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.. 00- W_ l9'A~l~d 1ek 0' 6,~,h4-RD2 006.4 Copy No. 8 6 Doc. CH/260 (54) INTERNATIONAL CHINA EMBARGO LIST Item Category Series Page Metal-working Machinery ... ... 001-099 3 Chemical and Petroleum Equipment ... ... 101-199 3 Electrical and Power-generating Equipment ... 201-299 3,4 General Industrial Equipment ... ... 301-399 4,5 Transportation Equipment ... ... 401-499 5 6 Electronics and Precision Instruments ... ... 501-599 , 6 7 Metals, Minerals, and their Manufactures ... ... 601-699 , 8 Chemicals and Petroleum Products ... ... 701-799 8 Rubber and Rubber Products ... ... 801-899 9 Miscellaneous ... ... ... ... ... 901-999 9 *DOC Exempt Letter On File* 45228 SECRET B yea i-or Keiease SECRET INTERNATIONAL CHINA EMBARGO LIST CHINA COMMITTEE 1. Attached hereto is the " China Special List," revised as at 30th November, 1953. This supersedes Doc. CH/170. It includes all items agreed by the Committee, as at the date above, for embargo to China and North Korea, in addition to the items on International Lists I, 11, and 111. 2. The " Source " column in the List shows, for each item, the Documents recording agreement on the definition as listed. Where the source is a China Committee Document, the symbol " CFI/- " is used; where the source is a COCOM Document, the symbol " Doc -" is used. In addition, for are shown Addendum), the numbers parentheses. items subsequently from the tothem by ~iCOCOM Document (Annex) (and assigned 3. - All definitions in the attached List (whether br not marked " n.e.s.") should be construed as exclusive of all types and varieties covered by the International Lists. SECRET -00647A000200050002-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050002-4 SECRET Description METAL-WORKING MACHINERY (001-099 Series) COOl Machine tools and accessories (except those designed specially for CH/108 the production of civilian hardwate, such as-but not limited to CH/207 -needle, pin, button and nail-making machinery), as follows:- (a) Metal-working machine tools, n.e.s.; and accessories (20) therefor; (b) Engineers' cutting and forming tools, n.e.s. (33) CHEMICAL AND PETROLEUM EQUIPMENT (101-199 Series) C150 Containers of the " jerry can " or similar type, n.e.s.-i.e., containers (3) of 4 U.S. gallon (15 litre) capacity or more, equipped with handles CH/33 and water-tight lids, and suitable for use in storing or transporting petroleum. (2) Doc. 1051 ELECTRICAL AND POWER GENERATING EQUIPMENT (201-299 Series) A. Electrical Equipment (201-249 Sub-Series) C210 Welding machines and equipment, n.e.s.; and parts therefor (including (24) electrodes-rod and wire-n.e.s.). CH/120 B.-Power-Generating Equipment (250-299 Sub-Series) C260 Electric motors, n.e.s. SECRET (18) CH/108 (4) CH/ 108 SECRET Electrical and Power Generating Equipment-continued C266 Power equipment, as follows:- (a) Equipment, n.e.s., for electric generating, transforming, rectifying and converting, transmission, and power distribution; control gear and accessories, n.e.s.; sub- station equipment, n.e.s.; and parts, n.e.s. for the foregoing; (b) Plant for the production of fuel gas; (c) Boiler-house plant for use with sub-items (a) and (b) above. GENERAL INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT (301-399 Series) Metallurgical, Mill and Foundry Equipment (19) CH/135 CH/207 C301 Foundry Plant, n.e.s. (32) CH/26 C302 Furnaces and ovens as follows:- Resistor-type heat-treating and annealing, n.e.s.; and electrical component parts thereof, n.e.s. C315 Hard-chrome plating plants (except small barrel-type electro-plating CH/104 plants for decorative purposes). CH/217 Construction and Convening Afachinery C321 Road-rollers, self-propelled, tandem and three-wheel steel-tyred types, 8-ton unballasted weight or over. CH/l38 C325 Excavators (including power shovels), n.e.s. (9) CH/26 (10) CH/26 C327 Spray-guns, air-operated types capable of placing 131 cubic feet CH/77 (0.38 cubic metres) or more of wet mixture of cement and sand CH/207 per hour; and accessories therefor. SECRET SECRET Item No. Description C351 General Industrial Equipment-continued Equipment for other Specific Industries Mining machinery, n.e.s. (25) CH/87 Other General Industrial Equipment C370 Portable hand-held power tools (pneumatic, electric and petrol (23) operated) designed for the following uses:- CH/166 CH/199 (a) Metal working; (b) Mining and quarrying; (c) Transportation and transportation-servicing (railroads, locomotives and rolling-stock, ships, planes and motor transport). C375 Materials-handling equipment, as follows:- (a) Fork-lift trucks; (h) Platform trucks; (c) Other industrial-type trucks, trailers, and stackers. (NOTE.-The above sub-paragraph (c) covers only equipment CH/207 specially designed for materials handling, such as those equipped with crane booms and winches.) TRANSPORTATION EQUIPMENT (401-499 Series) C401 Vessels Watercraft, n.e.s.: and important components, n.e.s. (7) CH/21 C450 Automotive Equipment (except Tyres) Motor vehicles and equipment, as follows:- (5) CH/ 77 (a) Motor vehicles (including tractors, trailers and motor- cycles), n.e.s., except the following: scooters; tricycles under half-ton loading capacity; and private touring (passenger) cars designed or constructed to carry not more SECRET P62-00647A000200050002- SECRET Description Transportation Equipment-conlinued than 6 persons. (Non:. --The foregoing exclusion does not apply to the following, even if apparently designed or constructed Io carry nut more than 6 persons: crew cars (personnel carriers); station wagons; utilities; pick-ups; buses; kit cars); (b) Chassis, components, at spare,, n.r..s., for the above vehicles; (c) Servicing equipment and materials, n.e.s., for the above vehicles. Railway h'quipntcnt ('471 Railway rolling-stock, n.e..s.; and parts therefor. ELECTRONICS AND PRECISION INSTRUMENTS (501-599 Series) Radio, Radar and other Telecommunications Apparatus C501 Telecommunications equipment, as follows:- (a) Telcommunications cable, n.e.s.; (h) Telegraphic instruments, n.e.s.; (6) Doc. 1051 (17) CHi120 (e) Telephone switchboards and other telephone instruments, n.e.s. (except domestic telephone instruments); (d) *Radio transmitting apparatus, n.e.s., and non-specialised components therefor: (e) *Radio communication receivers, n.e.s. and non- l CH/203 specialised components therefor (except domestic radio ( CH/228 receivers and components suitable only for domestic J( radio receivers). NOTE.-Non-specialised components include all types of electronic valves (tubes), capacitors, resistors, coils, antennae and power supplies. C502 Detection apparatus, as follosss:- (a) Ultrasonic detectors, n.c.s. (b) Electrocardiographs (e_scept those T exported in small quantities, where the exporting authorities have made sure that the equipment is intended for medical purposes and report the exports in accordance with the - exceptions" procedure in paragraph 3 of Document 7S2). SECRET SECRET C561 Other Electronics and Precision Instruments Telescopes and binoculars (except opera glasses having no prisms and magnification less than X31). (16) CH/33 C562 Cartographic instruments, as follows:- (29) CH/26 (a) Map-making instruments for use with ground or air CH/207 photographs; (b) Instruments for studying and interpreting air photographs. C563 Measuring and testing instruments for use in engineering workshops, (22) n.e.s. CH/77 (a) Base line equipment; (b) Geodetic theodolites (first order instruments); (c) Precise theodolites having an accuracy better than 4 sexagesimal seconds by direct reading; (d) Theodolites, tacheometers and transits with a telescope magnification of X15 or higher and reading direct to I sexagesimal minute or better; (e) Precise levels for first-order work; (f) Surveyors' and engineers' telescopic levels having telescope magnification of X15 or higher and an object glass aperture 1.2 inches (30 mm.) or larger. (28) CH/77 C571 Precision, scientific, and optical instruments, n.e.s., capable of being (21) used in the development, production and testing of military CH/127 equipment. CH/207 C572 Electronic heating instruments used in the metallurgical. industry, (27) n.e.s. CH/26 SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647AO00200050002-4 SECRET Item No. Description METALS, MINERALS AND THEIR MANUFACTURES (601-699 Series) Metal and Mineral Manufactures C610 Flexible metal tubing, n.e.s. (26) CH/26 (12) Doc. 1051 Basic Metals and Mill Products C635 Iron and steel products, the following:- (11) CH/167 (a) Pig-iron and ingot steel; CH/207 (b) Semi-finished and finished iron and steel, including alloy steel (for example ingots, castings, billets, pipes, tubes, plates, angles and girders). C650 Single or multicore electric power cables insulated with paper and CH/155 metal sheathed, with or without armour and/or serving, n.e.s. Minerals C680 Raw and manufactured asbestos, n.e.s. (except the following:- (14) CH/67 Asbestos cement products; filter asbestos; asbestos jointing CH/207 and packing). CHEMICALS AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS (701-799 Series) A.-Chemicals (701-769 Sub-Series) C750 Cresylic acid including para-, meta- and ortho-cresol and xylenol. B. Petroletrnt Products (770-799 Sub-Series) SECRET (34) CH/65 (1) Doc. 1051 SECRET Item No. Description RUBBER AND RUBBER PRODUCTS (801-899 Series) C801 Rubber and Rubber Compounds Rubber solution, n.e.s. (30) CH/87 C820 7)-res and Tubes Tyres and tubes, n.e.s. (except those for scooters and pedal cycles). (15) CH/87 MISCELLANEOUS (901-999 Series) C910 Photo-plan printing machines, non-optical. (35) CH/26 SECRET