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September 9, 1959
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Sanitized - Appr
62-0 68ORO X042
YQr Y'" 'I'll NR
G MI `:i.'tW, iq1. "LL1UF. 'CE AARMCY
Washington 25, D .C D.C.
9 September 195 )
1 MORANDUM FORS: Members of the Chapter IX Subcommittee
SUBJECT: Minutes of NI S Chapter IX Subcomali.ittee Meseting,
24 August 1959
1. A meeting of the NIS Chaqter V Subcommittee was held at 1)3(:)
on 2l August 1959 to establish the Chapl.er IX schedule for FY 1901,
review the forecast for FY 1962, and oixrli.ne a forecast for FY 1963
The following were in attendance
Mr. Arthur Cavanagh
Mr. Edwin Killalea
Mr. Alvin Munn
Mr. Eugene F. Doerflr
Mx . Dicka?ara 7C . Bovyepi.an
Mr. John V. McNairy
Miss Mary Ser,: ing
Mr. Willis R:,: Meyers
ACIC ( ambe'.
ACIC (alter gate)
ACSI (.m~,arbe x.-)
AWS (alternate)
USRHo Charts (member)
USNRO Oceanography (w-inher
CIA (chairman)
2. Representation of R.rie ae .t '?hatea GC Subcommittee meet n ;as
The chairman raisad a. quest. on es to the practice o." having mo: :
than one representaat?.i.'veee o`?' +~a con';ri.t:-iting agency at Subcr),am1ttee metA;ings-
It was noted that the ;~zaa:l;M1.1 ie x%apresen.ta ;iron of sorttr age acies may ''end
to handicap the ss;pr: ,{,:.a>_ t of ag, ncy vi n b t by cthier? 3 :.'cendees.
After sox discussion, 1b > roue dat.tirrrinad that on_1.y h t,,ti-omatttee ;aembe,rs
or their cal terntttes &iouif . sA -nl meetings for the purx,o ae of exipre:aai.n?;
agency viewpoints. Attenc ante b;/- other persons should be limited by
those instances in which a n~ u.,Wm e ? recuire ; a techrti.ezel -onsu1tant or
in which a replacema.- "oye the member or l is alternate iar to be int-oduceri:
3 , ate "c.wo of faint en -anc a at.adi.es to New Studies
In establishing the cI er:.a1.:;:s and forecasts for : " Ot'1 63, th'!
Subcommittee conside ad tae guI1d:anca: ec;at: fined in CL :?s `s tiff Study o
Maintenance dated 18 t'+a;r 1.9`9, e =:mc ra^dxrii of *27 April =959 from the
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..S i ' ,ed -Approved. For Release,: CIAfFD -006 0.80002 , 0120004-0=
Chairm=an of the NIS Committee, the J:-o" priority I .st , arld the a,~-;,u&.1
mapping situations in individual. N IS Areas. The ACIC tuber proposed
that Chapters IX for all Areas in Category I of the JCS priority
be revised every 3 years and that provision be made for revising pasts
of chapters as needed, without the necessity of revising subsections
pertaintng to mapping situations that have changed too little to warrant
revision. Other Subcommittee members felt that to revise as many
Category I Chapters IX as ACIC proposed would preclude the accomplishment
of new work. The ACID member agreed to table the scheduling proposal.
pending final action by the NIS Coi,imittee on the F"f 1963 schedule.
Action on limiting the revision of subsections was felt to be outside the
Subcommittee?s province.
4. Schedule for FX 161
The schedule for FY 1961 was rreconsiderted and. approved with two
a) At the request of the Army mPm',e the ~ yea` . for NIS 39BM
was transferred from the FY 1961 to the F! 1963 srheduln because of
major topographic mapping programs in the Area which will not tae
concluded in time for coverage in an earl. ier appraisal. After some
discussion, NIS 25A formerly in the 1962 forecast) 4oaas aurj4tit t`d for
NZS 39B14.
b) At the request of the CIA contributory the date for initial
contributions to NIS 103 war, changed fro kr 7a .uary 1x')60 to March 1960; the
due date at OBI will remain October 1960..
The Subcommittee agreed to recommend the foil grin g Chapter IX
schedule for FY 1961 to the NIS Committee:
Contributions due
NIS No. and Area at D /(1G
Chapter to OBI
South Pacific
>a 60
Oct 60
Ghana and T'ogolend
Sep 60
Jan 6.1
f.O r.
9c (SP0
-Iia. 01
26N U.S.S.R. eJu 1. 6
dun 61
5. Forecast for FY'19!~g
In reconsidering the forecast for fr',,i. 1962p thrcC: dram es were made
by the Subcommittee:
as Y IS 56A was subs ituted f "o- N I'S s 1 after f1 a u considering NIa
NIS 21: , NIB 20, HIS 1 ' , I 60 681, preferred
because, variously, it IS in the ca general geogr chic area as :4IS 51,
it would not impose an undue burden or. prodticers, it vas regarded as
presently more important from the n app:Ln;ic :x praisa point of vie." , and it
would not add a fifth maintenance study to the *che a .._a for the year.
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b) NIS 68M was si.zbt;tituteci for NIB 25A, wkich had been =a-.*ed tc
the fl 196? sci}edule. In deciding upon NIB 68 , consideration was also
given to NIB r and Nis 67, but the A: r member considered NIS 68 most
important because of the status of th'a mapping programs there.
c At the suggestion of the Army aimber, the submittal dates of
NIB 42M and Nis 89 were reversed.
The forecast for F( 1962 as agreed upon by the Subcommittee is as
NIS No. nd Area
Contrib%;tions due
et b
mar 6_-i_
Aug 61
Kenya and Zanzibar
Apr 61
Nov 61
may 61
Jan 62
42M Thailand
jury 6::.
Feb 62
52 Equatorial jhf e:?ic.a Aug 6:
Mar 62
39AM Communist China
Sep 6ii.
Apr 62
14g Poland
Oct 6:
May 62
88 Peru Nov 6:.1-
Jun 62
6. Forecast for ] '-' 3.96
The ehairman pointed out that the forecast proposed to the Subcomml:tee
by the Chapter IK Coordinator represented a departure from previous schedules
in that it includes only three new C apters IK. All members concurred lb
the desirability of this change. lost ;of the new area selections are bays ed
on the JCS priority _L:s~. :trather than on actual mapping; situations After
also consider in the pom sibiii y of including NIS 4014,, NIS 4911, i 541A.
NIS 56B, NIB 677, and NaIS 78, the following forecast was agreed to by
the Subcommittee. The t~ttxdies are listed. in order of anticipated due d;ai;es.
Nis o . and A:(.-ea
39i eta` for -11 st China
5() 3i ~r?re Leone, Gambia, and Portuguese Guinea
3 3 erfc`Ue
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Nis No ad_ AMei(con.)
56C Tanganyika
21M Yugoslavia
NIS 398M was placed fir :t in priqrity et the request of ACTC and AW1,
so that work on NIS 39;4 and 39A will be as close together in time as
7. 1 2 _ o ( U . S . S . R . )
Scheduling The AWS representative asked whetter Section 19 of NZ 26 might be
rescheduled so as to fall due ~xf' r tb Chempter ?X for the Area. Y was
determined that such a proposal was outside the province of the Sub+-omm.ittee
and should be made through the FIB rc)w ittee member.
8. Subcommittee M*etin on 26 A ;,ust 19
The chairman reminded the e;rou of the Subcommittee meeting sc=heduled
for Wednesday, 26 August, at l1CO, to consider the pending aerial p.hotogrephy
23I8 Chapter Coordinator
Sanitized - Approved For Releases : CIA-RDP62-00680R000200120004-0