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December 15, 1959
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qMrAUZ f eE /4/G S 3--/
Sanitized - Approv d For Rela`se": CIA-RDP62-0068 OR000100320001-2
1. New Work
a. D/GG
The China Atlas is out. Work is being done on a GM on Overseas
Chinese. An article on the Chinese-Indian border is slated for
publication in the OCI Weekly. The Kurd project is now winding up.
b. D/GL
Busy backing up - activities.
2. Travel 11X 1 A9a
D/GG -- is slated for an Area Familiarization trip to
Africa starting 1 February 1960.
3. Significant Conversations and Contacts
a. National Atlas Committee
reported on a meeting of the National Atlas Committee
at which it was decided to prepare a statement on reasons we should
have a national atlas.
b. Questions Raised by
i X can i r~~a
" reported he was contacted by (LC) on the
following matters: (1) The creating of a roster by AAG of
specialists in Chinese geography. (The inclusion of any Agency
names would not be possible because of security considerations.)
(2) Proposed AAG subcommittee to provide coordinated coverage of
incoming Chinese geographic materials (abstracts, translations,etc.)
wanted to know whether it would be useful for some of our 25X1A9a
people to serve on such a subcommittee. has not yet approached
Security about this, but believes FDD mi t be the ones to participate.
will discuss this further with 25X1A9a
Sanitized - Approved For Relea VMA-RDP62-00680R000100320001-2
Sanitized - Approved For Rel - DP62- 680R000100320001-2
C. Meeting on City Plans Pro jecl5X1 A9a
the City Plans Pro j2`1 X7
d. Briefing of
The new is scheduled to be 25X1 X7
briefed by Chief/G and D/GC tomorrow; he is cleared through SECRET.
indicated interest in talking with 25X1 X7
will try to set up an appointment for him.
4. Proble X1 A9a
a. - reported on problems raised by the obtaining of some air
photog,PR At to of Burma.
b. reminded the Division Chiefs that any problems of a
policy nature should be referred directly through command lines (Ch/G; AD/RR;
5. Public Relations
conferred with Messrs. Terry and Pearcy of State to discuss
how the Department of State will be serviced with maps when CIA moves to the
25X1A9a new building. - assured them that some adequate arrangement will be
set up at the time of the move. also discussed the possibility of25X1A9a
detailing one person to State (physically located at State) sometime before
the move to take care of State's requests for maps. This would be on a
trial basis to see whether this would be an adequate arrangement at the
time of the move.
6. Statement on Major Projects and Activities
The DCI has asked for a statement on major projects and activities
cut out or "beefed up" since 1 July 1956. asked that the 25X1A9a
Divisions prepare a short statement (in terms of man-hours) indicating
those activities or major work (1) done away with; (2) decreased in size
or people; or (3) increased in size or people. This statement is due into
Chief/G by 4 January 1960.
7. Exchange Proposals
a. Cartographic Exchange
This exchange proposal has been referred to East-West Contacts for
action. Two letters have gone out inviting counterparts in the USSR
to come to the U.S. next March.
Sanitized - Approved For Release :-QIA-RDP62-00680R000100320001-2
Sanitized - Appro d For Releaaq J62-006808000100320001-2
b. Geographic Exchange
Q reported that money was now available in Russia for
this exchange.
8. IGU Matters
reported on his agreement with Gornung to exchange names,
papers, and other information relative to U.S. participation in the IGU.
9. Distribution of Unclassified Maps to the Library of Congress
At the request of awkim- procedures have been set up for the
automatic distribution of selected unclassified maps to the Map Division,
Library of Congress, for their use.
10. Staffing During Holiday Season
asked that the divisions have adequate coverage of all
activ es during the holiday period (about 50% coverage).
11. Records Disposition
called the Division Chiefs' attention to ORR Notice 25X1A9a
43-100-1 ORR Records Disposition Pro ram, 8 December 1959.
25X1A9a E MEN of St/A will be around to each of the divisions to talk about
the implementation of this program; they are scheduled to see Chief/G on
Friday, 18 December.
12. Competitive Evaluation Panel
It was decided that Division Chiefs should remain as members of the CEP
for the period starting 1 January 1960.
13. Study of Agency Publications
reported that a study is currently being made by the
Publications omen ttee Chairman) of standard Agency
Sanitized - Approved For Rele RDP62-00680R000100320001-2
Sanitized - Approved For Rey LA-RDP62-00680R000100320001-2
14. Intelligence Collection Guides
asked that future Collection Guides should take into
consideration available Special Intelligence. It was suggested that
perhaps the best way of doin this w to refer it to D/GG to work
in these materials. will discuss this further.
also asked that we be sure that the best efforts of the 25X1A9a
Area go into the production of these Guides,and that they be fully
coordinated within the Area.
15. Debriefing Requirements
Aii " asked that uestions relative to the surveying of sites
for missiles launching areas people, organizations, special surveying
projects) be worked in wherever possible in presenting debriefing require-
ments relative to geodetic control. is checking with NSA on this.
16. Procurement of Information on Latin American Countries
asked about the coordination of operational support work
on Latin American countries and Geographic Attache and other possible
25X1A9a procurement activities. indicated he was currently coordinating
with AMS on the matter.
17. E&E Orientation Course (operational techniques)
i i " reported that eight D/GG personnel are scheduled to take
a one-week E&E Orientation Course early in January.
18. Domestic Procurement Slots
stated that the revised job descriptions on the domestic
procurement slo submitted within the next 2 or 3 weeks.
will check withts and go over these soon. 25X1A9a
Sanitized - Approved For ReI - k,9A RDP62-0068OR000100320001-2