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Approved For Release 2000/08/22 :CIA-RDP61 S00527A000200030003-0 Satellite Cgmn~.ttee Services Pivisiosi At its meeting of 1? July the Committee discussed the possible ramifications for the Satellites of the current Soviet internal reor? ganizationo It was pointed out that official reports from Last Germany note that this country is following, in briea', the Soviet decentralizaQ lion progr~n, It is probable, however, that Fast Gex~nan officials are merely carrying out their earlier ecaananic reox~,anization, and a~-e not plarmin? any wholesale decentralization, 25X1A9a S/Tr/FE, addressed the Committee on 21.R July 3.957 cn a recent paper of his intit3.ed "Current Forei~ Exchange Problems of the #uropean `~at,ellitese" The minimum trade avid shipping deficit of the Satell~.?~es *~rith k~estern countries during l~'~}m5s trataled ~~Tt3 r~illi?~n? ~'orei gn exchange deficits accumulated during much of ?the ear3.3~ post~.~ar per? od as vaell as in 1953?55~ Sy 195E~s ttxe economic situation ~sf ~~ost csf the European Sa-~e13.ites necess~.tated substantial Soviet financial a~_dd To x?emedy thw sitzaation, the Satellites have u~;3.liaed 2 r~a~or tvpes of remedies ~ red~xction of the neod far hard curren~? earnings (pri.nci~ pa:~~~ through att23.izat_fan of c~?ed3ts), and use off' bar~;er a?nd an increLss~ in ;?~a~ curre~;cy- ecry~s;~in~s thre~u?h gr~.ce reduc-~ians and resale of t~,Tester~: cota.~tries of na6ads pcR.rchas~ taithirz the Bloc These expedients have beez~.,e to vo3.?~e foreign ea~change shortages the c~ly adequate sv3:~ztion being; x~a~de~ct~.?~~ of increased quantities c~~' effort goods which are s~.a'nle ~.n ~~~estern caurttrie~sg Some impr?vement in the export posies lion of the Furopear~ Satellites has take~a ~~3.ace ~.r$ recent years, but iilGre~.e~?~ ef~'orts are s~:~.~.1 necessax?~o Cn ,~l Ju3.y, the Gorr~nittee *,a3.~.3. _liscuss current i~~~.~ of in~i~erest~ i`he ,k3~ ~xas the only svailab3.c copy of the n f~~~ra:~.a~a statistical handb~;olc~ ~.h~_s '~arzdbo~aA~, coverin ia:tergrii tten t years ~:~~zcliad'~nQ part of :~_9r;T) wa:~ll be av~..31ab~.e in F~ unti' as?x~,ve for ON~t? 25X1A9a Approved For Release 2000/08/22 :CIA-RDP61 S00527A000200030003-0