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Publication Date: 
August 6, 1959
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Approved Zor Release : CIA-RDP62-00647AA00100170057-2 t' 6th August, 1959 f` /~ AT 1~ T Tl Ti' AT T T A T. COCOM Document No. 3647 B COORDINATING COMMITTEE MEMORANDUM BY THE BELGIAN DELE'GAT ION / _ t t2.K su During the meeting of the Sub-Committee on Export Controls which war, held in Rome from the 19th to the 22nd May, 1959, Member Governments were invited to give the Secretariat particulars regarding the non-Member countries to which their authorities sent duplicate import certificates, and to send in copies of their Import Certificate, Delivery Verification Certificate and Transit Authori- sation Certificate as in current use. To comply with the Sub-Committeeis recommendation, the Belgian Delegation have the honour to confirm that duplicates of the documents concerned are sent to the following non.-Mombor countries and dependent overseas territories of Member countries'.- Algeria; Austria, the Belgian Conigo, Chile, Mexico, Marocco, Peru; TLuai'sia, the `Union of South Africa. It should be noted furtrermoro that the transmission procedure followed by the Belgian authorities is basal on the information appearing in COCOM Secreta- riat Paper No. 75, dated November 1955, and its later amendments. It was from the documentation referred to that the addresses were obtained to which the duplicates are sent. It may be pointed out that such despatches have become somewhat rare since the noticeable reduction in the Lists which came into effect on the 15th August, 1958. In order to meet - the wishes expressed by the Sub-Committee, the Belgian authoritieshave the honour to transmit herewith the following specimens: - 30 sets of Import Certificates, 15 being in French and 15 in English; - 30 sets of Delivery Verification Certificates, 15 in each of the languages mentioned; - 30 Transit Authorisation Certificates, printed in three languages (French, Dutch and English)* Furthermore, with reference to publication of the amendments to the new Lists, the Belgian authorities have the honour to submit the following infor- mation on this point: As regards Exports (IC/DV procedure). (a) The complete strategic lists, established by the Coordinating Committee as at the 15th August 1958 (see especially Amendment No. 15 to Lists 2200.1, .2, e3) appeared in the "Moniteur Belge" issued on the 22nd October 1958 by virtue of the "Ministerial Decree of the 22 nd September 195$, suspending the obligation to produce a licence for the export of certain goods". (b) It may be mentioned that on the 12th September 1958 the Bulletin entitled "Informations Commerciales", issued by the Belgian Office for Foreign Trade, also published the lists in question semi-officially. As regards Transit (T.A.C. procedure). The strategic lists finalised on the 15th August 1958 were also pu- blished on the 22nd October 1958 by means of the "Ministerial Decree of the 22nd September 1958, relating to the transit of certain goods". Furthermore, the Belgian Delegation would point out that the later amendments issued since that date by the Coordinating Committee, including the revised Atomic Ehergy List, will shortly be notified by means of new amending; decrees. * These documents are attached to the 4th Addendum to Annex I to COCOM Document 407. Approved For We -lease : 47A000100170057-2