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Document Creation Date: 
December 9, 2016
Document Release Date: 
February 21, 2001
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Publication Date: 
March 5, 1956
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PDF icon CIA-RDP62B00844R000200010352-2.pdf60.6 KB
Approved Fe jRelease 209 f TCIA-RDP62B008 8000200010352-2 5 March 1956 Y10RANDUM FOR: Project Director SUBJECT: Proposal to Utilize AACS Personnel 1. It is now apparent that Project AQUATONE will require the augmentation of the staff of operators and technicians at my principal radio stations to an extent not originally contemplated and in excess of the TbO of each station. I do riot have sufficient qualified personnel for this purpose-nor can I forsee a recruiting program that would promptly yield qualified personnel. '2. It is my understanding that the Strategic Air Force will procure and operate aircraft nearly identical to AQUATONE's. In this event the ARCS will be required to furnish the same support to SAC that the Office of Communications will provide for AQUATONE. It would appear'to the distinct advantage of the AACS (and USAF) if some of their technicians could acquire operational and tech- nical experience with the ground station aspects of System ?'2 at my ground stations during AQUATONE. It is my belief that, with, Air Staff approval, the Commanding General of the AACS would be pleased to make available up to 65 specially selected personnel for distribution among my radio stations. I do not forsee any serious security problems in this matter. Further, I believe this virtually the only method by which I can properly reinforce my base radio stations to adequately perform their AQUATONE support functions. 3. Since it appears to be to the mutual advantage of the Agency and the Air Force to place this plan into operation, your concurrence is solicited. Further, your assistance is required to obtain Air Force approval. I am confi- dent that with these approvals I can arrange directly with General Hale for the early implementation of this course of action. 1. M. McCLELLAND RICHARD M. BISSELL, JR. Project Director Approved For Release 2001/QCtA`A-RDP62B00844R000200010352-2