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Document Release Date:
May 2, 2002
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Publication Date:
March 18, 1959
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lq March 1959
'1 8 MAR .,
STAFF Ml;ET NG MM S - 17 March 1959
personnel Present: Mr. Bissell
-Mr, Reber
25X1 C
25X1 C
ACTION: Mr . CuYardngliam
Col. Geary
Mr. Cunning
Mr0 Bissell suggested. that thought be given to activities other
than the over-flights contlated; for example F-- i 25X1 C
2. U-2 v's. F:Gh ''Z' RAD RSA S/#N D11O .APB I repoxrted 25X1A
that the Navy could support U-2 vs. Flight Radar tests twice a month.
Mr. Bissell felt that such a proem to entirely desirable and that
we should go ahead with such plans.
ACTION: Operations
3. TEST STATUS BOARD - The second aircraft (number 358) has gone
into IRl1Nfor J-75 modification two days ahead of schedule. In this
25X1 C connection, it was determined that the J-75 mods should. be carried.
on regardless of At present, a prrrval has
been riven to cut tunes for the modification, but actual inzte-Ilatien
tests of the second J- are being delayed
25X1 C
ilmmver, this is only an internal
Pee1of 3
t j J
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25X1 C
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approval mechanism and wJ.ll not in any way halt the mcdifications,
particularly in view of the fact that Mr. Bissell is certain that
Kelly Johnson has reached a point of confidence wherein he would
guarantee a 3,000 foot increase across the profile.
4. MALFUNCTION REPORT - Noise in aircraft 3 78 (T-Band vs .
Systems III has been corrected. Detachments will continue to
keep working on this and correlate findings w th Headquar ers.
TRACK M - In view of the fact that thirteen missions have
been run without any Tracker rw2function, it appears that the
malfunctions were as a result of a let-down in quality control
rather than. the equipment itself- l4,. Bissell commented on above
to the effect that these monthly reports are extremely worth-while
and should be encour Used.
5. GERMAN ThIP REPORT - Col. Burke advised that the over-all
purpose of the trip, n&-mely, a survey of air assets in Wiesbaden,
had been successfully acecauplished and concrete reccmme-ndations as
to their use would be made before the end of the week. He briefly
reported that maintenance was adequate and ccmlpara,ble to that
performed on other USA.r E aircraft.
Regarding training: their operations that are conducted in
light aircraft was good, but, in the C-54, not quite so good, due
to the German weather an-d the requirement to perform it only
during proper moon phases. It was suggested to the air unit there
that stagings be co_ ~c ucted to off-set above disadvantages.
Col. Burke also reported that the operational facility was good
and that definite ement has been noted under the ages live
direction of There will be in Wiesbaden a conference, 25X1 A
commencing 5 April, to which DPD Will send instructed delegates.
Purpose of the conference is future of the Round Robins.
WRITTEN APPROVALS CM-0 9 Mr. Bissell stated that it was
highly desirable to revert to the practice of having one focal
point for oral or written approvals of additional. contracts and
that this focal point should be the Contracting Officer. Recently,
there has been a tendency for the approval to emanate from various
offices which leads to confusion both here and at the suppliers.
While there is no objection to an informal approval on a crash
basis, it is necessary that the approval and confirmation come
from the Contracting Officer in order to maintain uniformity of
7. Oft ITS Mr. Bissell. directed that all action on
procurement of E. TNT equipment (receivers) be held asp pending
re-examination of the program.
ACTION: Operations
Clta.L-O C8
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25X1 D
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W. Bissell then brought to the attention of the staff that
one of the Area Divisions is planning an operation which involves
air assets. He used this as an example of an instance in which
he Will require from DPD units their best judgemnt on the success
probability, requirements, the flight plan, II and, the over-
all feasibility of the plan. lie will then use this guidance in
discussing this intended project as well as all future ones with
the Area Divisions concerned.
ACTION: Mr. Reber, Operations
He expressed his feeling that ourier aircrai't; was
very worthwhile and that Operations should continue to assess
its capability.
A decision is expected this week regarding the CORONA extension
(Y -60)
Mr. Bissell reported that he had what he described as an
attractive proposal from Kelly Johnson, relative to the GUSTO
vehicle. This should be looked at before final coanitents are
made on this program.
Colonel, USAF
Acting Chief, DPD-DD/P
1. - LID/P
2 - A-DD/P-P
3 - A/C-DPD-DD/P
4 - Mr. Reber
5 - Admin DPD-DD/P
6 - Cover DPD-DD/P
7 - R & D DPD-DD/P
8 - Security DPD-DD/P
9 - Personnel DPD-DD/P
10 - Contracting DPD-DD/P
11 - Materiel DPD-DD/P
12 - Comoro DPD-DD/P
13 - Ops DPD-DD/P
15 - Finance DPD-DD/P
16 - Cal. Leary
17 - Air Div. DPD-DD/P CHAL- 5O8
18 - Admin Orono DPD-DD/P Page 3 of 3 Copy of 18
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