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fr1 CC-7-Al GS 3-~ Sanitized - Approved For ReI ;' __, RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 Ch/G Staff Meeting 13 August 1959 ACTION REQUIRED Item No. 3. To be discussed at a later meeting. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 12. None required. 13 of it 14. 10 it 15. Plans to be discussed at next staff meeting. Action Required of Ch/G Action Required of Divisions ')aV1 An. None required. Actg. Chief, D/GG to investigate. Rpt. of Current Status of East-West Changes to be sent to D/GL. 25X1A9a to make known their ideas & findings at a later session. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 MINUTES OF THE GEOGRAPHIC RESEARCH AREA STAY MEETING, 13 AUGUST 1959 9SYlAPP PRESENT: 1. D/GG Editors 25X1A9a 25X1A9a as to the role of the D/GG Editors in St/PB. stated he thought their role was meant to be of a high policy review type as well as mechanical and substantive. For a clearer understanding are to meet at a later date. 25X1A9a 2. Satellite Peripheral Roads 25X1A9a 25X1A9a At suggestion stated he would look into the analysis of all Satellite and USSR railroad and road building as related to possible strategic use in event of war because he was aware of the Army Engineers being involved in such studies. However, he did mention that he thought an MR study would prove profitable since it would acquaint people at headquarters of its significance. 3. PAIGH General Assembly Meeting informed the group that the PAIGH General Assembly meeting will be at Lima, Peru some time between 1 May and 15 June 1960. 4. Collection Guide Series for ORR 25X1A9a advised that i' St/I/RR, was sending him a memorandum spelling out the specific details which he, along with representatives from the Economic Area and St/PB, had worked out for an ORR Collection Guide Series. The format would be similar to that 25?5X .A9zpf the OCR and OSI Collection Guide Series. It was recommended that X~/~ Messrs. meet with to see what can be done to include the types of collection guide work that is needed for topographic maps and other mapping intelligence items. stated he thought this can be an excellent formal recognized vehicle which the area could now use to guide collectors toward procurement. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 5. SA to Ch/G/RR 25X1A9a 25X1A9a announced that will be detailed for a two-year period to the Office of the Chief Geographic Research as Special Assistant to Ch/G. will resume his duties as a Senior 25X1A9a Cartographer to the Cartography Division at the end of this period. 25X1A9a will be Acting Branch Chief of the Far East Compilation Branch, D/GC, during this time. 6. Fulfillment of Requirement Requests It was decided that the responsibility should rest with the researcher formulating the requirement to make sure that requirements submitted have taken into consideration all kinds of sensitive material already on hand, thus eliminating the need for St/I to check back with the individual each time to make sure that this has been done. 7. Senior Officer College Candidates asked for nominations to the Senior Officer Schools and Colleges. GRA. did not have any for this time, however, - did25XlA9a mention he would like to nominate D/GG personnel the next time. 8. East-West Geographer Exchange notified the group of the receipt of a copy of a letter that came in to from Mr. Chauncey Harris, 25X1A9a Dean of the Division of the Social Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois addressed to Mr. Frederick T. Merrell, Director, East-West Contacts Staff, Department of State. In the letter Mr. Harris is passing on his views about the exchange team and states that the whole negotiation is being held up pending financing by the National Science Foundation. He also makes mention of the end of April and May as being appropriate times for the Soviet Delegation to come to the United States. stated that the status of the exchange25X1 A9a is included in Report No. 13 of the Current Status of East-West 25X1A9a Exchanges of 1 July 1959 prepared by East-West Contacts Staff, Department of State. requested that report be forwarded to him. 9. Machines at Map Library 25X1A9a Suggestion made to 25)C that specialist from St/FM, be called in to make an objective survey of what functions or savings, if any, 25X1A9 could be accomplished by utilization of machines in the Map Library. It was decided that meet to discuss situation first. 10. D/GG Vacancies made known that D/GG had three cut and dried vacancies. Sanitized - Approved For Rele se--" -RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 lew .M0, 25AAA9a arctic Course 25X1A9a advised that have returned from their TDY at the Arctic Course at McGill University. They both thought the course to be at a very high intellectual level and expect to give their findings and ideas in a session in about a week or so. 25X+A9aGM on Laos described a project being self-initiated on Laos which will be published as a GM. It was coordinated with ONE, OCI and DD/P. 25X1A9China Atlas commented that the China Atlas was all set and ready to go with no loose ends left. 25X1X7 15. IGU Meetings Plans for GRA participation in the IGU meetings in Stockholm in 1960 to be discussed at the next staff meeting. Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62-0068OR000100320008-5 Sanitized - Approved For Releass&LQ RDP62-0Q6 0R000100320008-5 25X1A6a *16. Proposed Reduction in Strength of DD/I Components, 25X1A9a made known as into that the DD/I sent a memo to Chief, NE dated 21 July 1959 in which he proposes to cut the Strategic Branch by 4 and Scientific Branch by 7. Of the total reduction of 11 positions, 7 would be affected by simmer of 1960 and the remainder of 4 by the summer of 1961. Mr. Amory's memo also pointed out that this would reduce Agency total capability to produce S & T intelligence at the highest effective level. Mr. Amory strongly recommended the consideration of the assignment of S & T specialists from DD/I to support and assist collection activities at field stations. *17. OPAL 1959 25X1A9a informed the Division Chiefs that GRA's problem will be that the team will be expected to develop invasion areas based upon certain assumptions that will be laid down for the particular problem. Substantive competence will be needed for.Soviet Union material. 25X1A9a is mainly interested in the administrative functioning of a team in a critical situation. The total GRA team will be as follows: 3 from D/GG -- 3 from D/GC -- 2 from D/GL 25X1A9a *18. Unloved Project 25X1A9a brought up the problem of coming upon an unlogged project in a USSR Branch map drawer. (This project was an overlay of a map of USSR, along with a listing of coordinates and points, 15 in all.) 5X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62-00680R000100320008-5