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Document Release Date: 
December 1, 1998
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Publication Date: 
February 4, 1958
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PDF icon CIA-RDP62S00231A000100100133-6.pdf63.1 KB
'S& fl 1 d - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100133-6 Office Memorandum ? UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT TO Chief, Industrial Division, ORR FROM : Chief, Military Economics Branch SUBJECT: Monthly Report: January 1958 DATE: 4 r'eb:-nary 1953 1. Accomplishments: a. `ranch Projects Submitted: None b. Other Projects t'ubmi_tted: 1) Contribution: to Project 1If.1893; the Soviet bud,-et paper. X 2) Project S-237, Information on Announced. Soviet :efense f ?2,xpendituree, submitted to Dr. Herbert Block, :D"S/OIR/State. 3) Project a-211, Information on Estimated Total YI"_litary ExpenditureE of the USER, 19147-5g, submitted to Mr. I?. Conlin, U-TCA/State. .) Informal contribut:ion to AU on Soviet ruble-dollar ratios in response to OCI request* c. Special F__,search: None d. Other: FOIAb3c 1) Consulted at the request of i?Ir. datc-iman, regarding Soviet airfield construction. 25X1A9a attended two meetings of the Soviet weapons P;eouiremente, Committee. 25X1A9a 3) O1sE Post Mortem of NIL 11-4-57 with Mr. Greenslade. DA. 1a) The Branch arranged to acquire three files of Special material covering Soviet financial data from TFi. These ar?e : i) ?'air file (untranslp-ted.) t) Published material file on 5 x 8 cards. c) Special file dealing with article numbers (budget) :artaining to the rlinistry of defense Sanitized - Approved For R P62S00231A000100100133-6 Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62SO0231A000100100133-6 2 2. Training: No formal training was initiated or completed in January. 3. Trips: None 1.~. Administration: Administrative files were reorganized in accordance with St/A format 5. Plans a. The i/?TE contribution to ERA Project 10.1626, 1955 Ruble- Dollar Ration, is expected to be completed in February. b. Recomnrtendations to he used in pren ra.tioa of the Reference for NIE 11-L.-58 are expected to be completed in February. 6. Problems: There are none. 7. Recommendations: None. 25X1A9a Sanitized - Approved For Release : CIA-RDP62S00231A000100100133-6