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Approved For ReTease 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000Z0005Q006- S E CR E T 30th 11, ember 1953 DOC. CH/1.70 (53) *DOC Exempt Letter On File* Amendment Sheet No. 1 1 ish Text AMENDMENT SHEET NO. 1 TO THE CHINA SPECIAL LIST The following is a. listing of changes agreed to in the English text of the China Special List since the issuance of Doc.CH/L70. This covers agreed changes on which the waiting period has elapsed witboat reservations, but does not cover reconmenddations on which the waiting period has not elapsed. Item No. Dcc(- ;r c;,z CHANGE Item C..0O1 to read as follows: 0-001 Machine tools and accessories (oxce those Authority CH/207 designed specially for the production of civilian hardware, such as - but not limited to - needle, pin) button, and nailmaking nachinery), as follows : (a) Metal-working; machine tools, n.e.s.; and accessories therefor; (b) Engineers t cutting and forming tools, n.e.s. In Item 0?.266 for "gaz" read "gas it CH/207 In Item 0-327 for "meters" road "metres" CH/207 CHANGE Item C..370 to rend as followst 0-370 Portable Hand Held Power Tools (pneumatic, CH/199 electric, and petrol-operated) designed for the following usest (a) Metal working; (b) Mining and quarrying; (c) Transportation and transportation servicing (rail-rotu's, locomotives, and rolling stock, ships, planes, and motor transport). CHli3GE the note for Item C-375 to road as follows : C_375 (Note: The above sub-paragraph (c) covers CH/207 Note only equipment specially designed for material handling, such as those equipped with crane booms and winches). Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050006-0 Approved For Rase 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-06647A000200050006-0 Item No, Doc.CH/170 (53) Amendment Sheet No.l Description Authority CHANGE (a) of Item C..562 to read as follows: 0;,562 a) Map-making Instruments for use with (a) ground cir air photographs; CHANGE Item C-571 to read as follows: 0-571 Precision, scientific, and optical instruments npe ts, capes 3.e of being used in the development; prrduetion and testing of military equipment CHANGE (b) of Item 0-635 to read as follows : 0-635 b) Semi-finished and finished iron (b) and steel, including alloy steel (for example ingots, castings, billets, pipes, tubes, plates, angles and girders). DELETE the Reservation deadline for Item 0.-650 INSERT a colQn ":" after the words "the following" in the definition of Item 8-680. CH/207 CH/20'"7 CH/207 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050006-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00'6'47A000200Q5O006-0 S E C R E T 30 Novembre 1953 DOC. CH/%70 (53) hmendement No. 1 Texte Fran3f. LMEND ENT NO. 1 A LA LISTS SPECIALS POUR LA CHINE On trcuvera ci-dossous les changements apporte's au texte frangais de la Liste Spociale pour la Chine depuis la publication du Document CH/170. Lra presente liste d'amendements ccmporte les modifications qui ont et6 decidees at p xir lesquellos le delai imparti on vue de la presentation des rdeorvos ost ocoule; ello no comports pas les modifications pour losquelles le delai impartl on vue de la px sentation des reserves ntest pas uccul?, lrticle No. Defir'. ~~ 3n Conformdment au : MODIFIER particle C..001 comme suit : C-001 Machines-outils at leurs accesscires (a ltexception de ceux conr,us sp cia- lei nt pour la production dtarticles civils de quincaillerie tels quo les machines h fabriquer les aiguillos, les boutons of les cleus - Jnunu'ration non limitative-)ja savoir: (a) machines-outils a travailler lo metal, n.d.a; et lours accessoires; (b) outils ?C couper at h former, MODIFIER V article article 0-370 c or ne suit : C-370 Outils mdcaniques, portatifs k main (pnoumatiques, oloctriquos at a esFonco) destines aux usages suivants: (a) Travail des metaux; N (b Mines at carri~ros; (c Transport (chemin de for, locomotives, materiel rculant, navires, avions at autoraobiles). 011/207 CH/1.99 MODIFIER la Note pour particle C-375 come suit : C-375 (Notes Le sous-paragraphs (c) ci-dessus CH/207 (Note) na couvre que 1 t equi ponont sp4ci a1enent dostino a in u inuton ion' tol' quo celui qui eat bquipe do voles do grabs at de treuils). MODIFIER Lttarticle C-571 cc mo suit : 0-571 Instruments scientifiques at optiques de CH/207 precision, n.d.a, pouvant ?tro utilise's pour lt6quipomont rdlitaire daps los rechorchos, la production of los ossais. Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050006-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-006fl7A000200050,006-0 SECRET Articlo No, Dcfinition MODIFIER le point (b) do ltarticle 0.-635 came suit 3.2 (b) Aciers et fers semi-f`-.1-is et finis, (b) y camja is aciers allies (par exemple, lingots, pieces mouldes, billottes, tu; ux, tubes, plaques, angles et outres netralUques). DOC. CH /].70 (53) lendenent No.-1 C onf ornament au: CH/207 SUPPRIKER "date liritc pour ltintroIuction de reservesn l1article 0-650. SECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/26 : CIA-RDP62-00647A000200050006-0