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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 20 - 62SO0346A000100090010-7 r .L955 All. :P''."erd'c as 1.oo s x : r . II KU;; Chief; Materials Division wa ', tll~ns wlxth NSA It, This nem; r. sud;axm : ~i inten se clarify e.~ci s tip admfaat . ia9',a'a ve requfg zts regerd1 ; reit'ati ms betwen ti4e Divis az4 M. I 2. 3 coved uree to . " . ?G ei''. by analyst . -setting-up a vlzt'~ are as the (a) Meek ek p v: Mb his i 3 :te supervisor s data ~rre UP tlealci: ?aa bi ,i: if' of l.'..e:rdiel t a on the quests at, hand; (b) Per ! 'l v e~*jDtect Ca: aqapwt on 2101 I'M, Mg-,v ext- P813; at :feet; tax-a i' k g days prier .to first inter d v sit .. Adv5 s z E ,g S iu to most coq4ote the dotall possible of the :x a M? for tJ a Intended visit, (a draft outline is regu3aE d, ?, uic .aai y ; tteti, f qr other than spot questions), tree tersori or seat a; he Intends to visit, a the tame. prefers for the vi slit 0 The re q,uire r t: far adv nce notice and a states t of interest is necessary to in- sure that the appropriates; ft aral4vtx available and to give the NSA persw i tip to cheek their material. Because of Ineacect Statements of Interest, rats have fowad an arriving at N81 that the pile who cauLd be of help to them Sere unavailable, and/or that c iderabie t is spent in locating anything which amp be of assistance. fiber Pwft is to pr: the eon. in the cbein of a , both its OFS and in , with stee IWIcati of the and nature of the 31alson activities. In the cam of an analyst vho has d ant ; budge. and o desires to visit 25X1A2g MwIth ate be & p viol established a continuing i- IM , in con action V th a spot question Bch will not te" a great dea of WA i s the provisions of the foregoing may' be valved, i.e. the analyst can nab his own arrano ts. This W*1v+er epp,Ues 2qy to visits to - 25X1 A2g has bran cleared, Upon i vi d. by the &p rt Sta ' that the visit. e with the Staff for .Ural potation. Approved For Release 2000/09/07 : CIA-RDP62SO0346A000100090010-7 25X1A2g Appsp4 @ 1 FX1Bg1/9I 4Dgf:$A346 vs 000100090010-7 (a) 'or occasional v ,sita, env- hour convenient to both parties is suitable. ho vers when an analyst is putting in several full, days at NEW, his hours must cenforrAl to the regular working hours the unit he is visiting, i.e. 0745 to 1515 or 0730 to 1600. The ai6nalyst' a D/M Branch will continue to be responsible f reporting his time and attendance. The analyst will keep his Branch Office advised on his physical location and of the telextens at which he may be contacted _~ .._. whil e he is LV/\ 1llVG (b One Wren from the Support Staff, currently 25X1A9a is designated to represent ORR's substantive interests at =A,, and spends most of his time there. He my be contacted in connection with any problem which m , at the office of the CIA Senior Staff Officer 25X1A9a 25X1A9a exercises general staff supervision over this Div a on s relations with lid,. It is desirable that he be kept advised of visits by pal fkvm this Division, although prior checks are not necessary. Be any be of assistance regarding who to we or where to check for' specific Information. In ad Ution, since be spends considerable time at NSA., be can be of help in getting quick spot answers. 5- All personnel frGM this Division are cautioned that in their contacts with 1ISA personnel, nothing must be said implying the laying anon of a requirement or the changing of priorities. The only accept- able channel for such requests is from the ranch, through the,Divi- siq~o~n,, Support Staff, ORR, to OCI Requirements Staff for further i n nIt s ~ to NM . 6. The Division is required to submit each Monday to the OAR Support Staff a uea. giving the names of people who visited 3SA during the previous week, the dates, the time involved, and the panels cotscted. It Is requested that each Branch furnish to the Division Office prior to 12DO each Monday a note with - the foregoing information, initle$ d by scime responsible person free the Bra~anch. 7. In addition, it is requested that each analyst visiting NSA forward to the Division Chief (th.u h the B h Ch g ran nc ief) a brief note, not necessarily typed, including dates and time of visit, subjects discussed, the organizationj, people, and fibs vlaei r,Ped, and a general assessment of the profitability of the visit. It Is not intended that such a report be submitted for each visit, but it is desirable that such reports be prepared when new subjects are broached, different organizations contacted, or when anything of particular interest occurs. These infora reports are for the general information of the Division, but mould it appear that a more formal report requiring wider dissemination is desirable., the Division may request it an an ad hoc basis. :rmr/3011 25X1A9a