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May 6, 1955
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Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approv ease : CIA-RDP61;00910A000100060002-2
(Itile Area)
To dote
in effeetive elenent of the Management
n I.
MAY -6 1955
The division status of the elenent was established, original
the cemospt of the fOrwerOmseral Services Office. At that t
organisational structure thereof comprised the Reeords Management Iranch
Including the Agency CcurierIgEce ofnemplayees and the Machine
Records 'Pre:who also, bavingMenploytes.
b. Viten the ?enema Services Office vas dissolved in rdirwary 195h (1) the
haehina Rewards Prafteh was transferred in its amtireaty to the Office of
the Comptroller Uhere it west given division status, (2) the Courier
force was placed under the jerisdiation of the Lireetor of Logistics,
also, in it. entirety and (3) the remainder of the *lament eomprising
records management activities was transferred to the hanagenent Staff.
c. The current organisational structure of the; element comprises five
branches in addition to the cffice of the Chief, AnnexI, Tab A. The
staffing pattern for this framenrk includes a ceiling of position.
'with a personnel combatant of=employeas. Applicants in protease
for four of the five vacancies. ;Innex I, lab S.
Pursuant to a plans, the Itseords Oenher 1r.neb with
cation of positions and funds therefor is scheduledtell elle-
for traref.r
to jurieoiction on or about 214 April 155. Annex I, 741t C. (Corn-
p1 on schedule)
e. Salaries paid to Records ranagement tivision personnel for fiscal Year
195$ (se projected) approximate a grand totdl of tl in the
aggregate. This amount includes (1) the mum of -1/19 paid to per-
sonnel who either resialed or transferred fron the division during the
warrant fiscal year mad (2) the owl of t26,921.24 for Pori-
tions scheduled for transfer Sr provided in 7arsgraph td above. N.P.
The remainder of 4 positions will be filled by the applicants who are in
process (see Paragraph 2o above) Annex T, "lb P.
Sanitized - Approved FoC ILte : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized -Approveatappase : CIA-RDP63-00910A000100060002-2
- A I
Stott 3t4r, dated 22 Loosebox' 1953,543441ts A
cos, approved br toting Zapata' Director Adboinietratior.)
transfer of roe:ords managsment aetivities from tho for-
ices Offioe to the Managemmot Staff.
tration ad control of igency records is suthoried by
approv4 of the Oeners1 anansel. 'rob a list
and othrr authorities affectizig the records program.
b. T
?Ito Agfa recerdst prob is obvioua1 aompliaated a nbr of
sontinosaimi. An offtsien eonagement @Ireton is ess for the oom
trol of vital lmtelligenes records. Security requirement
crease the records volume and add to the met a filing equipment end
oepplies. The nature lf intelligonoe aetivities (retells long retention
periods for records, usually in *costly *pawl. t.riUty aeazur*$ and
*over dependency upon TO. end other agoncies melt in constart expansion
of the reeved* volume. Records having potestial intelligenes value are
obteined from ether agencies for review, *valuation and disposal or re-
tention. Romerds seism, or obtainod from foreign governments enlarge
the growing volume. issontisl administrattio paporwork for clearinces,
oontrols, aethorieations, approvals sad 000tdination augments tho greeeth
Of rewords. Th. disporsal of buildings makes the *Motive administra-
tion of records more diffieult. Tndifforosee on the pert Of soms tgenoy
officials to the requirementr of Publio Low 754, the ?orient t000rds Act
of 1,1*, provides an rump:pommy frustration to the overall prOblem.
e. Tho Roeords mavonentlimep -
The Ages?, programis baud an the .t rocords sactu,
mord* naintenince wd recerds &tap?ettten. uta tis oen-
sidereal= of forms, rts snd earrespond4n . 'rho erotntage ratios
thereof to total rocords volume are norealti aceoptod es 20, tO and 60
respeotively. Rfoords nalatenanes incledoe othor *moats such as con-
trol of mail, tbil solootion and lastallation of standard filo classift
oetiam systems, filo referenca service and standardisation of filing
equipment and supplies. Records disposition covers the evaluation,
trensfor, retirement, proeervatios and disposal of record puterial.
The basic plan of the program also places depondonqy upon the collabora-
tion ?of approximatOt 2) area records offitors for operating effieiency.
Omly six of such officers ere on fell tie* basis. Thus, with eel-la-
teral dutiful imp000d on moat of these off/sere and in the abeencs of
administrative control crow them) the reeords maneramont program lackr
force and effectivosess as now oonstitutod.
Sanitized - Approved For Reilittitik4A-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved Foam& : CIA-RDP64-00910A000100060002-2
Tho tft Aru aethtatns a separate records managoment prorram
a separate archival 0 riteord material of predecesior
figendile. It is somesivable that the aotftatios therefor ill based pri-
airily on security reasons. aceivable that closer
tion stould obtain on certain recorde moron phase* for economic
such at vital materials, file stadardi, forma management, reports con
trol and systems, i.e., with proper clearaocys. It. Is understood that
there La no fennel egrtoment of anderstandinc in existence that would
tend to establish a true delineatiom of responsibilities for records
administration on =Area coacept basis. OnOtor these oircunstanoes, a
separate study should te made to determine *ether or not closer coopers
tion might be had for sconoodo reasons on some program Oasts vithout
jeopardising security.
e. Records !lanagement Divioion
The distribution of work in the cLtvistn dl 3b05$ the dmieistration of
eight separate programs 'within the framework of the four rettaleing
branchos (Paragraph to and d). rhe Porno Yomagoment !ranch is responsible
solely for offootive aeministration of the formal program. l'Amilarly,
the Renords risposition Pronch in accountable only for the disposition
program. Aloe, the Roports Lnd Correspondenca Nanagemont 'ranch admin
Utters two ttoparate proms at implied. Ma Systants 9ronthl however,
has tho brood responsibility of administering four individual programs
such ao- microfilming, vital materiels, filer standards end records' ays-
tons. Thus, from the :roregoing, it is apporont that the dtstribution
of wet responsibility Is ontoeianoed organisationally on a program
hosts, it io granted, however, that on a workload basis the rooponei-
hilitios of the Forms onagemoot program and. the Records rirpoeition pro
gram, oospoctively, ttr. greater in proportion to those of any other
single program.
14 ;Use Program - &vetoes 11. 4
The progress made to date through this pratma has been eubtnttsl
effective. However, the placement of the t1aroftisiag program orantta-
ttonal1y in the field of records oonsgement ooy be etubject to questiov.
shill, ogulation 40-140, dated 0 January 1955, Subplots iVilitiag sad
Reproduction, tends to ESNs offieittl recognition to such platmement, the
provisions of Regulation 7400, dated 10 toOust 1954, Subject: Office
Ruminate ',tetchiness should alno receive consideration.
Microfilming should be construed as etitkia the intent of !tegulation
7400 which in effect ooncerna operational systems through the ute of
*Mao baainaos mashinos if proof can bt, shown that (l) applieation a
ito bill potential is limited by placement in the orgsaisational concept
of the rewords managsment structure and (2) the potential application
Sanitized - Approved For WNW CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - ApprovedeSeaaase : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
cops Iithts the meaning of opera-
entails the uso of office bustning has faux potential
ems measure to records manage-
costs through reduction in space recuire-
ard to vital materials. lonstruod in
tosal sstsus, the potential seeps would oover not
lieations mentioned above but would be onlarged to in-
stylisation., i.e., to provide' sowings in labor re
lo distribution as a nethod of roproduetion.
W.B. An example of an operational system %mood on spool, reductieo is
V-Mail. The application to some vital materials is similar. Examples
of labor savings may be found in private industry, banks ond municipal
governments where miorofilming serves seas mounting oontrol devioe.
An sweasplo of distribution via reproduction applies to the furnishing
of vital statistic, seek as copies of birth mid death certificates. The
wain* reword aperturo card used in OC t, comprises an examplo of triple
application in this Algona, i.e., spaes savings, vital *starlit's protec-
tion arid sowings in tiro, labor and distributial.
yetems' Branch Irograms Annex It, Tabs F d i.
os reveal that the vital materials' ond file =dards' programs
ore As:actor/ and liond effective support to records management ac-
tivittos. The systems progrom, howevor, is apparently ineffective due
primarily to lack of at:ogee-to administrative and operational planning
and an Willard postttcn slot. Actuall/ * tilos a prof/Aims are projects.
* RePorto went
Antiox It!, Tab
Stm4Y of the reverts and oorre,poMnce prsas discloses that (1) on
honest effort has been sad to Iak these constructive prsgrssa with
sukY Partial success, (2) only four at to have
taken root, ()) the progress are ineffective due to lack of recognized
policy and regulations to provide smooth operating force and, also, due
to impropor organisational planning, i.e., making a branch Of two position
slots with no support porsontel, (11) the bransh should be abolished as
a separate entity and (5) the work should be continued on a project
Reeordo risposition tram - Loud ITT, Tab 01
An examination of this program tondo to omphasisa the teportance of the
disposttion control schedule as the goal essence of records managemant
sad the hub around which other program phaves tend to rotate. It also
dicel000s that (1) oahotantisl progress has been made, (2) some overlap-
ping is in evidence on responsibilities whidh normally moult be dis-
charged under the file standards' and records' system' programs, (3)
Sanitized - Approved For ROGAUSIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - ApprovedISMit ase : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
ave boen ever not. because tt. treisad i.thod tsed hat
end(4) a new approach should
foll responsibility whore it b
eh office head throe delegat
of disposition control schedules to the male
ev should then follow as tarsal prosedure.
no Ranagenast Program rum IrT4 fob IC
reinstituted late in 1,53 has been devil.pad on a solid
th effective operating practise* for the eentrel ef ferns
indexes, preouremest of forms and compilation of noathly
ial provess has been made in (1) reducing the =Ober
feria, (2) increasing revisions of old forms, (3)
fere*, (4) reducing copy production of forms and
(5) r.C.eignsting tors from en orgenioatienel concept to s straight
feasible. To data, ooetrol has bean established
including approximately 1251 Agency forms. re-
of 5) percent in the number of motive forms since
average annual usage of ferns has been reduced from
pies per form in 1953 to 11,872 copies in 19514. Thus
this program has bogun to ply returns and should receive full adminis-
trative support cam:, based on conservative estimates, there are about
26,000 bootleg forms still being used in the Agency on an uesentrolled
and waoteful basis. f pending backlog of 19, forms and other actions,
equivalent to 1791 mantours or 11.2 work weeks confirms the existence
of 841 operational burden which ootid be relieved by the *dation of
(1) import paranoia to maintain typing and filing on a current bends
and (2) forms analysts to expedite design routines and the preparation
of final type copy of row and revised forme. Information obtained from
the reproduction plant reveals that three employees spend approximately
four hours per day each on routines pertaining to form suet as prelini
eery leyout, vszitypine, ruling, proefreadine and maintenance of files
eentaining rough drafts, final type copy, netatives? plates, etc
it. C0WLI0Is
The study reveals that, under its present orsnizstt.l concept, the
Reeordo Management I3ivLstcn is not Wholly an efteetive slemint of the
Management Staff by reason of (1) misplaced dependency upon area records
offieerte who sonnet most their responsibilities in records edministra-
tion, (2) the limited epplicotion of the mierefilm program in its present
orgiesioational placenott, (3) the unbalanced assignment of programs to
braneh stbdivisions with resultant loss of administrative sad operational
'entre% over the recorVo systems, program, (4) the establishment et the
Reporto sod Correspondence leneeement Primal with inadequate staffing
and (51 the extended ure of an improvised method to solve the teem
reeord problem without the support of bdoquate regulatery procedure in
view of the provisions of lee.
Sanitized - Approved ForMiliffrobCIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved ease : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
IttCc- dt: TIONS:
Based m the ethstanse of this stu the following proomendatione are
proposed for adoption snd implementetion es Soon as fees/blot
a. The organisational condept of the records management structure be oh
from division status mid identified as the :Records Neresgement Staff.
b. The Reeerds-Menegement 3taff oompriao an ?Moo of Chief, a project
staff and %we bran/hes, i.e., Rewords Disposition Prandh and Forms
Management Proneb. Anson IV, Tab L.
a. The staffing pattern of the Records snsgeaet
refloated in Annex TV, !ab V.
It. The area ressrds officer conovt of the reser
aboliated as ineffective.
Now resslatos7 issuances be proscribed as sad feasibl. to give
foroe end offset to the overall mord* management propia under the
proposed orgsnisational concept sod revised plan for admit Oration of
Awing rewords as provided in paragraph 31. shove. This is ooneldered
to to of tieffieisat lawortence to warrant e atomised effort to issue
new regulatory material as soon as passable.
The microfilm program together with the Neat om, position slot, fund'
and immuMbent be transferred to the jurisaistion of the Chief, Busineos
MasbinesServies, Nemagement
The Reports and Cerro*;cadence an
Breach be abolished with the purtin
position slots, funds end incumbents
Tabs L and r.
t Iran* and the hcdGrds t
am*ijiin programs, functions,
get us provided in Annex XV,
h. A repreeentative of the anqenentftatt rtthatitut. and cos inue o -
%tattoo, with the tog2stics ftiee for the trPnefor of a capable tome
anielarst to facilitate the ens design of forme and expedite the
preparation of final type copy.
t. A separate study be 80011 to determine bald* bV proras phase the
DD/P Area should 000perste for economic reean. in the autheris.4 Agency
rmoorda management proirom or with propar justifisation be granted an
eameptton therefrom for securitr reasons.
Sanitized - Approved For
: CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
ANN 5?is s
Sanitized - ARprovedirmasilWatz : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Amax u ?
AM( m -
Ant": XV - Propos
MAD: ea (5 May 1955)
Chiefs Piongement c! tier
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved Forittlit : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
This al
&satiation of th. divtior as follevs:
a. Tab A eamprisas an onitiQ&i it
b. Tahi rafissts the vtsffing potter* sad prey/ es
data on salaries for the ensuing files' year.
sent or-
e. Tab C revoels the entail* of a pending change in table of
witahlistion via transfer.
TAO D confirms thst tift rewords management program
seirod by law.
Sanitized - Approved941Mitime : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized -Approved F ? 5t-
CIA-RDP61-0091MOL9AI spA-
Sep !other 1954
Directs an Agency-wide Re
a. The creation of recor)
b. Their maintenance, or,
of current business.
c. The transfer, preserv
records not currently
d. The selection and mai
e. Liaison with other go
Directs a program covering:
a. The design' utilization 4+14 oupply.+14g
of forms.
. Assignment of form numbers.
c. Development, maintenance and distribu-
tion of the agency forms index.
i.. Surveys and special studies of forms
and related procedures, and the
requirements of area programs.
rds Management Program covering:
nization, and use in the conduct
ion or destruction of those
equired or seldom used.
enance of vital materials.
rnment agencies.
Directs a prograr
Directs a program covering:
a. Systems for the maintenance of actie
The eliminat
and prevention of
unnecessary i
Microfilm operations.
Improved repc
Written communications.
le preparation and
Filing equipment and filing supplies.
processing oil
Selection, depoit and maintenance of
Improving th(
tuality of correspond-
vital materials.
Surveys and analys-s of active repordc;
systems and filiw equipment.
Directs a program covering:
Records inventorying and appraisals.
Records control schedules.
Records disposition including Congres-
sional authorizations.
Surveys of area programs.
Liaison with other Federal agencies on
the destruction, preservation, loan
and transfer of records.
Sanitized - Approved For Release:
Formulates the standards and procedures
responsive to agency requirements for the
transfer and servicing of semi-active and
inactive records.
Stores and protects inactive records and
provides reference service.
Destroys records in accordance with approved
Preserves records with permanent or long
retention value.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved FtEetifte : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
nesting "cordo nahsgpamat Program
the Wes P.L. ahd 110)
. The Federal I
eettea S06141
siaintata as esti
?test asnageaent of
ther legislation affeetlag
('Atle 5) ,
act federal
ging procres fc
of the stancy.t'
oferines la part
establish and
lc end offi-
records progran is priradod senowt
TU. Federal. Property and Adwinistrative $.evic Lot of 19
352?e1at Ceagress.
b. 1. $., Cede.
C. Federal. Reports iset
4. Adatiastrative l'reeeenr
ttI P
The Remit& Diglesalist, ?.L.
3e0, 1414 OM 366), as aasaton $
Adistalatrative direct/vet; pertsiniat to
are also WWI
a. areas of the Itedget
b. morel aweless Adadaistrtta Segislatioa.
Memoreadua dated Ostober 195C troa the *gal Staff to ,./hief. CIA
Library..7CD suaaarlses optto on the 41t.posal of As records as
a. The enthral Tatelligsaleo At
AiIto twofer as it dos* no
Law 253.
Sanitized - Approved Mails e : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved FokirgMe : CIA-RDF'?1-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved For !Ire*: CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved Ratatse : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
xemeh r ails that tbe
so namely, vital aa
team. itadh am
b. The tnce
Tab if ere/13a retrial
Tab F V ital materials Program
Tab 0 File Lteaderde ?reigns
Tab N Eystira Program
Sanitized - Approved Faredribiligp : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved Fo41041% : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
k PrO
Th. ildarlOrUX Pro Am h tam major phae i).ne
mameeement where it servos to 6aeraaaa iterate coots
duties La spine requirerIcatm. The other ohs* relates to a
'Wass Ware it tends to (a) &Mat savings in labor requires**
taatlitato multiple distribution as a method Og reproduction end (t
prevido a distinct aspect of security. The objective of the $rogree?
its reeutremants sad currant stens aro stated below:
AteMyak - The object of the program iv to Obtain affective use of
iliWatU end pertinaet eetipnent on an igloo:, vide beada.
b. toff competency entails the diseharge of broad i's-
?h 14 (1) maim the poikettal Awes of stcrofila
Mord* ma:ogee:oat dad to operetta:ai or:Item*,
ty of ceistiog end propeeed microfilming
peliey, (3) misusing proper atleettoa
stiltsatios of t mad, also, adsionsat of priorities
proprioly of standards, for photo-
l (5) relailling aao approviag
equipment, supplies ant aervieee,
to ssodrtain purr** of filming,
of oquipmmat still:maim, method.
et, (7) developing and iesning
treottono on miorefilming Umta-
ta him to select equipment,
ust4ou and eahlevd photographic
ditto, and inotruettots on
ostOpds sad systoles to Mose storage coats, save labor, Facilitate
disimibetion sad provide :Lauri*.
Liao rospomsibilitios tneludit (1) the
imartery is fasilitate pooling, sharing
sad YOBOVI, eta., so feasible and preett
spot surveys whet. diffieulties are eaper*ens.d on stin proj.cts
to prevido 01111 lathe oppliestioe of prdper. arposere
Is the esvises phstOgrophie pronouns sod ransomed other changes
as appropriate or seoesseer.
ter is thereof, (1k) etsbUsiing
grepltis quail
reastoitimos tor
Inn et
wed end asifty of fldabed prod
perms isforoat
sloops mph as *sea-to we. alarof
itadity sod lades filo, it=
quint, sad ($) providing inform*
Sanitized - Approved 54144ase : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved RINI& : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
of the pro
(2) !alerted *
,ter microfilm
(3) ;Leased astir* do. 43
Mirror f Nieriabi C
reollabar *filament
that A Rimers iirestatert
i3iiediseted a ormoratiew
provide aselotemee is the ee
footed a preeedural champ is
&LOS eliminates the mood far one e
led will result in aseuel essiage of
of '5,691 bet
*a &
GoreWed tke grelita e fibi p1othtiNg5
ristattag en tor tkis 10001 $rt
bat *colt it be mosesmorY to roProduO. %to
ter emersesay sae& the moneteri syringe weed
Sanitized -Approved F se : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved ase geese : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
o (NOM,
sintenanos en
first boommo
Wilzig tilt miry lo pr00004
'1 Ass
Conolderatios of
ismodisto propLntis], us
present to
Duoip Imsorrsr, tO
fasotion4 pooltiom
*lotion ut tho lowimoss so
tArstiol appliostion of *a pr
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved FoirMse : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
kiaeorao Mara/ out Livialart
Records Systras !Wallah
Sanitized - Approved FaikkiNEW : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved Ftieftift : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
*sated in Ott, 031,
nbtaiaed in OCD and
being mode.
3) Area
whammed that
A firm d
LCI t statanent datet- 4
sir reveals e determination
value aro being seposited fr
vas made in ?moil 1954.
enpy "An4 else of deporites it is
tuAit office - titter of exoep
5 flip 1120 Asksinistrstive i
CU rneords elth vital materia1
woos. The last teposit
(7) taunter, Mao - The filing aster fbr *
la planed and coordinated With the inr,-Ares
roopoottvoly. too, are identleal with the era .
ta headquarters.
tsaAbook - :he attolattorisla haa
lith aceplation approximating 75 parc?
La operating protedure fbr the onstro2 of
prograa was issued originality on 19 ;One
for the tt/t aa DMT r
its Cal rear 3.154
o*naents pubic feet emprorinalling
eg Garde 2,!7,95L
094 red; equivalent to
Tiaeal par 1955 (2 Ju 5L
36.5. ambit feet approxi
anis 1034,94t
Nolo eouparatle to P0,000 onsets of
52 in file.
sheets of tapvr.
Mora 55
3,875 siite of paper.
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized -Approved For e ease : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
(I) m, more effieteet *4t C(nttO
(2) a. redoetlea in tte number of loran
(3) 4. orostaaped seossity elessiflestioa et eatery ries.
4) a, deems' la tbe else *f the Mounter, to facilitate
4, - A *to* is serrent4 Nang
so to ileteemime Os extent sad
lapesitioa end also to estlma
the peep 'moo:wogs divlelom
es, masts so andaabitrativ ot2icsn to vtatt the
member ot expressed
ilk the program t eith their
ties. bus, d. These
to Us sthisabi direet
Is ?Motel to regiaest tuut t eUbst of
an icte agenda of meetings &ttsad,cl y the
It is spjsr4 from the
primal a staff
elmeald reveals is Um or
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved FAKE *kV: CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
tie bdung6
t branch
The development sad installation of standard ftlm classification oatei.
tor the mini of mord material and the AdoPtion of otondorAs to
mmtrol Ibm preeinatat end us* of tiling immipment and sepplhot com-
prises the memos, et this proaram. An examination of the itiootivs,
mommdrimills sad states at the program revs2aI that the srabstential progren
has been mods.
-The ob3.s%ie of the program ia to stamdardise (1) the
'sties System *t neon matertal as feasible And ) th
use if tiling equipment ant supplies.
toff rogRoasibilities isolate at:festive resoarsh ant
develop standard file olassificatios systems to meet
) etopiardiee and control the proseromont And oso of
and anp$iu, (3) providVaniontialrollPilator7
overall program and (4) lasitituto
h and maintain the planmed objestive.
retie/Lag the substamme of resorts
oatagoriesol(t) mumiaing the volume
relation to s ergaaisation framework
the types St iodates and guides
forms and instrustiems to *plasma
n, (h) applyimg lie standard olas-
recorda ant (5) meedootimg sur-
ultra' Uwe; to insure
run to proseribed Agency
S. in 1954 includes the drowlamen
(2) A standard erste' for
correspondence was issued in handbooktars a
(I) Airsegamonts were made with tbe :Me* or Ti
alriatimma to ame Aglow parsommel in
fLlta standards adeptadi On the job
ter other empleyeem as appropriate.
Sanitized - ApprovediSmatase : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
*aL]itats a
6 A
essustici nedifieationo to meet
istteS, medical, 14m,
cortgin Wises eacniiiiitcle;
The isnes.
filing applies and egsiOnent
Logisties ottivo *II met procurement needs
operating forgo to the program.
? PrOrnit
rejects maw la the
a. Portable' dank trews in
dont amd emensmioal method tor
mirk papers bomb-Nis pr000rm4 from
at a sort of Most 14.00 mt.s. 0
ton dors. The metal WOW* 141146 oro
deep, U bo avoillhle from *took.
eon% oempleto at this writing after ten *
b. Standards pertaining to tho procurement en* u lies
onsipment end applies have bees devalopo4. A regale
the is of the otemdesdo hs a beam prepere4 to ropier** our
end is posding olearamoo.
s. An Inventory of Agway filing omoippont is being
provide stalistleal end oontrol data an th* several clasairications
d zve10
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
FOIAb3b1 *nor a now
roatilg. aaaptog d, aLe, pssi
standard file foldmrs and standard
attar donanotratiag thsir um Ito
sh intotosted Li the prograa alt to the uva
imi sea at a low asponsiso product 1444 :ilia
Vs The Senettr Cffict Ls Uterested ia the sato cables
I 0 mart*
Mali assignad at to
should sane* nor. Xx. thsat.
iiition Bran* to
that the Me standards progiei his
e plum La the organisational et:wept ef
Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved ForlithifitTRDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approved ISIStrigse : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized -Approved ft lifease : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
The fallouts' projests rellsot the surrent sativitf of
I. ree dovalogaist of a revised eouricr reseipk and legging sptan to
einplify preeedure, ihereast effectivoness and redoes cost. The
infelnwedtaale plan or this worthuhile proloct is completed end hews
received cletronee frost the Seourity (Jacek.
b. A review of cable reseipting procedures wad requirseente to Ostend
mallation of mmenal or esehine emthode mach will reduce the scope
of operations in the present system. This project is five percent
e. The preparation of
sevenly-five perces
d. The development and
once material avails
k OA mail operations. Th
intenance cf a acmpretensive
ee in the 7 saga emsnt 7 tatf.
e. The imatallation of a nail oontrel systun it the cffise of the
Pending the isOU4M4* of a brocIA
%hereby &Urea% interest in maw
for the present upon observations and roper
area mord* officers and records Analysts to
prepeets and Chow progress.
An availabio position slot is
for this prep.'s is now being
ential foxetion and
e program is depdsit
o ki inexperienced
ppertunities to develop
A definite need exists 104 in
sent structure for the baste ob3.stive of theMissalst.
teehnioal assistanas in t me aiPlitatien of APP0T001 sys-
tems to mass records problems. Further, lt is apparent that the
tmmedistelpinigrnm has soffored from inertness in the pest. Adminis-
trative reopessibiLity for this lack of force ie lightened nateris114
by virtue of the unfilled sleet and by the substantial progress made in
ether praggss phases. The difficolties experienost in launching the
Systems previa apparently resulted free an *popper distal:batten at
work assignment, that nattud an operational bard= to the respoosible
Sanitized -ApprovedilattIzase : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - Approllegkilirtilme : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
oULa.r. Under those aitaumatanses, a le in order to elle-
burden and provide a now siu1arn to the program. To
t et ths loserds Managonme vision sholad bow
tho atoll amootenor regilir nob as PoligiN Pes?'
? Thu lieu responsibilities should be discharged
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized - ApprovedNeRffilease : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Other Preaches
mamma Prepare
; Rsrda Disposition *OM
IIb resew Mantionent Program
Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP?1-00910A000100060002-2
01101.x LI,TAP i
t% Divisiou
pondnei mv,aslaant l3rsneb
0 ** r4ipart.
-oadst status
a. Ob WO* Tha objs
ro-Wthil wall* and
Is to epp27 .tf.tte eta
otrespondette srd reportr.
e (1) an adaintstratival eat
end oerrespendosoe practic.
guides sad stamdards tar
()) this abilitr to oval
UMW spplieetion of ear-
**pique* *ad selablieh *Mott
Lint ras.LbLat1ss
faatittate tiro applisattaa a
previous Isailk (I) rassaren for
and essential bp products $uch as g *
49 OA oleninstion of Om pro
Withas beet made to taloa
proper of polio: and procedure,.
has remained Ia a prasotisnal ske as t as a newly proposed
proIset it lint is pst. n3 tour of i. projects spear to have
%ahem rest. The pat j re Ustec as follows
(1) toweloped sod issued the following genoral 'sides to etiaulate
Interest in reports mansgementt
An Introduction to Report menagsmant &ROMA.
ismple Office sotto* inauguretitg a report* semi pto-
sa1. ?fats rsg1etion far p.tIag a reports
Guide for &Uniting report roc
Sanitized -ApprovedifkrAralease : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
Sanitized -Approved For RiftritliftTA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2
sS and promotod a report. mematement pro-
Cemptrelltr. This effiee level pro
1 955
414 two sutiris wits the Mit fair tbe purpose of st tine
interest in reports ninetement an either an area or ?ffica level
(h) Developed and lad the follevint general guides to stimmlate
interest in Correspondence management:
ceerseposidames *statement - Brochure
Modern Writing Styles
whet is keenability - intrect
Sliponare Tab
Writer Outdo,
tions in Croft stage held in peedint
loped Handbook l dated Pf 190# ebjeet oCerres
SOSO Style and Procedures'. This is scheduled Dor early
lasso after two years of effort.
ted a correspondence survey it ogistios Office. A-
is bsin held in abeyance -ut to assignment of en wizp1or,s
(7) Developed * proposed C.rrsapond=ti
promposios of routine admitistrativ
(8) Revisions rev:amended in content
Persionsl Office were adopted.
(p) gotoblidmod Lettere* as a stook
set toodlonartero. Over 2 million
if Ink at an estinated saving. of
void in
its as. throuh-
Prodeott awe in the ow,* of development or nearing ramp
a repels managomomt prOgrom far the liegistieW Office, the sdenartere
tawiresgasekes a glessert of Administrative terms, the preparation of
writing lirorecomont tutees, reports alUtigtitunt fialkir and planaing
program promotion.
Sanitized -Approved For Release : CIA-RDP61-00910A000100060002-2