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ApproirI For PPiPACP 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000200050025-6 Copy ARC..14.39 REQUU.MENTS COMMITTEE ON PROJECT AO AT E (ARC) tes of Mooting Held in Room 214 Administration ilding, Central Intelligonce at 2130 p.m., 20 March 1957 Q, Rabor an PRESENT Co1 Wiflhsm A. Dodds, OACS ca. zin T. Forsyth., OACS1 Col, Quintin S. Lauder, OACS1 Major 3. P? Rupport, OACS1 Major George Yon Laothom, ?ACM Mr. Ray Adcock, OA= Comdr. 3. U Largosn. OM Major Donald Conroy, USMC Col. James Ha mad*. Jr., Ar0Di Major Paul K. Hoffman, ATOIN Major William L Nichols, ATOIN Mr. Arthur C. Lurk CIA 25X1 25X1A 25X1A The Chairman reported that it was currently planned to reinstitute en a mission to Syria and a longor one to include Egypt. Ho requested ti on that basis bit made available to hia office by Friday morning de guidance for Opsrations. Z. After some discussion, the Committee r.questsd. the forward their views to the Project Director as follows: "1, The Ad Hoc Roquirersionts Co mitts*, was inform.d of tho current plans for area in view of the present situation in that area, NSA and ARMY review(s) completed. Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RD an to yesterday, E"tern 25X1 P61S00750A000200050025-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1A 25X1A Approved For Release 2004/4/115-: CIA-RDP61S00750A000200050025-6 - 2 - ARC-M-39 "Z. The agencies agreed to present under our normal procedure *meats by Friday of this week for possible missions next week, and these will be referred to Operations as usual promptly. "3. In view of the dangers involved in such overflights and possible jeopardy to the major objective, namely, the penetration of the USSR, and in view of their understanding that engine time is * matter for concern, the members of the Ad Hoc Requirements Committee are maintaining a constant alert in their agencies to identify real need for coverage. They will keep the Chairman continuously informed in order that Operations may be advised promptly. "4. Pending the receipt toward the end of this week of the take from mission 1365, the Ad Hoc Requirements Committee recommends missions only when needed to meet requirements and does not endorse the establish- ment of a schedule of a mission to Syria and a longer mission' in the situation at present." Pro.oea1 for the Establishment 3. The Air Farce submitted a draft SOP for (TH 1616-7; 57). A copy of this is being disseminated to the members for their review. This will be on the agenda at an early meeting of the Ad Hoc Requirements Committee. 25X1 25X1A SOP For SAFE and TEAS 4. Revisions of the draft as proposed at the meeting will be incorporated in a new draft which the Chairman will disseminate to the interested parties shortly. 5. Th. cover memorandum by this title, which is to accompany the machine sting of targets in the areas indicated, was disseminated and reviewed at the meeting. It was agreed that final consideration would be postponed until the next Ad Hoc Requirements Committee meeting in order to permit erne for study. Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000200050025-6 25X1 LOA-I Approved For Relea 25X1A 25X1 25X1 e 20044 --F(TIA-RDP61S00750A000200050025-6 9 25X1 6. The Army read a piper strongly opposing the view expressed in the NS orandum, copy of which was distributed to Army, Navy, Air Force, OCI, and ORB. (TC.S.4071.47), The Navy associated itself in general with the of the Army, The Air Force had no comment. 7, The Chairman requested the Army representative submit the memorandum he had read and indicat* in his transmittal at least the informal views of the soros and Navy on the paper, Th. Chairman recalled that I lin tting the NSA memorandum, had explained that MAIa objective in submitting the paper woo to point op considerations which might be overlooked in the eagerness for securing data on land the possible jeopardy to other collection sources, The Chairman felt that the expression of views on this *motion had been extremely useful and, as soon as the Army's memorandum is received, he will present the various vitro, to the Director of the Project for consideration, Expediting Courier.Service 8. The Chairman called attention to the fact that papere transmitted from his office to the members were being delayed in the TALENT centers in their agencies, The members agreed that if urgent papers for their attention were masked with an expedite slip it would insure prompt delivery to thorn. Briefing on Configuration C 9 Mr., Luatd&dnot.dthstinsc position to hold briefing on the C Cent comparison with A.l, Apo,2 and B Configure HTAUTOhIAT B. Pr ke HTAXTCMAT would be in a such a mann r as would permit ducts, 10. Mr. Ludah1 InformedCommittee that is office had a substantial progrem of ress*rcb and d.v.loprnent of interest to the photo interpretation field, H. stated that some agencIes had already become conversant with this program and that all agencies, members of Ad Hoc Requirements Committee, may be informed at their convenience, An expression of interest in certain research and development items at this time may turn out to be mutually beneficial. HT iT liaised at HTAUTOMAT is only a TALENT barrier Approved For Release 2004/12/15: CIA-RDP61S00750A000200050025-6 Kik 25X1 25X1 cs*tion.d that those who while many of the personnel in all. Accordingly, discussions after car. has been taken to see it HTAUT014 ARC-144-39 T should be aware of the fact that TI cleared they are not material should be undertaken only present are cleared. 25X1 an noted that the Ad Hoc Reptirements Committee Minute. are preparedprincipally as a convenience to insure that all participants can readily keep track of Ad Hoc Requirements Committee besiness sad to follow up on matters on which they have agreed to take responsibility. He stated that he would seek to make theee minutes as clear and explicit as possible, and he requested that the members for their part try to insure that those working with them in their own agencies would be properly informed. .10Rt cw 1 -OACSI 2-ON! 3-AFOIN 4-NSA 5-State 6-Project Director 7-DD/I 8-0CI 9-OSI 10-OSI ESO 11-ORR 12-10 13- Chief/HTA 14-TSO 15-PSO 16- 17- 18-file le-chrono AME5 Q. REBER Chairman Approved For Release 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP6' 25X1 Approvcd For Rciccse 2004/12/15 : CIA-RDP61S00750A000200050025-6 25X1 25X1i6k S00750A000200050025-6 25X1