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Approved FqLReleas'2000/ nt No. In dfii"Mq hZ1 all ED J'JL 1959 CRAND[1I Fes: The Director of Training M BJBCT: Proposed Contingency Force Training Program The attached Tab A is for information. Tab B in for t73' s consideration and appropriate action. 2. In the meeting of 16 Jui.y 1959, in the A/DD/P/P's office, it was agreed that the training proposals of manpower 25X1A9a study would be forwarded to O'R for appropr ate urger study and recommendation. Tab A, attached, is forwarded as a matter of information as it reflects the range of operational specialists that might be required b provide a ready capability to cope with any of the situations defined 25X1A in the Limited Warfare concept paper. Separate position descriptions have been drafted to provide criteria and responsibilities for each of the position titles. The concerned components of 3 have -jr are preparing, in coordination with PP/1 .1, similar titles and de- scription in order to provide a composite force. It is recognized that for training purposes and in most actual operations many of these positions 'ill have to be combined. 4. The problem of training CIA staff personnel appears to be in ;eta ree parts : a. The initial training of young officers thereby developing depth in manpower capability and fulfilling the requirements for replacements in the basic PAi skills; b. the provision of refresher training for previously trained and experienced personnel thereby updating L heir proficiency in the basic s.kill.s; t' apparent need, for special training in task force operations. 1 Approved For Release 2000/09/1 0) 000100030037-3 Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309 00100030037-3 5. The most pressing need in tersis of improving the capability to cope with contingency situations concerns b. and c. above. While the need for improving the a. part of the problem is apparent., it is recognized that the real issue here is one of stimulating an interest in such training. In this respect, it is believed that the proper handling of the b. and c. requirements would not only provide an improved ready contingency capability but would also stimulate an interest among younger officers in this kind. of activity. 6. his Staff will endeavor to work closely with TER in trying to improve both the participation and the substance of training courses in the basic PM field.. The attached T Wu Bp however, provides & specific proposal for a special training program to fulfill the needs expressed 25X1A9a above under b. and c. PP/Fa(D, extension 4611, vill be availa- ble to discuss the details of this proposal with your Staff. 25X1A9a Acting Chief Psychological and Paramilitary Staff Attachments: Tab A Tab 3 Approved For Release 2000/09/13IEP63-00309A000100030037-3 25X1C1Oc Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309A000100030037-3 Next 2 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309A000100030037-3 Approved For Releas2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309A0100030037-3 Cont nc Force Training Prog=?em I. Tom: Task Force Operations Familiarization Training Program II. OUBU TI M While all mesibers or alternates on the Contingency Force roster have had experience and training in their assigned positions many of them require a refresher course in their respective basic skills and practically all of theca are in need of familiarization training in task force operations. Accordingly, it is the objective of this training program to provide both of the foregoing needs. The need is nov but, in order to provide adequate time for the preparation of this program and considering the related problems involved, the timing of this training should be resolved according to the most practicable period for all concerned. The PP/C/'%D will be available for consultation with OTR on this determination. IV. FRa4J C7 of `T"IMIRa: It is desired that this program be placed on an annual basis. Y. Ift OF T LING P MOD: it is recognized that three (3) weeks is a short period to cover so much material. However, it Is necessary to accept -the fact that many of the individuals would have difficulty in leaving their current assignments for a longer period. Further, the need for economy makes it necessary to reduce the coast of this training to the rminimian consistent with the merits of the objective. Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309A000100030037-3 Approved For Releas2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309A0100030037-3 1I. P P.ARATION OP MATXRIAL: The PP Senior Staff Is prepared to assist the OlYR in pre- paring the material for this program. VII.. TRADING INSTRUCTORS : The PP Senior Staff Is prepared to assist the O in providing instructors and special lecturers for this program. 'III. Pr4PIM CURRICUIII4 : The folioering curriculum in broad terms is intended to only outline the training program. The PP Senior Staff is prepared to review the subjects in further detail with O. Course 1: Title - Task Force Doctrine and Operations Time Three (3) days Kind of instruction - SQiinar/lecture Attendance - Yuil class Title - Refresher Training in Basic Skills Time Nine (9) days Kind of instruction -- Classroom mad field Attendance Class to be divided into fcalloeing sub-classes for separate uraining: (a) Task force plans and operations officers (b) PM operations (including ktr &,nd Maritime) (c) 1rI/CI operations (in- e,w- ng Military Operations Officer) (d) PP operations Course III: Title - Task Yorce `ield Exerclae (C ) Time Three (3) days Livid of instruction -- Monitoring Attendance - Pull class 25X1A6a 11 is dtaired that this entire course be conthicted ioMever, if availability of personnel and economy necessitate holding the time to a minima. then It you d be fusible to conduct Course I and. certain Course II sub sects at Headquarters with the other Course II and Course III Approved For Release 2000/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309A000100030037-3 Approved For Release*Pd00/09/13 : CIA-RDP63-00309A0 100030037-3 25X9 In order to obtain maximum benefit from this training program it is believed necessary to provide a balanced operational task force group with emphasis on the paramilitary personnel. Accordingly, it is proposed that each class consist of _ 25X9 ? students from the contingency Force in the approximate allocations as follows: A. Ccoo i nd Level Oorssand, plans and chiefs of operations officers 25X1 C 25X1 C a. FA Operations Officers GW Case Officers Case Officers se Officers C. PP Operations Officers PP` Case Officers Officers e Officers I. Intelligence Operations Officers Tactical Intelligence Officers Order of Battle Specialists Psych-intelligence Officer 1. Counter Intelligence Operations Officers F Military Operations Officers 0. Maritime Operations Officers H. Air Operations Officers 25X9 Approved For Release 2000/0Tft j If-RDP63-00309A000100030037-3