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Document Release Date: 
December 18, 2009
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Publication Date: 
October 21, 1959
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040038-4 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Chief, Language and Area School FROM : Deputy Chief, Area Training suBJEcT: Weekly Activities Report DATE: 21 October 1959 A. SIGNIFICANT ITEMS None to report B. OTHER ACTIVITIES 1. saw C/OS in order to explore means of obtaining appropriate Agency case data for purposes of illustration and discussion in the IOE. While the outlook is bleak for inducing DDP to release suitable cases, we will follow up on leads given us by C/OS to a number of persons in OTR with rich field experience. We feel it will be possible to use portions of their statements drawn from their own and their wives' experiences. Much case data from non-Agency sources will of course also be used, but we feel that some reference to the Agency's own experience is highly desirable, even from the psychological viewpoint alone. 2. Our briefing on the 20th of five TO's, including those assigned to BE, NE, and WH, drew out current thinking in the DDP divisions about the Overseas Effectiveness program. Apparently there is considerable sentiment for pointing the program as much as possible toward the area to which enrollees are assigned, and for using actual case histories as liberally as possible. C/EE reportedly would like to see the IOE merged with the AAO. NE's candidates for the course may be one or two persons destined for the field at a later date, for whom a two-year training program has been mapped. 3. 1 also sounded out the DDP TO's on the possibility of their feeding us information on field assignments, with sufficient lead-time to meet our needs under any plan for expanding the AAO program. The responses were encouraging, and, with PPS's help, we will explore all possible ways of obtaining the desired information on a regular basis. 4. gave two showings of his African-Middle Eastern slides. ve persons from o/TR attended the showing in Quarters Eye, and approximately twenty-five from NE and AP attended the one in "I" Building. 25 YEAR RE-PC "IC\A/ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040038-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040038-4 e TO/EE diseu,:,sed the possibility of an the spring. Eaa year sends approxi- mately 12-persons who have never been in the area, an eparture time is usually in the spring. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2009/12/18: CIA-RDP61-00442A000200040038-4