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December 15, 1998
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Publication Date:
August 27, 1957
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Approved For Release.Z000/08120 DPG' S00750A000600080066-4
AUG; 2'719571
lViEMORANDUM FOR: Special Assistant to the Director
for Planning and Coordination
6U13JECT: Annual Report on Plans and Assets for War
.';EFERENCES: a. DCI Memorandum dtd 2 Jun 1955; subject:
" N artime Mission of CIA"
LCI Memorandum dtd 13 Dec 1956; subject:
War Planning Reports"
.. This is the fourth in the series of reports required by Reference a.
It covers progress on plans, operations, and technical support for war prep-
aration during the twelve-month period July 1956 - June 1957, in accordance
with Reference b. The following paragraphs of this transmittal memorandum
briefly recall a few highlight itero 5. Greater detail on these and other mat-
ters is given in the attachments.
In keeping with the elimination of the Far East Command on I July
1957, the functions of the Senior I'Var Planner, Far East, have been phased
out. Plans, documents, and area studies have been transferred to Senior
ajar Planner, Pacific, for utilization in unconventional warfare planning. A
new charter and table of organization have been approved for the Pacific
Command to support the combined theaters.
:3. In April 1957 the JCS and- the DCI began an exchange of correspond-
ence for the purpose of revising the Command Relationships Agreement.
The original agreement concerned unconventional warfare only, but under
the new concept psychological wa3&fare and clandestine intelligence activities
will also be subject to the provisions of the agreement. This results from a
recommendation of the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelli-
grence Activities.
4. In October 1956, following the initiation of evacuation in Jordan,
Israel, Syria, and Egypt, the Clandestine Services participated in inter-
a;;ency deliberations with Defense, State, USIA, ICA, and Agriculture to ef-
fect a coordinated effort in solving evacuation problems during this crisis.
Approved For Release 2000/08F2 A 150075a~4A~06 ~0 00 8' ,_ _ ,
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5. In the matter of wartime evacuation of key indigenous personnel,
the Director of Central Intelligence has requested the Operations Coordi-
nating Board to designate the Inter-agency Evacuation Committee as an
ad hoc OCB working group for preparing a factual report on certain features
of the NSC 123 policy paper. It is expected that the result will be NSC re-
view of NSC 1.23 and a closer integration of this planning activity with the
COB mechanism.
6. Unconventional warfare requirements were received from the Joint
Chiefs of Staff in July 1956, and CIA has accepted approximately 43 per cent
of these total requirements. In reply to the JCS, CIA indicated specific
requirements which could be accepted and made recommendations to serve
as alternates to some of the requirements that could not be accepted for the
time being. Further exchanges are taking place with JCS as major changes
occur in CIAis capability to meet additional military requirements. Area
1'ivisions are making continuing efforts to assess and improve such capability.
7. CIA has not yet received military wartime requirements for the ac-
tivities which would be feasible and appropriate for our international oreani-
zations assets. However, the International Organizations Division believes
that such assets have a substantial wartime potential and is giving extensive
attention to possible wartime use of such assets.
Deputy Director (Plans)
.Attachments: Plans; Operations; and
`.'eel meal Services
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