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Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 J~1L ?5 x955 ~U S E C R E T 13th ~uly~~5 COiISOLD~TED CH?l'IA aI'ECT.,L LSST I~,ETAL-~1ORIIING i~;AC3II~RY C.~1~'IICAL i~i1D PLTROIEUi~i EQUIPI~~P]T LLECTRICIIL :~N-~ PQ1R-(~I~R.'~T.NG L QUIP`1F~ P1r G3~l~i~~1`~L IIdDU;~'Tii.L1L E QiJT.PAIE 2aT TT'~IdSPC~~TAT ION E ~UIPi?IENT ELECTRONICS AIQD Pi2E,CISION IP1Sr'~~Ui~NTS r~TALu, IiIN1&iL~~, ~S1D TIiuIl~. ~~i1~~1CTV~~ s CII`vi~tiCALS 11ND 1/ETI~OLEUx~I PRODUCTS RUD~~. AiID RUBUER PRODLTGTS I~IISCE LLlLrrv OUS Chin~l ~Sr.~eci~.l List 1`Lnr_ex IrrruRP1~T .TIVE Naas SE C RE T *DOC Exempt Letter On File* ~'~NP1G:~ A to C~ n S`izb?lC,' Series 001-099 1 101>199 2 z01-299 7 301-399 9 401-499 15 501-599 1'7 601-699 zz 701-'799 ?_6 801>899 31 901--999 3z Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA=RDP62-00647A000'~d'0050001-5 ~F,CRE ~ ~ 1 041 (~excen thos? designea~ specially fox All ~,#,oras of tha production of civilian hardwares CC1--099 series such as -but not linited iro -needle, pin, bu~.aon and nat?naking Machinery), as fo'1? ows (a) Metal-~rorking r.~achine-tools, and accessories tharcfor, nee,so; (b) Enginoers ~ cut~Ling and forxiing tools, Aaaroved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/21; :CIA=RDP62-00647A000.29~p050001-5 SECRET Description CI~MICAL AND PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT 1101-199 series) A9 CHENiICAL E~JIPMENT 2101-149 series~~ (Note :For definition of tho torn ~oorrosion- resistant rlatorials"~ as used in various itens below, see Interpretative Note No 1 in Conso- lidatod Chia Special List Annex A). Specialised Processina_ Eauitxient C-101 Acid (nineral) concentrating equiprient, n.e.s. as olbws: 1101 (a) Coz~plete installationa~ b) Unit couponents; ~c) hens of equipment specially designed therefor. (See also iten 1101p) centrifugal vacuum spin-freezing appa- ratus~ and multi-stage steam e3ectors. C-107 Driers for eheraical processes, as follows s 3102 (a) Continnaus screen; (b) Cylinder; c) Drun; d) Rotary; e Spray; f) ifiacuux~. Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000100050001-5 ;SECRET " 3 - Description Sourco CHEMICAL AN~ROLEUM E ~UtPMETdT continued A- ~, c~~MICAI, E_:UiP~I~': oont~ ed o en- roducin a ui7ment n.e,s. (w~stc~r - lug C-109 HY~` g- p g q i ' gas, electrolv~ic, gas crat3kinga gas ex- tractiot~ processos), (Coe also iteri 11120 } C-110 Hydrogenation equipr~ent~ n,o,s0i as follows lll3 (~, Complete installations; (b~ Cata.7.yzers s+.:3.'~:ab1e for hydrogenation. (See also itor~ 1171,- ) C-111 Methanol oxidation equiprbont, ~.s follows a) Complete installations; ~b) Catalyzors saitable for r.:ethanol oxidation. C-11.2 Nitrato_s~ nae.s. (See also item 1113a ) LL6 uls C-~,3 Chemical process vesaels~ tanks, and vats 11,1 and piping and alii3d fixtures, r~~de of ~~ or lined with any corrosion-resistant 3140 material. 1110 C-114 Gas liquefying equipz~ent andesiuied forfope- handling liquefied gas, ~ ration zt pressures of 300 p.s.i. (21 kB? per sq. en.) or over n.e.s. Note t This includes stool cylinders for eonpressod or liquefied gases, whethor or not with welded bottoms.) (Sea also iten 11100) 1123 C-115 Sulphur (natural) extraction equipnent~ as follows (a) Coraplet? installations; (b) Unit components; (c) Iters of equipment specially desi~med tierofor. C-116 Sulphur burners and pyrites roasters. (See also item 3124.) 1124 SErRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Rele~2 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000~"0'0050001-5 ~vlwT '~+" Da scription CI~P?iIC ~L r'1ND I'ETROLWU2~i'~tUIP:~i~TMf continued) ~ j1. GI~IIIC~ L E~,UIFi~I~I'i' continued~ C-117 'dater trea.t:~ont equipment, ins ustrial {o,.eQ 1127 (i} anti-sc~.lin#; types] 3127 C-11#3 (ii) station~.ry equi~:~ont for tlio troatn?nt of drin'_:inC w^tor} , Heat exchangers (tabula:), n.o.s., for industria3 2?10 G-119 processor and components thereof. (See also International List .h.nnex D, iteri 33) . Proc?ssing oqui~t.ient operatinC at pressures over 1120 C-120 200 p.s.i. (11,. k;;. =zcr sq. cY:.}y n.o.s., as follows: (a) Complotci instsl.lations; (b) Unit components; (c) Items of oqui~.iont upecially c?esi~r:od therefor (ineludin:;, but not 13s:it?d to, autoclaves and digesters) . (Seo? also itor~ 3120, ) Distillation equipment (inc?ustrial) as follows 2101 (a) Fractionatin, rectifying, and 3101 dep'lle,;matin~; eolv~:nzs, and pests thQrofor { sa3 also ite*: 1151 (d) ); (b) Destructive distillation oqui~clont} and parts; (c) Stills c?osi~nod to olx3rato at absolute pro s surd of 760 _"= ~ . ~.nd loUro r of r~srcury; anc? parts therefor. C-121 Lv~.porators, r.1u3.tiple-effect. Puuns and Valves ssors Compro 3105 C-131 ,. , Pups (axco vacuuzl pimps) delivorin{; lieuids 1131 sopa.rately or in ca,:~bination with solids 2136 anc?/or r;~sos and havinC ~Y of the followinG 3131 ch?sactoristics, n,?. s. (a) Fabricated of! or lined tirit'.i, any corrosion-re sistar_t rzatorial; (b) DesiCned to operate at temperatures of 220? F (10%? C) cnd ov3r; (c } lle si~;no d for t~orl;inC pro sure s of 75 p.s.i. (5.25 1:~. per sq. c~.) anc? over; (d) T ho f o11ot1in~ parts : bodies and rotors of contrifu~al or rotary peps fc.aricatec? ol, or lined i~ith, any corrosion-resistant r.:s.terial. (NOTI; : This dogs not incluc?o diesel ~.nd fuel injection pumps, or purips c?ostinod for c ompre ssinC t'zo ]3ruic'_ in hyc'saulic presses in conjunci;ion with taooc' ~aorl_in~ planin;; :_jachine s. ) (Soo also ito~~s 1131 and 2129.) S E C R E T Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Rele~ce 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A0002@0050001-5 SCCRET -5- Item No. Description CHCMICAL AND FLTROIEU'i~i El~tU,IPI~NT continued) A, CHErIICAL~ L UT~,~'.' I ~~cont,_, inued~ C-132 Vacuti-m pumps (and parts), n.e.s., all types 1132 (incit~ding mechanical, diffusion and ejector) 2130 which: (a) Are designed to produce a vacuum of 50 mm, of mercury pressure absolute or less (seo item 1132); (b) Regardless of vacuum produced, are fabricated oi, or lined w?_th, any corrosion-~^esista,:zt materisl. (See also International List Annex D, i}?om 26. ) C-133 Valves and cocks, n.e.s. as follows: (ii) Pressure relief vaJ.ves designed for working pressures of less than 300 p.s.i. (21 kg. per sq. cm.); and (iii} Valves specifically designed for milking machines and for electric household refrigerators ~.nd ho*_no froezers; (c } Pipe valves, n.e . s. , designed for work- 't135 ing pressures of 300 or more p.s.i, (21 2131 kg. per sq. em.) (See also.itams 1133 and 2133 and Inter- national List Annex D; item 27.) (a) 4dith pressuro parts wholly made of, 1133 or wholly lined t,rith, any corrosion- resistant materials ex_ cwt the follow- ing types of valves when made of or lined with corrosion-resistant materials other than molybdenum or alloys (as defined in Interpretative Noto :do.1 (1d) in Consoli- dated China ~ecial List Annex A) or nickel metal or a~lo~ls (as defined in Interpretative No-~e No.1 (1 a)) (i) Check, non-return an3 float valves; (ii) Pressure relief val?~os dosi~ned for worki:~ pressures of less than 300 p.s.i. (21 kg. per sq. cm.); (iii) Valves and coclcs for domestic house- hold use, ant? those spatially design- ed for milking machines and for elec- trical household refrigorators and home freezers; (b) Valves, controlled automatic types, as 2132 follows Any pipo valve having partially or wholly integral with it a mechanism actuated by electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechani- cal or other means ~rhich regulates or controls its operations, ~xce t: (i) Ch?ck, non-return and float valves; Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP6 00647A000200050001-5 SECRE_ Approved For Relea~ae 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000290050001-5 SECi3ET -6- Description CIE;MICAL AID PETB.OIEUN E UIPT~tiT Cor~tinued} A. OHETIICAL E~tUIPI~~T~l2' C tinued~~ Other Chemical Egui~nent C-140 Storage or transportation containers, having any of the following characteristics (a) Tanks and vats n.e.s.~ and piping 3140 and allied fixttues, made of, or lined, any corrosion-resistant material; (b) Drums (metal, empty} of 2O litres {5 3143 U.S. or Imperial gallons} capacity, or more, made of, or lined with, any corrosion-resistant (~exceedin~ containers designed for the transport of mills) ; (c) Vacuum insulated of 25 litres (6.5 U.S. 1140 gallons or 5.5 Imperial gallons) capa- c ity or more ; (d) Drums (metal, empty) of 200 73tres (55 3144 U.S. gallons or 45 Imperial gallons) capacity. or more; (e} Containers of the '~3erry can" or Simi- C-150 lar type, n.e.s., i.e. containers of 15 3itres (4 U.S. gallons) capacity or mare , equipped ~~r ~_th handles and Ovate r- tight lids, and suitable for use in storing or transporting pe~~ro'loum. C-141 G~^.~.;ge s for measuring pressures over 100 atmos- 1145 pheres (~.uge pressures of 1470 p.s.i, or 103 k.g per sq. cm.) C-142 Moulding mac:~ines for Mastics (extrusion in3ection, and other). 1146 C-1~.3 Pipe and tubing, n.e.s. mode of, or lined with, 2142 arty of the following corrosion-resistant materials (a) Metals containing 10 per cent or more chromium and/or nickel and,~or silicon; metals containing 90 per cent or more silver or titanium; (b) Ca~?bon and/or graphite; (c) Polyvinyl chloride; polyvinylidene chloride resin; phenol formaldehyde {see also items 11/2 and 3142); (d) Borosilicate glass (ex~~~t pipe and tubing dally shaped for labora- tory use (e) High--temperature fused silica or quartz. B. PETROLEUM E ~UIPMENT { 150-19~, sub-series ) C-151 Petroleum refinery equipment, n.e.s. (See also items 1151 and 1153) 1155 C-151 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Relea's'e 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000269050001-5 Description ELECTRICAL AND P~~1ER--~E~LRATING E UIPMENT 201?-299 seriQs A. ELECTRICAL E U:CPN.~1~lT exce,~t Poorer-Gener,~,ating) '1-21,.9 sub-serie~~~ C-201 Electric furnaces, noes., and electrical 1201 Compon3nt parts thArefor, as folloyrs: 2201 (a) Induction. furnaces, incl..uding 3201 generating e oa.pment of 4~'0 cycles and C-302 above; (b) Direct or indirect arc furnaces; (c} Submerged arc f~~.^racos, and direct rosistarce furiaeos; (d) Induction heat-trey Ling furnaces including generating equi~nent of 480 cycles and above; (Q) Resistor melting furnaces and ovens and resistor heat-troating, ann?aling furnaces and ovens; (f) Heating e]ement,s (rosistors} for re- sistor furnaces. (See also International List Annex D, item 28,} C-210 t~1e lding machines and a quipment ~ n ~ o ~ s, , and 1202 parts 'l;herofor (including elertrcdes -rod 2210 ar..d r~'ire - n. e . s ,) , (See also item 3202.) C-210 C-211 Electrodes (artificial graphite) with cross section 3/4 inch to 2 incY:es (19 to 50 mm,} . B. Pt)Nt"r,R-GEI~RATING EQUIPI~NT~2~0-2R9 sub-series) 3385 0-250 Condenser tubes (seamless cupro-nickel}. 1250 C-25b Internal combustion ongires~ n.e.s. 1255 1256 (See also items 1255 and 3256.) 1265 SECRET 2250 2251 2255 3250 C-265 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Rele~e 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A0002AQ050001-5 SECRET Descripticn ELECTRIGAL .AND PGrTER-GE1~~~TING E UIPMEN'i' Contc??;) $, POlaER-C~I~'ER~:TIPIG~U~,NT C ntin~~ C-260 Electric motors, n.o.s. 1260 (See also items 1260, 1266, 2265 and 3265). 2265 3265 C-260 C-266 Po~sr ec~uipnent, as fc'.lo~:s: 2265 (a) Equipr~ont, n.e.s., for electric generating, 3265 transforming, rectifying a..nd eorvnrting, 3267 transmission, and power distribution; control C-266 goat and accessorios, n.e.s~, substation aquipmenc, n,e.s.; and putts, n.o.s, for the fore oing (see also items 9266, 2266 and 3265; ? (b) Plant for the production of fuel gas; (c) Beiler~ouse plant for use Frith sub-itvns (a) and (b) above. '?. - -? C?-27Q Turbin?s all types ovar 300 h,p a, n.c , s, (exce ', those desi`rcd for electric genQrator s) . (Seo also iton 2270.) C-275 Z~Iator-tube boilsrs, n.e,s, SOi000 pound-hours 3260 (36,300 ltg. per hour) steaming capacity and above (See also items C-401, 1441 and 3441). 5~E R E T Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000'200050001-5 -9- Itc~ra No. Description GENERAL INDUSTR?AL E~1UIPi~~..,~. r~s) MetalJ_ur~iczl._Mi11 a.nd o~n~'.r,~?Eauit~ie t C_301 Foundry plants n.o,s. C-301 C_302 FurnacQ equipment Prossuro-top equip~ont 2301 (ire , , top equipment for 'alas c furnace s designed to facilitate the retention during the rochlrg -rlg pr. ocess of the pressure znd temperatare generated during the preceding heat for use with the nets charge) . C-303 Crucibles, artificial and natural graphite. C_30% Separators (electrostatic} having a voltage of more than 1,000 volts across the air gap; and p~xts. 1302 3301 1310 C-305 Sintering e quipnent for r~?tallurgical purposes 1311 0_306 Tinning units electrolytic-automatic 1315 continuous. C-315 Hard-chrome plating pl~.nts (exc~ small C-315 barrel-type electro-plating plants for decorative purposes) . C-316 riotal-spraying equipment. Canst_?ruction and Con_ vexing, Machinery C-316 C-320 Matorials??handling equi~ent~ as follows C-375 (a) Fork-lift trucks; (b) Platform trucks; (c) Other industrial-typo trucks, tractors, trailers and stackers. (NO'TE : Sub-item (c) covers only equipment specially designed for materials handling, such as those e~qui d with crane boozes and winches. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A00~0050001-5 Iten No. -~ 0- Description Source Cti.NCRAL INDUSTRIAL E 1f~UIPI~~NT {C ter} inued) C-321 Civil engineering and builc'.ing equiprient 3321 (including road ~.nd airport machinery), as follows: (a} Cancreto isi:eors (station~.ry anc? port- able, includirgtrucT: and trailer- mounted} and concrete transport truck- nounted agitators, capac:'sty 1~ cu.ft. (0.5 cu.m..) and oti-er; (b) Concrete pavers, paving spreaders and finishers; (c) Bitunirous rzixin outfits, spreaders, pavers and rail.Ar-paver canbinations; (d) Crus'~ing and screening outfits; Mobile anc? seni-portable I~ocT>-c?ot.m types; (e) Sub-graders and fine-graders; (f} Self-propelled road graders; (g) Self-loading scrapers (automatic), self- propelled and 7u11-push types (oxc~pt hand-operated types); (h) Road-rollers, self-;~ropollod, t~.nden C-321 and three-wheel stee?-tyred types, $-ton unballasted weight cr over; (i) Bulldozors9 ang1~=-dozers; trail-builders; C-32b (j) Spray-guns, air operated types capably C-32? of ptacing 13.5 cu,ft. (0.3~ ou,n.) or more of wet mixture of cement and sand per hour; and accessories therefor. Rubber-~rorkin~ T~iac'~.?.nary C-330 Calenders (rubber-working) laith 3 or Wore rolls and capable of ac,n2~13ng fabric 55 inches (140 cm.) or aver. C-331 Tdasterbatch nixers, with auto,.iaticzlly con- trolled tine cycle, cllaraber voluno 130,000 cu.on. or i:~ore 1330 1331 C-332 Tyre-curing presses, single or multiple cavity 1332 capable of accamodating tyro noulds of a total out side depth of 10 inches (25.4 em. ) or over. Eauimont fox Other Sneeif3.e Industries C-350 Carbon-black manufacturin; plants, n.e.s. {See also item '1350.) SE C RE T 1350 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000~0050001-5 SC('iiET GENEr'1;1L INDiJSTP~It1L ~Qt1IFi~1~1T _ co tinned) C-351 i~Iinin; equipttent and machinery, n.e.s. 1351 2350 3351 C-351 C-352 E quiff?nt for the nar_uf actors of synthetic 2354 artifiaiwl) fibres, as fo1.7.ows: ~a) Filament elctrus~_on and spinning rzachinos; (b) Spinriorets na~?c of platint~n unc'~or t~a,nta- lum rota? s and/ur alloys, capable of Do script~on producing yarns of 500 deniers or Dare; (c) Spinnerets made of stainlo s s stee 1 capable of producing yarns of 210 deniers or rioro . O+~irutc; C-380 (b) Turbo-compressors or blowers capable of operating at either: (1} spends of 8,000 r.p.m. or ovur, or (2 caith internal air floor at any point exceeding a A1ach number of 0.'r'; (c) Blowers capab?o of an ace.ra:!1 ca~rprossion ratio of 2 t1 or raoro, coupled with a capacity of over 35,000 cu,ft. (991 eu.r.l.) per minute; (d) Compressors, n.e,s., anc_ pcxts; regardless of delivery prosswc~es and cc.pacities, when fabricated of, or lined t,rith~ arty corrosion- resistant material. (Soo also item 13~ and International List Annex D itor: 30. ) 3E C R% T Approved For Release 2000/0812662-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Rele~rse 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000190050001-5 ~C11ET ~13- Description GENCRAL INDUSTRIAL Elf U~TvP?T can.,, tinuad) C-381 Portable hind-held power tools (pneumatic, electric and petrol operated) desi;ned for the f oI1o1?ring uses (a) rTetal working; (b) Priming and quarryin; (c) Transportation and transportation- sex~,Ticing (rai~.roads, locomotives and rolling-stock, ships, planes and .rotor transport). C-370 C-3C2 Jacks, 10-ton eapacity* and over. C-374 C-3C3 Crushing equipment, as follows: (a) Crushers, grinders, and pulverizers (all typos except for fond processing); 3381 (b) Colloid nil].s. C-331,, Conveyor belting. 3380 C-3S5 Core drills, and core drill bits, n.o.s. 1381 (Soe also hens 1150 end '! 38~. ) 315a C-3C6 All tools, n.e.s., inclucing c?i?s and slugs, incorporating diazlonds. (NCfIE: This item does not include diamond tools used in dentistr~r); 1386 (See also iteri 1386,} C-387 All articles incorporatinr;? u.iaaond abrasives, n.e.s. (TdU!'E: This ito:~ does not include diamond tools used in dentistry); (See also item 1387.) 138? C-388 Dynamometers capable of absorbing Wore than 300 brake h.p. 1388 C-390 Graphito, as follows: 1390. (a) Graphite (artificia?).and amorphous carbon (~colu~',~,i_r~; cbaxcoal), in forms (including scrap) ~?;hose lamest dirien- sion oxeeeds 25 inches {635 l~:i.) or whose sraalles~ dimension excaeds 2 inch?s (50 ru:~.), or whose sight exceeds 6 lbs. (2,7 kJ.); (b} Prnrdor (carbon only). (See also International List Anno;: D, iteri 3~.. ) Approved For Release 2000/0 Srfie(=~62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000'~?0050001-5 Description C~I~r~~L ID1DU 1RL'1L E - iTIPI:L_~1T ,~~,continuoc?) C-3c;5 Precipitators (clectrost~tic), capablo of 90 por c?nt or nor3 (by blacl~- ne s s to st) of all airb orno part is to s c?o~m to sizes as ~^ll as 1250,000 0" an inch (0.0001 rxr.); and specialised parts therefor. 1395 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000~A,0050001-5 I?i;er. D?o. -15~ De script~_on Sourco TFi~1NSPORTAT ION E ~UIPi ff:'N1 L~01-1.~~ series) ~e SS81S C-t,,01 `~iatercraft, n;,o,s,~ and ir~l~ortant co:apo;zents, n.e.s. (".;c3e also iteizs 1l~.U1, 1405, 1L,.10 ~ 1415, 1416, 1417, 1 X25 i/.~1,i , 2401, 2405, 2415, 21+16, 3416, 3441 ~ . I~~x~no Lc~i~on~~, (exc_ Q~t motors) zz6a 2440 C-401 C-430 Stool cable, ropo~ etrand or cord of all tJpos, 3430 nse.s., with or without a textile or fibro C430 core . (See also ite:~s 1430 and 3430.) ~~utonotive ~ouixnent (o~.ce~!~t t s) C 450 P~:otor vehicles and oquipnent as follows: '1321 (a) Mctor vehicles (incluclin# tractors, 2326 trailers and motorc;rcles~ n.e.s., 3450 e;;ce _ the f o~.1.:~~ri~.g : scooters, 3451 tricycles under. ].a'u-ton loading C-450 capacity; and g~ ivate touring (pas- senger) cars cesi~ned or constructed to carry not mrre than 6 persons. (PdC1I'L : The fore;oing exclusion d^9 s not apply to the follaw:ing, even if apparently designed or construct- ed to carry not more than 6 persons: Drew oars (personnel carriers); station wagons; utilities; picl;-ups; buses; kit cars); (b) Chassis, components, and parts, n.e.s.; (c) Servicing equipment and materials n.e . s. (See also items 1321, 1450 and 2450.} Railway Laui~an, ant C-~.70 Locomotives and locomotive. parts, as follows: General service (lies),, n,e.s,, switching 21+70 and industrial locomotives; mine locomotives 3470 (surf ace and under. grouncl) of all types and . sizes; and parts special],y designed for the above types of locomotives, (See also items 1471 and 3470.) S E C R E T Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Relea'3e 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A0002'00050001-5 SEG~T ~1 ~ De~criptson C-471 c-47z TR~~NSrORTATION EQiJIPI~P~i' > ,,,~t3r,~~r~~ - , i~,ail~ray roiling stao?~, n.e.s., and parts 1430 thare:c"or. '~47~ (See also items 2479, 3472, .'474 and 3475 1 3479.) 0-47 P~ail~~ray rails, n ~e , s . 2495 (NOTE: This item evS~ers transportation 3477 and industria3.'F~ypes only, including b~,:t not li~nitad to general sorvice railway rails, grooved rails, mine rails, anc~ light-railway rails.) (See also item 3477.} Other. Tr. ansnort~? aticn E~ui~ment C-4C5 ateel castings and fcrgi.ns cr marine and railroad equipment. SE CRE T 3485 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 Approved For Rele'a5e 2000/08/26 :CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050001-5 I=cem 1Jo. -17- DA scription Source EI.ICTRGNICS AND PR^CISIOiJ IsdST3Ut~NTS (501-599 series) Radi~~ Rac~a~~ard C+;_ er Te communication Apuar~tus . C-501 Telecommunication equi;~nent as follows: C-501 (a) Te:~ecomiunications cable, nze.s.; 3525 (b) Te.e~raphie equ.~.pment, n~e.s, (see 3519 also items 1519 ar,ci 3.5'19); (c) Telephone sty~itcl:bo728 Foxz.l~^Zdahyde (in solution or poly-~eriz?ci) . 3730 C-729 Glycols and their derivatives, c.s follotrs: {a} D:ieth lens glycol {d:~.-2-hydrar:yethyl etlZer~; and zli