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PDF icon CIA-RDP62S00545A000100090115-0.pdf80.39 KB
The attached p blet has been prepared in response to requests made by eertein State Department foreign Installations. It is designed for the specific purpose of providing American officials with c rete exaa =lea of Sic o?Sovlet Bloc economic penetration. There exaeaaples have been selected in order to demonstrate gryaphicalL.y the disadvantages of ee o relationships with the Bloc, and be used in supporting argments against Bloc economic overtures. In order to achieve this purpose, a number of exales from published sources has been included. In some Inetanees information from classified sources has been used, but the 1nfor- anion itself has been declassified. Therefore, all the euaelea contained in the paper may be freely discussed with foreign nationals, although obviously in some cases no source attribution may be aa-sde. Trat`or- 25X1X4 Nation which has been obtained from quotable sources is identified as such. because the exaanp1es have been drawn from many countries and because they relate to varied experiences, It is felt that the paper will be useful for Aaaaeriean offtooisle in aLmoeat all countries confronted with the problem of Bl o* ee mte penetration. obviously, there will be a need for selectivity in using ales which viii be Appropriate for local situations. For an official analysis of the Bloc foreign economic offensive, the attention of readers is invited to Deputy fader Secretary Dillon' s recent presentation to the Ssuete Committee on Foreign Relations, which was reprinted in the r ar u t of State Raar i.etia ( h 94, 1958, PP. ' . A# a areas- directed to the regaalav series of EIC (Economic Intelligence Committee)) c aified reports: Sino . met RIO* Economic Activities in rdevel,oped Areas (BI-weekly), Secret, and Slno-Soviet Bloc Economic Activities to Uaderdeveloped Areas (:.nl - Ansl ) fret. Approved For Release 2000/09/11 : CIA-RDP62SO0545A000100090115-0