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Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A00010 130092-4 MEMORANDUM F SUBJECT: March 1954 Assistant to Manning and Coovdine Director for on Briefing on the Office of Intelligence Coordination 1. Following up our conversation on Friday, I submit for your information; a. A compilation of the Law. National Security Council Directives and Director of Central intelligence Directives which govern CIA and the major relation- ships among the intelligence agencies with a covering note. b. A file besting on the LAC. c. A statement (with explanatory papers here necessary) of the disposition or proposed disposition of dm nine current functions of OIC a. Listed in Tab A of my 13 January memorandum to the DCI. d. A file of papers bearing upon problems on which OIC has worked over the years. Some of these are concluded and some may arise again. They are presented to give you a perspective of the typical coordination problems of the Agency. e. A list of file headings of the action. file. now maintained by this Office, in order that you might have at least a cursory view of the subjects which have en- gaged us. Z. In terms staff office dealing vri State Department review completed the historic organisational rote of a CIA you should know the following: COO Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 a. Up until 1949 there was to the Director called " rdepa and Policy Staff." b. From 1949 to 1951 the ssme it; as cal d: "Coordination and Operations Policy Staff." It dealt with intra-agency as well as interagency problems. c. In 1951 the Office of Intelligence coordination was established. composed exclusively of CM personnel. The Terms of Reference are already in your hands. OIC reigorted directly to the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence until 1951. when the Office of the Deputy Director (Intelligence) was established. The first DDI. Mr. Becker. took the view that as DDI it was his role to be the principal advisor to the Director on problems of intelligence coordination and that OIC was his staff aid in this regard. The present DDI has not formally declared his role in, the same way. though generally speaking he has so operated when making use of 01C. 3. These various staff,, over the years. have played a ole in the development of most of the NSCIDs and DGLDs closely, of course, with the appropriate officers of CIA r agencies. 4. The principles on which the Office of lflt?UigeuCe Coordination has operated have been as fo flows a. ClAmust achieve coordination (short of recourse to the NSC) by leadership, stimulation and persuasion. b. The primary role and expert knowledge of any agency having substantive responsibility for a particular problem should be recognized. c. Actual coordination on specific problems should be decentralized. whenever possible, to the individual CIA offices and IAC agencies having functional responsi- bility. Coordina Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 IA no Th Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 d. The DC1, however, maintain, a general supervisory role over all the coordination process AD/IC should be responsible for assisting the DCI this role. it. The effectiveness coordination depends in the last analysis on the relations of the intelligence chief. themselves, particularly in the IAC. 1. In order to solve relationship problems flexible, practical attitude is fax superior to a jur dictional doctrinaire approach. g. Interagency and bare-agency problems are often related and neither should be decided without consideration of possible effect on the other. S. In our experience, the role of the Secretary of the has generally proved very useful, although it could be argued absolutely essential to the solution of interagency problems. following are the reasons why it has been useful: a. It has provided insight into the relationships among the chiefs of intelligence as they have met and solved their problems. b. It has provided a ready municate with the other into necessary staff work done on *ming before the LAC on which ther any staff-level mechanism. e. It has insured that recornm approval would be subject to staff critic assistanc, by OIC at an early stage. I that OIC has made extensive couttibuttori even though, being anonymous. 01Cie ro proved after the fact. for OIC to et chiefs to get problems did not exist AM Asatitan Intelligence Coordination for LAC 4 ix belief in this area, cannot be OIC:JQR:KM (29 March 54) Digtribur*oved oit? khltiOAIM5445/11 :-COMISO41$0750A000100130092-4 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 P CIA 36341 Copy No. 29 March 1954 EMORANDU OR: Special A s 'neat to tbeDirector for Planning and Coordination SUBJECT: REFERENC ? The Intelligence Advisory Committee Progress Reports of the LAC Agencies t the NSC and of Six Interagency Committees to the LAC (in notebook. attached) 1. The LAG is established by N -1 (parag and operates under procedures established by DCII) 1 Z. The Committee now meetsevery Tuesday at 10:45 a. in. n the Director's Conference Room Beginning with the first meeting under General Smith (20 October 1950), the business of the Committee has been reflected in agenda (the LAC-"A" series) minutes (the LAC-"M" series) and documents (the LAC-11D" series). The bulk of the Committee's time in session is devoted to con- sidering and adopting national estimates, but all members under- stand. sad Mr. Dulles recently reaffirmed, that they are free to bring before the Committee any question affecting the intelli- gence community as well as estimates. Much of the business of the Committee is conducted out of session by the consideration of circulated documents. (la its first 140 weeks. the LAC con sidered 150 estimates and 149 documents). The Secretariat has been continuously furnished by OLC. servine as 25X Secretary from October 1950 to November 195z and 25X from that time since. 1 -1- 3. Over the past six years. the IAC has established Interagency committees to handle various aspects of in- telligence. These groups, listed in the front page of the attached notebook, are responsible to the IAC and provide a mechanism for discharging some of the community's business short of the LAC. TOP Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 Approved For ReleastargadIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 4. Apart from these and in addition, each agency maintains a staff, of varying wise and internal location, whose members are readily available for informal consultation. singly or together, on any intelligence coordination problems. The efforts of these officers are often productive of interagency recommendations to the IAC which that Committee can consider with & minimum of original inquiry (e.g.. the Semi-Annual Status Report to the NSC on the Foreign Intelligence Program. the current version of which is included in the attached notebook). 25X1 OIC Distri (29 March 19 SA/DCl/PC OIC (file) JAMES Q. REBER Assistant Director Intelligence Coordination T9P I Approved For Relea e 20 g/ 5/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 Approved For Release 2005/AACA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 A Statement (with Exptanatory Papers as Noted) of the Disposirn or Pr*pos.4 Disposition of the Nine Current Functions of OIC as listed in Tab A of 13 January Memorandum to the DCI 4. Secretary to the lAG See book on LAG): The lacaties of this function remains a question mind. I would like to discuss further with you. Publications: A proposed Regulation on this subject is attached, with an ezplanatory comment from 01C. No further action necessary. Coordination of External Research (Explanatory paper attached): Should go to the Office of the Special Assistant to the r for Planning and Coordination. c Review of Effectiveness of Operational on: All that is needed here is to change to 25X read OCD for MC. This will be done by (MC. 1 Chairman - Advisory Committee on Foreign Language Publications, NSC1D-16: Regulation has bsen changed. Chairman to puty Director (Intelligence), presentation on Interagency Prioritie Committee for Clandestine Collection: by 01C. Should go to the Office of the DBI. This will be azransed . Coordination attached): s of Dissemination(Explanatory Papers OIC is transferring its necessary. nt files to OCD. No further Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 sr Report on Intenise See IAC book for stest copy): 8h.44 so to DDI (Bundy) or could go to the Special it iodation Director for Planning and Goordirisdon. Would like to die this further with you. 9 Reviiton of Substantive Royalist Practically cornpt,t. no proble Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 Approved For Relea RofiiAtiiii: CIA-RDP61S00750A0001C0114 Copy No. oblerns on Which OIC Has Worked (Not listed in order of importance. Attached papers are keyed to the numbers.) 1. Revision of NSCID-1 to provide that national intelligence would be disseminated to foreign governments on the concurrence of the IAC (1AC-D-40). 2. The establishment of NSCID46, having to do with the ng of foreign language publications (IAC-D-60). 3. The transfer to the Department of State of CIA'. previous function of political, social and cultural biographic intelligence (AD/IC memo to DWI of 10 October 1952). 4. Intelligence support for NATO (IAC-D- 9 S. Intelligence support for Psychological Warfare memo of 5 September 1952). 6. Intelligence support (NIL.) for U.S. embassies and theater commands (AD/1C memo to DCI of 22 January 1954). 7. Intelligence support for Foreign Assets Control (ADAC memo to DEVI of 19 November 1952). 8. Intelligence support for Economic De ittee (IAC-D-53/1). e Advisory 9. Review of the State Department's functions under NSCI 0 (ADAC memo of 5 January 1953). 11. The correction of deficiencies revealed in post mortems of national intelligence estimates (IAC-D-57/1). SECRET Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 oFiciiga Approved Fork a _ RA 5/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A0001f 1 12. The continuing coordination of requests from the State Department for assistance in pursuance of N5C49. "Security of Strategically Important Industrial Operations in Foreign Countries" (ADrIC memo of 24 August 1953). 13. Study of Anti-Communist Resistaice and Resistance Potential IAC4)-75/2). 14. The rendering of assistance to the Bureau of the Budget in its proposed survey of intelligence programs (IAC-D-77/1). A draft paper on the strengthening of intelligence activities is also attached. .i SECRET Approved For Release 20 5 0 / : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 1AL UIS AT 111101r heti draft regulation hais been concurred in by eats and wilt shortly be issued. It lodges re DDI for the coordination of CIA's finished in licatione. Coordination of the publications of all at present an assigned responsibility of any unit, ork is performed by OCD. through its "Intelligence ea," In regularizing the nomenclature sad other specie of publications. Substantively. the CIA cies consult with other producers and with con- ereby seek to refine their products and make them ve to needs. Should it become a fact that depart utions to national intelligence are suffering from to emphasis on departmental publications, it would for the DCI to work with the agencies to achieve ce. It is not believed that that situation now exists. Li: II Approved For Release';605/0 / il:l.riek-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 7, D Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4 EMINATION Accumulation of In ellije ce Public Procedures to reduce the accumulation overseasof ?nal and CIA finished intelligence (IAC-D-6912 and memo ra AD/IC to DCI dated 30 April 1953). National InteUi enceSu v Procedure for IAC control of dissemination of the National Intelligence Surveys to non-IAC agencies and foreign governments (LAC-D-415/1Z). .Control StaniPs oposat to standardize, and thereby reduce, the over the disseminati n and use of intelligence Considered by the LAC representatives (Draft a DC V. A semination don of CIA Intelligence posal to clarify the responsIbIlities of the die- d security officials in questions of foreign dissemina, telligence is before the Deputy Director of Central or decision. GDEN iAL Approved For Release 2005/05/16 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000100130092-4