useful in our planning and implementation of the proposed
Senior Officers Course.
C. Records: I have initiated a program targeted at the cleaning
out and destruction of duplicative and unnecessary paper within Head-
quarters Training. One of the first targets is the course report.
This particular paper, I have ascertained to my horror, has had a
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : CIA-RDP6' i 00100050008-7
Approved For Release 20W08/17: CIA-RI 2A00010005QQp8-7
way of finding its way into from three to five separate files,
ranging from the chief instructor, his training assistant,
chronological, course reports, etc. We are screening all of our
files and destroying duplicating documents. Henceforth, there
will be one central file of historical and meaningful paper.
Individuals, per as, will continue to maintain a personal chrono
and materials of use in their assigned duties. Old paper, charts,
tapes, and related training materials are being reviewed by the
appropriately concerned personnel and being stringently weeded out.
We intend to retain, for potential usefulness and historical worth,
a maximum of three copies of old case histories (no longer being
used) and reading materials of non-existant courses. I hope by
this activity to eliminate the requirement for at least six safes.
In terms of money, just the buried and hidden useless tapes that
we have uncovered and turned in for erasure and re-use must be
worth at least $750. Since records re r one of the major
fields of interest and experience for I have placed
him in charge of this project.
D. Special Briefings On 27 March was given
a special two-hour briefing by on IN a W nee ements of the
executive management responsibilities of a station chief.
E. S & T: As reported earlier, we are making progress on the
compilation of the course syllabus. Stan continues to meet with
various OSI and CS personnel who will support the course to clarify
lecture objectives and teaching methods. We shall be ready soon to
present the next running beginning on 20 April provided we have
sufficient customers.
A. Personnel: Chief, Support, SR Division called
me on We esday, 25 scuss the transfer to us of-
Keith informed me that was, at that time, out of
the country on a TDY for WH Division but was expected to return by
29 March. Keith, after some discussion, assured me that _ would
report to us no later than 20 April, starting date for the S & T
course in which I intend to enroll him as a student.
had an interview with of 25X1A
the CI She reported to me that - di no describe the 25X1A
job but did indicate that one may be available about June, depending
on whether or not the incumbent left. However, the CI Staff personnel
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Approved For Release 20Gp,EO8117 : CIA-RD A00010005G 8-7
officer, subsequent to the interview, asked Nancy not to make any
other commitment without checking with him. Should something else
be offered her, he said, he would force a decision within his own
staff as to whether or not they desired to hire her.
opportunities look very bright. I had
lunch with on Thursday, 26 M cussed Stanley's
future with o . tells me that has approved
Stan's going to the I Staff for orientation in the Agency's
activities in clandestine S & T operations. I asked Bob if this 25X1A
would give Stan a chance to actually handle some of the 25X1A
agents before be went overseas.. Bob assured me that it wo . I
like the development.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17: CIA-RDP6fP-4 0100050008-7