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Approved For R&ac+fe 2000/ RDP61-0091000100070005-8
This Annex supplies administrative data
reflecting the current statue of the Records Cen-
ter as revealed by a fact finding surrey thereof
according to selected topics as followes
TAB E Organization - Functions - Staffing
TAB F - Requirements
TAB 0 - Physical Aspects
TAB H - operating Procedures
TAB I - Production
TAB J - Control Records
TAB K - Problems
Approved For Release 2000/Q8,1,' ,- IA-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Rel se.2000/08 DP61-0091 OA00100070005-8
The Records Center, identified prior to 3,5 February 1954, as a branch
of the Records Services Division, General Services office, is organized on
an improvised basis, i.e. with a proposed organization for the remainder of
Fiscal Year 1954. The Center is now identified as a section of the Records
Management Branch.
Organization - The framework of the Center is erected on a foundation of three
operating sections; namely, Accessioning, Reference Service, and Disposal
sections, respectively. The Office of the Chief appears as a modest super-
Functions - The administrative functions of the Center are basic in detail
anere closely to the simple operating system employed within the or-
ganization framework. They are restated as follows:
Office of the Chief - Administers functions and directs operations of
the Records en erg Assumes responsibility for all assignments received
from Chief of Records Management Branch to whom he is accountable. (Re-
vised by Examiner)
Accessioning Section - Arranges for transfer of records from operating
oiees to the Center; assists in the physical movement of records to
the Center by supplying technical advice, labor, trucks, containers and
labels; maintains controls over accessions by assigning job numbers,
processing transfer documents, and allocating all center shelving space
for the storage of records; and maintains and prepares reports on
Reference Service Section - Receives requests for information on docu-
ments the custody of the Center and conducts necessary searches to
locate desired documents, using established finding media; provides
desired information either by abstracting the data or transferring the
document to the requesting office; prepares and maintains research refer-
ence aides; enforces restrictions on use of records in custody; main-
tains records and prepares reports on reference services rendered; re-
ceives, stores, reproduces, and distributes supplemental copies of CIA
produced intelligence information and reports and makes initial and
supplemental distribution of Agency regulations and administrative
issuances; maintains a current inventory of distribution materials and
prepares reports on services rendered.
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Approved For Release.2000/08 DP61-009445A000100070005-8
Disposal Section - Examines records as they are accessioned in order to
ermine if their disposal is authorized by any existing schedule; pre-
pares and maintains a disposal "tickler file" that controls final dis-
position of all records in custody of the Center; initiates and con-
ducts work programs as required designed to evaluate and appraise records
in custody for preservation or destruction; and maintains disposal job
files and prepares reports on the destruction of records.
The work of the Center is allotted to the three sections on a functional
basis and distributed to the employees who are most capable of carrying
out the assigmnents$ respectively.
office of the Chief - 1 05-12, 1 06-3
Accessioning Section - 1 GS--9 (Ass't. to Chief)
Reference Service Section - 1 GS-9
Records Unit - 1 GS-7, 1 G6-5
Distribution Unit - 2 GS-7, 3 GS-5
Disposal Section - 1 GS-9
In Process - 0
1 GS-7
Approved For Release 2000/08/1,7 RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Rele4900/08/ 60100070005-8
Administrative - Administrative requirements of the Center entail planning,
developing ann directing pertinent operations to meet the needs of Agency
components in controlling non-current records. Initially, these requirements
include transferring, storage, protecting, servicing, and screening of records
received, Subsequently, consideration is given to the preservation of records
meriting permanent or extended period retention and finally the disposal of
records as authorized either via destruction or gift,
Operational - Operational requirements are comparable to the basic skills
required of records analysts such as knowledge of laws effecting records,
the ability to distinguish between record and non-record material, current
and non-current material, the ability to identify and describe a file series
of records, and to interpret records disposition schedules to facilitate
accessioning, storage, servicing, screening, preserving and disposal of
Approved For Release 2000/08 14-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For RelUW?2000/6FIA-RDP61-0091 ?001 00070005-8
The Center is currently located in a one-story building in Rosalyn,
Virginia. As the physical structure is only an interim facility, it will
suffice to classify it as fire resisting save tor the roof construction and
wooden partitions located in one area.
Efficient layout planning is in evidence. The interior is divided into
four areas, three of which are used for records storage where ease of motion
is apparent and one where ample working space is available. An expanded
steel mesh partition encloses each storage area. Secure walkways for guard
inspection are also provided.
The arrangement of sectional steel shelvipg, use of standard (corre-
gated fiberboard) records storage containers and safety ladders confirms the
application of constructive planning, conforming in general with the stand-
ards approved by the National Archives, Genera]. Services Administration, and
the National Records Management Council.
Approved For Release 2000/08/1 -RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Release.2000/08/17 : IA-RDP61-0091p0100070005-8
Accessioning - This procedure implies the retirement of non-current records
MOM an operating activity to the Center, thus releasing much needed filing
equipment and occasionally valuable space for further use. The pbysical
transfer is initiated by the area records officer who prepares Form 60-52,
"Records Retirement Requests" in quadruplicate, He then packages and labels
the records storage boxes, assigns box numbers, and compiles the list of
records being retired.
The Center supplies boxes and labels, provides the vehicle and personnel
for transportation and renders other assistance upon request. The accession-
ing section of the Center assigns a job number. When retirement has been
effected, a receipted copy of Form 60-52 is returned to the Area'Records
Officer for subsequent reference.
S for e - Upon receipt of records in the Center, the shelf location is noted
area and room number in the space provided on the reverse side of Form
60-52. One copy of the form is filed numericaljy by job number and another
copy by the office of primary interest. Thus a two-fold reference source
is provided. The fourth copy is used to support the Disposal Schedule
Tickler File (See TAB J)
Servicing - A reference service to most the needs of offices of interest is
provided because availability of stored records for subsequent reference is
essential. Servicing includes extracting information upon request, loaning
records.. and transferring records back to the office of origin. Reference
servicing is more efficient when the job number can be furnished.
Information from the records is sometimes furnished via telephone. The
courier force is used to deliver records called for by an office of origin.
Normally, a request for the loan of records is processed within eight working
hours. Thus a set of records requested in the morning will be delivered in
the afternoon. In exceptional cases where time is a matter of importance a
record may be obtained on a priority basis through the medium of a special
A reference search area equipped with microfilm readers is provided in
the Center where files or files are made available to the searcher.
Screening--Screening of records is the detailed process of examining,
s , and evaluating non-current records for subsequent retention or
disposal as appropriate. While the records analysts and area records officers
collaborate in establishing disposition schedules, it is sometimes necessary
Approved For Release 2000/O IA-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Rele,wase 2000/000 A-RDP61-00 OA000100070005-8
to perform the actual screening in the Center* To date, screening has been
held in abeyance due to several factors such as the selection and training
of area records officers and center personnel for the immediate work, in-
sufficient space in the former interim center to accept records from office
of origin, the completion of a physical move to a larger interim center and
incompletion of inventory, appraisal and preparation of control and disposi-
tion schedules in various offices. In this respect, experience to date has
required the installation of new filing systems in some offices before proper
scheduling could be accomplished.
Disposal -Similar]y, disposal procedure has been held to a minimum for the
reasons cited above. The Center is prepared, however, to implement the
records program by physical destruction of files for which disposal action
has been authorized.
Records will at no time be destroyed without the concurrence of the area
records officer concerned. To effect disposal, Form 36-145., "Notification
of Disposal Action" is prepared. The records authorized for disposal and the
authority for the destruction thereof are reflected on this form. When pre-
pared, the form is forwarded to the area records officer for final review and.
Supplemental Distribution
Published Reports - Requests for published reports are received at the Center
via telephone or memoranda and referred to the Reference Service Section.
Intra-agency requests are received directly from various offices. Inter-
agency requests are received through LD/CD. The operations in the unit in-
clude searching for the requested material, packaging it properly and dis-
patching it to the requestor with courier receipt.
Information Reports - Requests for information reports are received at the
center via telephone or memoranda and referred to the Reference. Service Sec-
tion. The operations in the unit include pulling the "Master Copy" of the
requested report from file, determining the type of master, i.e. ozalid,
photocopy or ditto, selecting and starting the duplicating equipment required
for the type of master, running the necessary quantity (Average is four items
per request), stopping equipment, enclosing information report copies in
envelope, dispatching sealed envelope with courier receipt and refiling
wMaster copy."
Six employees, in all, have received on-the-job training in operating
the duplicating equipment. Thus, ample provisions have been made for sub-
stitution of operators.
Responsibility for security of the reproduced report copies rests with
the receiving office.
Approved For Release 2000/0 t lA-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Release,,2000/08/1 DP61-0091'QW00100070005-8
Initial Distribution - Initial distribution Of regulations, notices and other
issuances begins with the receipt of a distribution control list from MIS.
The material is received directly from the Reproduction Plant. Operations
include addressing envelopes, sorting, counting and enveloping the material
according to the control list, and dispatching the sealed envelopes with
courier receipt.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 : P61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Release 2000/08 1A-RDP61-009 ,OOA000100070005-8
Research disclosed that consistent fiscal year totals are not available
for records retired, record holdings, and records destroyed. It was deter-
mined, however, that calendar year totals are available in part as follows:
Hold s
Cubic Feet
Dis osal
cubic Feet
Apparently, conversion to fiscal year reporting occurred as of 1 July
1953, as the following totals in cubic feet were found available for the
current period to 1 March 1954:
Accessions Holdings Disposal
1922 523/ 62
Examination of report for the month of February 1954 reveals certain
statistical data of interest such as accessions 339 cubic feet; destroyed-
41 cubic feet; reference service-621 items furnished; shelving space -
total capacity of erected shelving 18,948 cubic feet, available space re-
maining 6,963 cubic feet; material received for supplemental distribution
comprising intelligence reports, information reports and regulatory issu-
anoes - 20,074 items; total requests for supplemental distribution-778; ma-
terial furnished on supplemental distribution - 5,520 items; total reproduc-
tion service - 33,578 pages and finally material furnished on initial dis-
tribution - 25,266 items.
1/ 8 Months-Kay through December
/ Records
/Approve t or a ease 2000/0 117, A-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Rele~s 2000/-CIA-RDP61-00944A0001 00070005-8
Control records maintained in the Center are described as follows=
Locator File - Records Unit
Arrangement of this Kardex file is numerically ty accession job number.
Each card reflects the location by area, row and section number for each job.
A record of reference service is also maintained on each card.
Locator File - Distribution Unit
This Kardex file is arranged by office of origin and thereunder by title
and number. It shows the location by area, row and section. A running inven-
tory of records material distributed is maintained on each card.
Organizational Accession File - Records Unit
This file contains copies of transfer documents for each job along with
any shelf lists or other finding aids. It ii arranged by the name of the
operating activity by Agency component.
Disposal Tickler Files
Disposal Schedule Tickler File - This file contains cards arranged chrono-
logicaly by disposal date for records definitely covered by a control schedule.
Contingent Disposal Tickler File - This file houses cards for records
material authorized for dual upon the occurrence of a given event or con-
tingency, the exact timing of which is not definite in terms of years.
(examples: "Dispose of two years after audit by GAO," "Dispose 3 years after
separation from service.") The cards are arranged by name and office of
Dis sal Authorization R !.quested File -;This file contains cards for
recor material that appears be disposable but for which Agency approval
has not been obtained.
permanent Retention File - This file contains cards on records material
considered to have continuing value.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17 DP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Release 200~'I: CIA-RDP61-0QQ -OQUPA0001 000700
The survey of the Records Center brought to light several problems as follows:
Transportation - Difficulty has been experienced in obtaining transportation
for the transfer of records when needed. Thus, on several occasions the use
of personal cars has been necessary to carry out priority assignments in the
retirement of records to the Center. Arrangements whereby a light truck or
station wagon be made available to the Center on a given schedule would be
helpful. An effort will be made to determine this possibility.
Reproduction - The equipment used for-developing prints made by the photo-
copy process is not dependable in providing proper photographic quality and
legibility. The experience of the Printing and Reproduction Division will
be obtained to overcome this deficiency.
The ozalid equipment is being used to furnish a reproduction service to
certain sources in FDD. Lengthy reports ranging from twenty to 2440 pages
in volume have been reproduced in four copies at the Center. An examination
of the Center's monthly production report tends to confirm that approximately
11,000 ozalid copies for other than information reports were reproduced in
the month of February. An administrative determination requiring either a
report of justification for the performance of the work or the transfer of
the work to the Reproduction Plant should be made.
$ ecuri - No definite control exists on intra-agency requests for supplemen-
tal distribution of published reports, i.e. on a need to know basis. For a
brief period in the past a memorandum request including the justification
therefor was required. At present, a list of names of authorized persons
is maintained for control purposes, i.e. via verification. Requests are re-
ceived via telephone or memorandum. The reports are dispatched with a courier
receipt which does provide a record. The responsible employee states that
he complies with telephonic requests if he knows the persons calling. Is
it essential to establish a firm "need-to-know" basis for each request? Fur-
ther study will be made to determine the need of a definite policy on this
Monthly Production Report - Discussion with the Chief of Records Center dis-
closed the advisability of revising the format used in preparing the monthly
production report. Research will be made to determine the feasibility of
converting the present improvised vertical method to one constructed along
more practical lines, reflecting Center activity on a horizontal basis such
as: On hand - Received - Dispatched - Processed - Destroyed, etc. Balance
on hand.
Approved For Release 2000/08/17,: IA-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Release 2000/" lEIA-RDP61-00 1 QA000100070005-8
Returned Published Reports - The return of published reports after initial
c letrribuiion Tian been a continuing problem at the Center in the past. Some
relief has been obtained in recent months through collaboration of the
Liaison Division, OGD, and the Printing Advisory Staff, OGS, in establishing,
as feasible, predetermined needs of both IAC and non-IAC agencies on NIS, and
thus preclude the distribution of unwanted copies. Notwithstanding, the AAF
returned approximately 600 cubic feet of NIS in the month of January 19514,
Copy of a memorandum dated 3 March 1954 to Assistant Director, OCD, from
Chief, D/B/RR Subject: *Return of NIS to Records Center," follows as an
attachment to this TAB to show the latest developments together with pro-
posed plans to solve the problem.
Approved For Release 2000/0 4 i 'C1A-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Reuse 2000%''UTA-RDP61-000A000100070005-8
3 March 1954
MEMORANDUM FOR: Assistant Director, OCD
FRS: Chief, D/B/RR
SUBJECT: Return of NIS to Records Center
R,EE'ERENCE: Memorandum for Chief, Liaison Division, OCD, and
Chief, D/B/RR, from Chief, General Services Office,
dated 19 October 1953, subject: "Report on NIS
Returned to the CIA Records Center."
1. Attached as Tab A is a summary of the Report on NIS Returned
to the CIA Records Center which accompanied the reference memorandum.
The following significant facts were disclosed with respect to these
a. A total of 1821 NIS elements were, returned during the
quarter ending 30 September 1953, which in equal to 3 of the
number of elements disseminated during this same period (50,000).
b. Of the total elements returned 1428 (79%) came from
19 different offices in CIA.
co Only 289 (15%) of the elements were returned from IAC
Agencies, and the other 104 elements (6%) were returned from
various other governmental offices.
2. It is apparent that the major corrective action is necessary
within CIA in the first instance since more thfn three-fourths of all
returns came from within this Agency. With respect to this problem
in other Agencies, the NZ Committee maintains:a continuing surveillance
of NIS requirements and dissemination. The low percentage of returns
in relation to the number of new elements dist,ibuted (about * of 1%)
is close to the irreducible minimum resulting from ever fluctuating
Approved For Release 2000/98/17 : CIA-RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Relea 20( b ?l : CIA-RDP61-009 4000100070005-8
SUBJECT: Return of NIB to Records Center
3, A study of the situation in CIA has led to the conclusion
that the excessive returns within the Agency are due in large part
to the practice of distributing all published NIS directly to
individual offices, rather than disseminating only certain elements
selected on the basis of the immediate requirements of these offices.
This practice has resulted in many elements being returned to Records
Center when it is found that they are not relevant to projects
currently in process. It has also been common practice in some offices
to call for NIS elements in supplemental dissemination, and then return
them to Records Center when they have served their purpose.
4. A ution to the problem, which has been discussed at some
length with of your office,
all of whom concur in the feasibility of the plan, appears to be the
expansion of library service on NIS to the extent necessary to meet
requirements within the Agency, which would permit the discontinuance
of direct dissemination to the various offices and theretV remove the
cause for the greater part of the NIS returns. Further, conveniently
located reference centers containing complete sets of all published
NIB will afford users an opportunity to utilize all of the various NIS
elements in their research. This will greatly increase the usefulness
of the NIS, since topics which are given primary treatment in one element
are given related treatment in many other elements, and unless all are
available for reference important information might be overlooked.
5. It is requested, therefore, that OCD take such action as is
necessary to implement the NIS library service plan in CIA.
Tab A
25X1A9a D/B/ R:
Orig & 1 - addressee
1 - AD/ORR
1 - Records Mgmt
Approved For Release 2000/081
RDP61-0091 OA000100070005-8
Approved For Release 2000/08, RDP61-0OA000100070005-8
`" TAB A
Consolidated Figures - Quarter Ending 30 Sept. 1953
Number of
Returned From: Elements
TAB/tR/S 199
FE/Fl 12
RI /RD 11
/B/RR 1
ORR 116
00C 24
SR/OCD 712
OCD 39
@CI 25
o a C Offi1ces
S tate 175
office of Def.
Mobilisation 3
Weather Bureau 10
See. of Def. 9
US DA 112
FRWOutside Agenc es 371
Unknown 2
Review from
Reproduction 20
Approved For Release 2000/08/RDP61-00910A000100070005-8