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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
August 11, 1954
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Approved For Release 2000/08/uP61 S00750A000700010030-9 COPY I I August 1954 ORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Pr Mr. L. Kirkpatrick CIA Position with Respect to Increased Coordination of Intelligence Budgets C consider in summary form a consolidation of the member-agency budgets. b. That a budgetary subcommittee of the LAC be created to assist the members of the IAC in their review. C report its recommendations to the Bureau o the Appropriations Committees of the Congress. e Bureau of the Budget and Congress be rcque:stud Ace budgets as a coordinated program using, committee for this purpose. ?. That supplemental requests, allocation of Congressional cuts, interim adjustment, etc., of any significance made by any department be reported to the IAC budget subcommittee so that IAC community influence can be exercised to prevent impairment of the national intelligence effort. ts: the only rational responsible way for the Executive Branch to decide how much to spend for intelligence. b. Each agency** financial needs are explainable only in tho context of what it gets from and gives to the other agencies firms of service, etc . , e.g., CCI* s and -appropriations can be readily justified in relation to NSA' s financial outlay. Many Integrated programs, e.g., the National Intolli- ,eys, are nowhere considered in their entirety in the budget so; yet adverse action on one agency's appropriations (b senior fiscal officers or the Congress) can mangle the program. Approved For Release 2000/0 A- , DP61 S00750A000700010030-9 4 Approved For Release 2000/08/28'"bP61500750A000700010030-9 d, U C aeoder DGI leadership doesn't seize the it"if, it rune serious risk ill-Informed bureau of the Budget or Cougressd ul ; ffs will do so and create havoc. 25X1X7 cticality of this proposal has been demonstrated in a similar role despite to as many bvr*&UCratjCL. let-sleeping -dogs -lie ROZ ZRT AMOJLY. JR . Deputy Director/Intel igence SECt Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP61 SO075OA000700010030-9 Approved For Release 200010812%.:i(;4A-RDP61 S00750A000700010030-9 Presentation for the tat 41enco CAMMMI-ty 1. To determine the desirability and feasibility of the station to the Bureau of the Budget and B. Disc . I . It is Blear that the intent of the National Security Act and the NS s is that the Agencies represented an the Intelligence Advisory Committee are to operat*. insofar as possible as a system, I nterr teed and Ant 44#endent. While the Act and the Directives agencies ,.__ meet meet ear derpaartssreatal reap sihilities, the separate Agencies ~ e bee so massed as to achieve coordinated intelligence in the ceseity for budget requests to be related each of the lAC agencies to present and justify their which tars can be sec amplisheed. Present procedures coordinated intelligence program, there is at present for the intelligence function independently to het and Congress. In addition. as Intelligence possible to e Coma" i ity Beset, there is no mechanism by which ee Budget or the Congressional Committees an co of the Agency requests are fort. As a result, there is on the estimates by either the intelligence activities. l s encs ~ _ ~ , P rocs appropriation items, it is not even Y by agency the funds requested for carrying D to lack of a coordinated for s will be consistent Approved For Release 2000/08WA- k-.RDP61 S00750A000700010030-9 "Approved For Release 2000/08' 6 : KC A-RDP61 SOQOA000700010030-9 a anted by the Burea3 e 4. To the a at that the alleewaamc eee or the funds stea to Cedar of the Budget for se~ission of es den by Congress r.preesea t a reduction from the finally appropriated adja-stMGOts must be made by the d , te aunt e s :tT toques l* itgeflee. L sctivf#es. inclueiing s part ;**ts in the vas a~rn 4.64"" item. Due to the lack. of .,. B tht s ad3 jeaistTflent pr oc s. t s c t * y to ssseatree t o t _ _ :,. ..-.> at to nt*Uigence activitte*.u r dinated sesuria f Sy dive se